Tag Archives: stratigraphic succession

Determining stratigraphic tops


a.k.a. Stratigraphic way up, or younging direction

This post is part of the How To… series

Stratigraphy is all about succession in the rock record – which events preceded other events; which is older, which younger. Nicolas Steno (1638-1686) surmised, and four centuries of geologists since have confirmed that in an uninterrupted succession of strata, the youngest layer is at the top.  However, tectonic hiccups and upheavals have frequently turned successions of strata sideways or on their head. In this case, knowing which way is ‘up’ will confirm which strata were overturned. Continue reading


How do we know which way is up? #1. Getting started


How Geologists Interpret Ancient Environments. 1 Getting started

You are confronted with rock formations that might look something like this…

Folded sandstone exposed on a ridge - great place to examine the rocks

The local geologist tells you that the rocks you see here originally were deposited as sands and muds in shallow seas, where beaches and broad coastal tidal flats passed seawards to deeper waters, and landwards to marshes and scrubby coastal plains across which rivers and streams coursed. How did our geologist figure this out? What is it that geologists see in the rocks that help them paint this picture of an idyllic world that existed so many millions of years ago – a world beyond memory, where, in a different eon, a summer cottage would have been rather nice. Continue reading
