Plate tectonics

Part of the Alberta Front Ranges fold -thrust belt north of Highwood Pass. Sawtooth-like Lower Paleozoic carbonates are exposed as flatirons in the hanging wall of a thrust immediately east of Lewis Thrust. Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous foredeep deposits in the valley floor (mostly covered) were involved in the deformation as the orogenic load migrated eastward. Orogenic transport to the right.

Part of the Alberta Front Ranges fold -thrust belt north of Highwood Pass. Sawtooth-like Lower Paleozoic carbonates are exposed as flatirons in the hanging wall of a thrust immediately east of Lewis Thrust. Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous foredeep deposits in the valley floor (mostly covered) were involved in the deformation as the orogenic load migrated eastward. Orogenic transport to the right.

Posts about some of the science of plate tectonics and continental drift, oceans and continents, the crust, mantle and lithosphere, plate boundaries, and the people involved in discovery.


Bits of North America that were left behind

The Moine Thrust: An idea that unravelled mountains

The earth moved; GPS, earthquakes, and slow-slip

There are two sides to every fault

Striped oceans and drifting continents

Measures of temperature in the bowels of the earth

When North becomes South; the flip-side of earth’s magnetic field

Marie Tharp and the mid-Atlantic rift; a prelude to Plate Tectonics
