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Glossary of planetary geology


Jupiter’s moon Io – the only body in our solar system, other than Earth, to show active volcanism

Some terminology for planetary geology, the solar System, moons, asteroids, comets, meteorites, exploration, measurement, and related topics.


Absolute magnitude: The brightness of an object if it was 10 parsecs, or 32.6 light years from Earth. Usually applied to stellar objects. The brighter the object the lower the number according to a logarithmic scale. Magnitude numbers can also be negative for really bright objects, like our own sun. So, the difference in brightness between magnitudes 1 and 2 is 2.512 times. The scale can be applied to stars, planets, and comets. Measured magnitudes (light flux) are usually calibrated against standard stars for which the flux, or magnitude is known accurately.

Absolute zero: The theoretical temperature, measured in degrees Kelvin (K), where the kinetic energy of atomic particles is zero – everything is at complete rest. The temperature value corresponds to -273.15o C and -459.67o F. Thus, 0o C is 273.15o K.

Achondrites: This group of meteorites lacks chondrules and has igneous textures and compositions that indicate a degree of magmatic differentiation and metamorphism, having formed on all manner of bodies such as planets, moons, and asteroids. Hence, they are more like many basic and ultrabasic Earth lithologies. Mineralogically, they contain pyroxenes, olivines, Ca-rich plagioclase, traces of other silicates, and FeNi Kamacite. Achondrites derived from asteroid collisions with Mars and the Moon have been found on Earth. Lunar-derived achondrites have identical mineralogical and geochemical compositions to lunar rock samples collected by the Apollo missions.

Active seismic experiments: Use of artificial sources of seismic energy are common practices for Earth bound seismic investigations. The method was used for the first time on another planetary body during Apollo missions 14, 16, and 17. Two types of energy source were used: thumpers triggered by small explosive charges, and explosives lobbed a few 100 metres from the stations by grenade launchers.

Active volcanism on Venus: Images obtained by the Magellan spacecraft between 1990 and 1992 reveal a change in shape of a vent on Maat Mons, one of the largest volcanoes on Venus. Possible new lava flows were also identified. These phenomena appear to confirm recent volcanic activity on Venus (Herrick and Hensley, 2023).

Age of Earth: Current estimates indicated ~4.5 billion years (4.5 Ga). This is based on radiometric dating of moon rocks (4.4 Ga), meteorites (e.g., from Barringer Crater 4.567 Ga), and the oldest (so far) zircons from Jack Hill, Australia at 4.4 Ga. that indicate a differentiated crust had already developed at that time. It is likely that the age of all other planets in the Solar System have a similar age. Note the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite has been dated at 7 Ga, almost 2.5 billion years before the solar system.

Albedo: A measure of the amount of direct radiation from the sun that is reflected from a surface. Dark surfaces reflect very little radiation; white surfaces (such as ice and snow) reflect the most. On Earth, the ice caps at both poles play a major role in balancing heat radiation from the Sun. Clouds and the sea surface also play an important role in heat transfer to the atmosphere and ocean water masses, balanced by the amount of heat that is reflected back to space.

Alpha Centauri: The closest star system to our Sun, it consists of a double star 4.37 light years away, and a third much smaller star Proxima Centauri that orbits these two. The double stars are named Rigil Kentaurus and Toliman that are about the same size as our Sun, Rigil K a bit brighter, and Toliman about half as bright. Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf, is the closest star at 4.25 light years away. The exoplanet Proxima b orbits Proxima Centauri. The Alpha Centauri system is located in the southern sky and is the most distant of the two ‘Pointer’ stars from the Southern Cross.

Altitude (astronomical): Altitude is the angle in degrees or radians of an object relative to some horizontal coordinate. On Earth, an observer’s view of the sky is measured relative to the horizon – the line connecting them is assumed to be horizontal. Thus, an object on the horizon has an altitude of 0o, and at its zenith (overhead) it is 900. A useful rule of thumb is the width of a fist held at arm’s length is about 10o.

