Tag Archives: cleavage

Kinematic analysis of deformed rock



En echelon tension gashes in dolomitic sandstone, filled with quartz


This post is part of the How To… series

Kinematics is the branch of classical mechanics that studies movement. Questions of movement in the geological world center on deformed rock, the kind that produces fault zones and landslides, thrust sheets and folds, or entire mountain belts and the evolving boundaries of tectonic plates. Our analyses can probe single crystals in thin section, or entire mountains.

Kinematic analysis is essentially a geometric exercise. In the geological world, kinematics is concerned with the change in location (translation) of a body of rock or parts of a rock, its rotation, distortion (changing shape), and dilation (changing size). Changes in location and orientation are described as rigid body deformation; in this case the body of rock is unchanged apart from wholesale movement.  Deformation that results in a change in shape or size of a rock body is referred to as non-rigid. Note that there is no reference to the forces that bring about deformation.

Four basic kinds of rock deformation, or strain

In the diagram above I have overlaid the image of a cobble (hard andesite) with an orthogonal grid. The grid provides useful reference points for changes in position or shape. In the case of translation via faulting, we can measure the separation of two reference points to determine the amount of displacement. Rigid body rotation can be measured as an angular displacement with reference to clockwise/counter clockwise movement (in this case it is important to record the direction of observation). Distortion and dilation can be measured as changes in lengths, for example changes in the major and minor axes of the cobble will indicate the degree of shortening or stretching. In this case, assumptions need to be made about original shape and this is where body fossils, some trace fossils, and objects like ooids are particularly useful because their shapes are well known.

The four end-member conditions are a useful starting point for kinematic analysis but deformation of rock commonly creates more than one geometric response. Boudinage is the extension of contiguous rock into separate blocks (translation); if there is a component of shear these blocks will rotate. The example from Belcher Islands illustrates this nicely – each sandstone boudin has been rotated as a rigid body. However, the surrounding shale has behaved in a more ductile manner and became distorted as it filled gaps between the boudins.

Boundinage in shale - sandstone layers, with clockwise rotation

More extreme examples of stretching are shown in the example of an Archean conglomerate from two outcrops near Tamiskaming, Ontario. In this case we don’t know the original shape of the clasts, but we can get a sense of the change in shape (stretching) between the two outcrops. In both examples the clasts have acted as non-rigid ductile bodies.

Distortion - flattening of conglomerate clasts by ductile flow in an Archean conglomerate

Tension gashes, common in fault zones, also provide a nice illustration of translation (initial rigid body extension), followed by rotation and, if shear continues, distortion. The result is a set of en echelon, sigmoidal gashes that are eventually filled by crystalline quartz or calcite/dolomite. The crystal precipitates may also exhibit some degree of deformation.

Conjugate, en echelon tension gases in dolomitic sandstone, from which the sense of shear can be determined


One of the more obvious examples of dilation is pressure solution, where certain minerals dissolve under compression, thus reducing rock volume. Cleavage forms in response to a combination of rock shortening and growth of metamorphic minerals like mica and chlorite. Stylolites, a relatively common structure in (non-metamorphosed) carbonates also represent pressure solution of calcite or dolomite, that thins rocks perpendicular to the principle compressive stress.  A necessary condition for stylolitization is that the dissolved minerals must be removed from the area of compression; this involves mass transfer of the aqueous solutions. The boundaries of pressure solution are typically irregular, saw-toothed surfaces marked by dark insoluble minerals such as clay, quartz and feldspar.

Stylolites formed during pressure solution of dolomitic laminated mudstone

Kinematic indicators do not occur in isolation. For example, the Alberta Front Ranges (part of the Rocky Mountains) consists of a humongous stack of thrust sheets; all the structures associated with the thrusts such as hanging-wall and foot-wall folds, normal faults and ramps are kinematically linked. The indicators may change from one locality to another – from dislocation here to distortion there, but to make sense of this structural domain, there needs to be consistency among all the indicators, whether you are looking at a thin section, an outcrop, or entire mountain belt.

