Tag Archives: granite

Sliced thin; an unfolding story of sandstone


derivation of sediment from bedrock, repeating the cycle

What do you think of this analogy; sandstone, and a pile of garbage? I jest, of course. Garbage is no laughing matter – it has become a defining environmental issue of global import. Sandstones too are not to be sneered at.

Your pile of refuse will consist of the flotsam and jetsam of a lifestyle – things you no longer need or want, things acquired over time from any number of localities, some of which may be very far away. Garbage anthropology is a thing. Enlightened folk examine piles of old rubbish because they provide data that allows them to decipher lifestyles and cultural norms.

Sandstone is a sedimentary rock made up of a collection of grains; these too accumulated over time and could have been derived from sources close by or very far afield. Grains of sand Continue reading


Paddling Colombia; ancient rivers over granite


Negotiating granite-boulder strewn rapids on Rio Calderas Continue reading


The Architecture of Connected Holes; A Different Way to Look at the Liquid Earth


2nd in the Series on Groundwater

lake taupo

We commonly differentiate the solid earth in terms of its architecture, whether it is the foundations of great mountain ranges, or the solidified magmas that underpinned ancient volcanoes.  All rocks, whether layered sedimentary rocks or massive intrusive granites, have unique characteristics that define their physical, chemical and biological make up – their architecture.

WE can also think of groundwater in terms of its own architecture.  The productivity of an aquifer depends first and foremost on its porosity and permeability.  We can use these two fundamental properties to define the architecture of earth materials.

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The Geology of our Kitchen Bench


Cut and polished gabbro bench

We have installed a new kitchen bench.  The company that imports and installs this kind of thing refers to the stone as ‘Granite’, a term that is used for pretty well anything that is igneous, crystalline and not marble. Continue reading