Amazonian Period (Mars): The period on Mars from 2.9 Ga to the present day. The period when Mars lost much of its atmosphere, stripped away by the solar wind – Mars magnetic field strength was significantly reduced. Constant sub-zero temperatures and a lack of atmospheric water vapour resulted in very slow weathering. Most of the sand dune seas we developed at this time. The two polar ice caps indicate continuing low temperatures (averaging -63oC), but there is some evidence that they are melting.

Angular velocity: For a rotating body, a measure of the rate of angular change. It is usually stated in radians per unit time, for example the angular velocity for Earth’s rotation about a north-south axis is 1.99 x 10-7 radians/second. The angular velocity at the equator is the same as that for the poles. cf. linear or tangential velocity.

Antumbra: One of three types of shadow cast by a radiant object. The shadow is lighter than the associated umbra – it will only form if the radiant disc is larger than the body causing the shadow. On Earth, the primary example occurs when the Moon is at its greatest distance from Earth. When it is located between Earth and Sun the shadow does not completely cover the sun’s disc such that the dark region is surrounded by a very bright region – this is also called an annular eclipse.

Aphelion: The farthest distance from the Sun (or any star) of an orbiting body. The term coined by Johannes Kepler applies to planets, comets and asteroids that have elliptical orbits around a star. Etymology – Helios, the Greek Sun God.  Cf. Perihelion

Apogee: The farthest distance of the Moon from Earth during its elliptical orbit. Cf. perigee

Apojove: The position on a satellite orbit that is farthest from Jupiter’s center. Cf. Perijove.

Apollo missions: There were 17 manned Apollo missions to the Moon, although the first mission ended prematurely with the tragic loss of its crew. Apollo 11 was the first actual landing with Astronaut Neil Armstrong setting foot on the moon on July 20, 1969. Geological samples totaling 382 kg of bedrock, pebbles, dust and regolith were collected on 6 missions. Passive seismometers were installed on Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16. Active seismic experiments were undertaken at Apollo 14, 16, and 17.

Apparent magnitude: The brightness of an object as it is seen from Earth. Usually applied to stellar objects. The brighter the object the lower the number according to a logarithmic scale. Magnitude numbers can also be negative for really bright objects, like our own sun. So, the difference in brightness between magnitudes 1 and 2 is 2.512 times. Stars farther than 10 parsecs from Earth will have lower absolute magnitudes (will be brighter) than their apparent magnitudes. The scale can be applied to stars, planets, and comets. Measured magnitudes (light flux) are usually calibrated against standard stars for which the flux, or magnitude is known accurately.

Apsis (plural apsides): The general term for the closest and farthest distances of an orbiting body around its parent body. Around our Sun they are specified as aphelion and perihelion. For the Moon-Earth system the terms are apogee and perigee.

Arc minute: The angular measure that is 1/60 of a degree, or 1/ 21,600 of a complete rotation (360o). An Arc second is 1/60 of an arc minute, or 1/3600 of a degree.

Armillary sphere: Armillary spheres attempted to map the heavens in three dimensions. They were only intended as physical models rather than measurement, but as such they represented attention to detail, and wonderful craftsmanship. They were popular during the Renaissance. One of the better-known spheres was made for Ferdinand I de’ Medici by Antonio Santucci that took 5 years to complete (1593). The sphere contained many of the elements representing the known universe and general theological beliefs. Santucci’s sphere is about 2 m in diameter, has the earth fixed at its centre surrounded by 7 spheres in succession representing the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and the outermost wandering star, Saturn. An eighth sphere guides the viewer to the fixed stars, that includes a band locating the signs of the Zodiac. A ninth sphere, called the Prime Mover, encloses all other spheres; it also contains wire meridians.   All the spheres could be rotated.

