Tag Archives: NASA JPL

Visualizing Mars landscapes in 3 dimensions; stunning images from HiRISE


A DEM of a steereographic pair of images of a Martian glacier

For my 10th birthday my grandparents gave me a massive Collins encyclopedia – a 1960 update of the known universe. Among the collection of images were pictures of various planetary bits and pieces, the moon and Halley’s Comet, with the clarity of the Mt. Palomar Observatory telescope; images that set the imagination reeling. Technology back then was firmly attached to terra firma. Only three years earlier Sputnik had entered the history books.  Six decades later and I still have that sense of excitement, but now there’s a constant pictorial stream, with amazing clarity and detail of a comet’s surface, close encounters with Jupiter, vapour plumes erupting from Enceladus, Saturnian rings, and Mars rovers. We can observe sand grains entrained in dunes that move across the Martian surface. A barrage of images and videos, almost in real-time (not counting the 13 minutes it takes for the signal to reach us). Continue reading
