Tag Archives: sulphate

Class 5; The Toba eruption – how a super volcano almost stopped humanity in its tracks


Kayaking down Asahan River, north Sumatra. This river has all but been destroyed by a dam project

Toba Lake, in northern Sumatra, occupies the ancient Toba caldera. One of its outlets, the Asahan River, is the site of some spectacular white-water, a kayaker’s delight. For anyone willing to run the river, spare a thought for your early human ancestors, who it seems, were lucky to survive the aftermath of a cataclysmic super volcanic eruption 74,000 years ago. Be thankful that they did. Continue reading


The Ancient Earth: 4. Water – Oceans of the stuff


The Ancient Earth 4.  Where did all that water come from?

2013-10-14 Kantan4 stormThe oceans cover 71% of our planet, and account for 97% of its total surface water.  The greatest ocean depth is 10,994m in the Mariana Trench (near the Island of Guam), and the shallowest …, well most of you have been to the beach.   They harbour a massive biomass (micro and macro) that comprises beautiful and complex ecosystems; they help feed our burgeoning population.  They provide opportunities for explorers and metaphors for poets.  But where did all that water come from? Continue reading