Asteroid: A term first used by astronomer John Herschel in 1802 to describe rocky and icy bodies that orbit the Sun. The largest known is Vesta at 530 km diameter, but asteroids as small as 2-3 m have been detected. Over one million have been identified. The orbits of dislodged asteroids occasionally intersect Earth’s orbit. Asteroid impacts physically modify Earth’s crust and add to its geochemical constitution.

Asteroid Belt: The name first used by Alexander von Humboldt in 1850 for the belt of large and small bits of rock, dust, and a dwarf planet (Ceres) that is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It occupies an orbital region where 18th century and later astronomers surmised a 9th planet should be. Some of the larger asteroids were discovered in the early 1800s. The belt is torus shaped – like a donut. It is about 1 AU wide. An early hypothesis suggested the belt contained the remnants of a planet torn apart by Jupiter’s gravity. A more recent explanation considers the belt a remnant from the formation of the solar system – material that never aggregated into a full planet.

Asteroid names-numbers: Asteroids, like other planetary-like bodies, are commonly named after their discoverer or an important historical event. Identification of asteroids and comets are confirmed by the Minor Planet Centre of the International Astronomical Union, given a provisional name and number, and after considering all the data a more permanent name and number.

Astronomical tides: Gravitational forces acting on Earth, Moon and Sun are in a state of balance. Centrifugal forces provide the counterbalance between Earth and Moon; they are the same everywhere on Earth, but the Moon’s gravitational pull changes with distance; it is strongest on the side closest to the Moon, and weakest on the opposite side. Thus, at different points on the Earth surface, there is a slight difference between the two forces. The difference is not enough to upset the overall balance between Earth and Moon, but it is strong enough to create a bulge in the ocean mass; one on the side facing the Moon, the other on the opposite side of Earth. The bulges correspond to high tides.  However, Earth rotates on its axis which means that different parts of Earth experience the bulge at different times. In this simple model, the bulges on opposite sides of the earth mean that there are two tides every 24 hours – semidiurnal tides. The Sun exerts a similar effect on Earth, but its influence on tides is about half that of the Moon. Nevertheless, the Sun’s gravitational force will reinforce that of the Moon during full and new phases of the Moon, resulting in spring tides; the opposite effect, neap tides occur when the gravitational forces are in opposition.

Astronomical unit: (AU) The distance between Earth and the Sun (about 150 million km). It is a convenient measurement unit for objects in the solar system where distances are measured in million of kilometres.

Aurora: High latitude winter nights are frequently interrupted by glowing, twisting and flickering curtains of light, commonly in shades of red, green, and yellow, but also blues. The polar lights (northern lights) are caused by charged particles from the sun interacting with Earth’s magnetosphere, specifically the Van Allen Radiation Belts. The charged particles interact with atoms of oxygen and nitrogen in the upper atmosphere (100 km + altitudes) – excited oxygen atoms produce red and green glows, while nitrogen produces blues. Aurora are common at latitudes above the Arctic and Antarctic circles; the northern events are the aurora borealis, and the southern aurora australis. Aurora have also been observed over the poles of Jupiter and Saturn.

Barringer impact crater: Barringer Crater, also known as Meteor Crater, is a 50,000 year old stony meteorite impact excavation on Colorado Plateau, Arizona. It is 1200 m diameter and 180 m deep, with a rim raised about 45 m above the surrounding plain. The bolide was probably 30-50 m diameter. Its current setting is desert but at the time of the impact the region was fully vegetated. It is classed as a simple crater, lacking a central peak and collapsed walls. Fall-back breccia contains shock metamorphic coesite and stishovite.

Barycentre: The centre of mass for two bodies, around which they rotate or orbit. Pluto and its near companion Charon are tidally locked about a barycentre that is 2,126 km from Pluto’s centre. The barycentre for the Earth-Moon system is 4671 km from Earth’s centre, which places it inside the Earth sphere. The barycentre for the Sun-Earth system lies within the Sun.

