Volcanism; products and processes

Volcanoes and volcanic eruptions always capture the imagination, so long as one is at a safe distance from the action. These processes have been instrumental in shaping Earth – physical and human landscapes and ancient migration routes, the origin and shaping of life, climate, plus all those subterranean processes deep in Earth’s crust and mantle. Volcanic rocks provide a window into our ancient world and worlds beyond our own. Observing volcanism in action tells us which window to open.

Geology for Kayakers #2 Huka Falls, New Zealand


Geology for Kayakers #4 In The Shadow of The Volcano


Geology for Kayakers #8 The Toba eruption – how a super volcano almost stopped humanity in its tracks


The brutality of Surtsey’s laboratory


Overture to a cave; the spectacle of jointing in ancient basalt lava flows


Lahars; train-wreck geology


Islands with attitude; the devastation wrought by collapse of oceanic volcanoes


Erupting mud volcanoes: we have ignition


Deciphering a volcano’s moods; predicting volcanic eruptions


Hiking with my grandson


The Pink and White Terraces, Magic Lanterns, and 19th century narratives


Mount St. Helens: 40th Anniversary
