Tag Archives: oldest life forms

How do we know which way is up? #2 Ruffles and desiccation


How Geologists Interpret Ancient Environments. 2 Ruffles and desiccation

Nearly all sedimentary rocks contain structures – fabrics, planes, contortions. If properly identified these sedimentary structures provide important clues to how the original sediments were deposited.

There are many different kinds of sedimentary structures formed by layers of sediment oriented at different angles, or layers that have been contorted and squished, structures formed by wetting and drying of sediment, structures formed by slip and slide, and by animals leaving tracks and traces as evidence of their activity.

All of these structures can be thought of as contributing to the architecture of sediments and sedimentary rocks.

We are going to examine two of the more common kinds of sedimentary structure – Ripples, and Mud Cracks (sometimes called Desiccation Cracks).

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The Ancient Earth 5. Life and all that… Where, How, When? Part 1


The Origin of Life?

Mud pools

This is a vexing question; perhaps the ultimate puzzle! It invokes wonder and intrigue for many, but for others it’s a question that invites derision and disbelief. Of course, we may never know the complete answer, or answers to the question “How Did Life Come About?“, but there is also no reason why science shouldn’t persist in asking it, in looking for the geological evidence, either here or in some other solar system, or devising experiments and models to help explain it.  For all we know, it could be as simple an answer as it was to Richard Adams’ ultimate question in Restaurant At The End Of The Universe. The next two posts look at some scientific experiments that help us imagine how it might all have begun.

The oldest fossils

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