Baryonic matter: This is the matter we can see or detect, consisting of baryons, the general name for all the atomic particles in an atom nucleus; it is ordinary matter. The universe is composed of about 20% detectable matter – the rest is theoretically dark matter that is not visible or undetectable. Baryons that make up the planets, stars and other objects are largely uncharged (i.e. the atoms retain their electrons). However, most of the detectable mass in the universe consists of charged plasma that forms when electrons are stripped from their atoms, for example the charged particles in nebulae.

Bennu: Asteroid 101955 has peaked astronomers’ interest, in part because it appears to be quite porous and carbonaceous, and because late in the 22nd century there is a 1 in 2700 chance it will impact earth (the probability will change as we approach the year of closest approach). Its diameter is 492m. The OSIRIS-Rex satellite, launched in 2016, reached Bennu in 2018, successfully landed, and took measurements and samples that are currently winging their way back to Earth, with an ETA in 2023.

Blood moon: The moon appears red when it is full and in total eclipse.

Blue moon: There are normally 12 full moons observable from Earth. A blue moon is an additional full moon. They occur every 2-3 years, and can occur at different times of the year.

Bolide: A general name for large meteorites or comets that impact Earth or explode during entry to the atmosphere.

Callisto: The second largest of Jupiter’s moons, is the farthest of all the Galilean moons at 1,883,000 km. Its surface is peppered with white-centered, possibly ice-filled craters – hence its spotty white appearance. Most craters appear to be very old, indicating little internally forced change. Gravity surveys also suggest the possibility of a subsurface ocean. It has a very thin atmosphere of CO2. Callisto has the largest multi-ring crater in the Solar system – the Valhalla crater.

Caloris impact crater: Caloris Planitia (plain) on Mercury at about 1550 km diameter is one of the largest impact structures in the Solar System. It is surrounded by a mountain ring 1-2 km high. It is about 3.8 Ga and thus is relatively young with only a few superimposed craters covering the basin floor.

Carbonaceous chondrites: These are the most primitive meteorites known. The carbon content up to 3-5% consists of carbonates, organic matter, and traces of carbon-bearing minerals like diamond, graphite, and silicon carbide. They tend to be fine grained, with a matrix of clay, water, olivine, oxides, and sulphides. They appear to be low temperature meteorites. The organic content includes amino acids, amines, alcohols, and in rare cases, complex molecular nucleobases which are important ingredients for RNA and DNA. However, it is generally thought that the organic compounds formed abiotically.

Cassini spacecraft: Launched October 15, 1997, Cassini’s primary tasks involved exploration of Saturn, its rings, and moons. The mission began with two gravity assists from Venus (1998-99), one from Earth later in 1999, and one from Jupiter in 2000. It completed 294 orbits of Saturn. Among its discoveries were details of the rings (consisting of ice and rock, some derived from the moons like Enceladus), active geyser plumes on the icy moon Enceladus, methane lakes and hydrocarbon sand dunes on Titan plus sending probe Huygens to Titan’s surface, 6 new moons, observation of storms, jet streams, and lightening on Saturn. Cassini’s grand finale was to plunge through Saturn’s atmosphere on September 15, 2017.

Celestial equator: The imaginary equator that projects from Earth’s geographic equator into space and through the celestial sphere.  

Celestial poles: An imaginary line drawn through the axis of rotation (close to the geographic poles) that intersects the star Polaris, the North Star. The North Star appears to be stationary at night because it is so close to this axis. However, the North Star also moves with a period of about 25,000 years (the time taken to complete a cycle of movement across the sky). Thus, in 10,000 years the North Star will not coincide with Earth’s rotation axis.

Celestial sphere:  For an observer on Earth, an imaginary sphere centred on the celestial equator, and having poles corresponding to the north and south celestial poles (that correspond to the poles of rotation). It is a useful device for determining astronomical time and position.