Rotation of granet crystals in an Archean amphibolite, from which sense of shear can be determined

Other useful links in this series…

Folded rock; some terminology

Using S and Z folds to decipher large-scale structures

Stereographic projection – the basics

Stereographic projection – unfolding folds



Cleavage and cleavage-bedding intersections


This post is part of the How To… series


Diagram of cleavage fan intersections with bedding in an anticline

Cleavage is a fabric. It is a close, regularly spaced planar to curviplanar foliation. The term ‘cleavage’ derives from its propensity to split apart or cleave. Where cleavage is developed it is pervasive at both macroscopic (outcrop, regional map scale) and microscopic scales (thin section); in other words, it is a penetrative fabric. It is most commonly found in folded rocks that have been subjected to some degree of metamorphism – from relatively low-rank slate (slaty cleavage), to beautifully foliated schist.

Thin section view (crossed polars) of mica segregation in schist that results in cleavage

Cleavage is the product of shortening and to some extent a reduction in rock volume by dissolution during folding and metamorphism.  Cleavage planes are defined by an alignment of micas (hence the ability to cleave) that grow as other more labile minerals (e.g. clays, particularly illite) are recrystallized. The growth of mica crystals and progressive development of cleavage go hand in hand.

There is no void space between cleavage planes and although they are mechanically weak, the rock is continuous. Hence, cleavage differs fundamentally from joints. Joints also are regularly spaced, commonly pervasive planar structures, but they form by extension and brittle failure of a rock mass. This process results in void space, or fracture porosity that during burial will become the locus for precipitation of minerals such as calcite and quartz.

Axial planar cleavage fan in an anticline, Silurian Mills Creek Fm. Maryland

Cleavage has a geometric relationship with folds. Arrays of cleavage are commonly arranged as fans about axial surfaces and in tight folds cleavage closely parallels axial surfaces. Both cases are referred to as axial planar cleavage. Fans diverge upwards in anticlines and converge upwards in synclines. This relationship furnishes us with yet another tool for deciphering fold type and fold orientation.

  1. The intersection of a cleavage plane with bedding creates a lineation that is parallel to the fold axis. We can measure its trend and plunge.
  2. In upright folds, cleavage planes have dips steeper than bedding. Cleavage plane dip in overturned and recumbent folds may be less than bedding dips – if you observe this geometric relationship in outcrop then consider the possibility that the folds are overturned (S and Z parasitic fold orientation will be useful in this regard).
  3. Cleavage geometry can be used to determine the facing direction of beds such that we can go beyond an antiform-synform description and identify more specifically anticlines and synclines. A simple example is shown in the cartoon below.

Testing field relationships between cleavage and folded beds.

Cleavage is not always uniformly planar. In layered successions cleavage planes are commonly refracted or bent. The change in orientation reflects how different lithologies respond to stress; common examples of cleavage refraction occur in successions of alternating sandstone (mechanically strong) and shale (mechanically weaker). A couple of examples are shown below.

Refracted axial planar cleavage in Paleoproterozoic dololutites, Belcher Islands


Refracted cleavage in Old Red Sandstone, Gougane Barra, southwest Ireland

Other useful links in this series:

Measuring dip and strike


Folded rock; some terminology


Using S and Z folds to decipher large-scale structures


Sliced thin; time and process recorded in igneous rocks


This is the second in a series on the geological world under a microscopeThin section of olivine undercrossed nicols showing a kaleidoscope of interference colours

Geologists, it seems, are never satisfied with just looking at rocks from a distance; there is some innate need to wield their pointy geological hammer. Break that rock; give it a good bash! To the uninitiated, this may seem a bit pugilistic, a kind of primal wonton destruction. But a good geo won’t hit rocks just for the hell-of it; a good Geo will be selective. Most of my field assistants and post-graduate candidates needed to be reminded of this. Find something of interest? Before you do anything else, sketch and photograph it; no one will be interested in looking at photos of rubble.

Looking ‘inside’ rocks serves a unique purpose; it allows you to travel back in time, to picture the ancient world, ancient events, outcomes of processes that involve the benign and the brutal, terrifyingly beautiful. Rocks contain memories of all these. And that is why we sometimes break them apart. The optical, or polarizing microscope allows us to unlock these rock memories in a uniquely visual way.  Continue reading