Ceres: Discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801. It was originally identified as an asteroid in the Asteroid Belt but in 2006 was elevated to the status of dwarf planet. Gravity measurements made by the satellite Dawn indicate a layered body having an average density of 2.08 gm/cc. The interior includes a salt-water layer that periodically leaks or erupts at Ceres’ surface, producing cryovolcanoes, the most recent being Ahuna Mons which is an almost circular cone about 20km wide at its base and 4000m high. Ice at the surface will sublimate and over time the cryovolcanoes degrade.

Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft: Launched by the Indian Space Agency, inserted into lunar orbit August 2023. It comprises a landing module and rover, tasked to measure chemical and physical properties at the lunar surface.

Chang’e-4 spacecraft: Launched December 8, 2018, China’s lander successfully alighted the Von Kármán crater on the far side of the moon. Communication with Earth is via a relay satellite. It has spectrometer and ground penetrating radar instruments.

Chang’e-5 spacecraft: Launched in 2020, This Chinese spacecraft released a land to the lunar surface December 6, 2020. The lander collected 1.7 kg of lunar soil and rock that was transferred to an Earth return module that landed in Mongolia. The samples are some of the youngest collected at <2 Ga.

Charon: The largest of five moons orbiting Pluto, it is an oblate spheroid at 606 km diameter and a density of 1.7 g/cc, marginally less than that of Pluto (2.03 g/cc). Its orbit is tidally locked to Pluto about a barycentre between the two bodies. It is probably composed of a mix of rock, methane, and nitrogen ice. Water ice has also been detected. The red colouration at the north pole is due to organic molecules.

Chelyabinsk meteor: An asteroid estimated at 17-20m wide, exploded about 22 km above the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia on February 15, 2013, producing a shock wave that broke thousands of windows, injured hundreds of people, and was recorded on seismographs on the other side of the world. It entered Earth’s atmosphere at 64,370 km/hour. Pieces of the meteorite were later found scattered over a wide area. Click here for video footage.

Chicxulub impact: The Chicxulub impact (north Yucatan Peninsula) coincides with the 65 million year old Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (K-Pg) . This event has been strongly implicated in the extinction of dinosaurs, ammonites, and many other faunal and floral groups. The crater is not visible at the surface, but gravity surveys indicate a crater 180 km in diameter. Other lines of evidence for this event include:

  • An iridium anomaly at the KPg boundary in many parts of the world.
  • Tektites scattered more than 2500 km from the impact site.
  • Drilling near the imaged crater rim has intersected melt rock containing quartz crystals with shock lamellae.

Chondrites: Chondrites are a diverse group of meteorites composed mainly of olivine, pyroxene, metallic FeNi compounds, and traces of spinel and anorthite, all in varying proportions and textures. The most common textural attribute is spherical to highly irregular chondrules ranging in size from sub-millimetre to 10 mm and more. An important subgroup is carbonaceous chondrites. They represent the rapid crystallization from ultramafic igneous melts. They are thought to have formed early in the differentiation of the solar nebula.

67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is a dumbbell-shaped, porous, fluffy-looking icy body who’s claim to fame was cemented in 2014 when landing craft Philae Lander touched down on the comet’s surface. Launched in 2004 by the European Space Agency consortium, the carrier satellite Rosetta journeyed for 10 years and more than 6 billion kilometres. Although Philae’s life was cut short, it did collect and analyse dust at the comet surface that revealed the presence of solid water-ice (expected), solid carbon dioxide (unexpected), phosphorous, and 16 organic compounds some of which had not been previously detected in comets (methyl isocyanate, acetone, propionaldehyde, and acetamide), plus the amino acid glycine.

Circumstellar disc: Discs of dust, gas, asteroids, comets, and in some cases dwarf planets that surround and rotate around a star, that are remnants of early protoplanetary discs and planet formation. The solar system has three main discs – the asteroid belt, the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud.

Coesite: An ultra-high pressure polymorph of silica (quartz family) found primarily in meteorite impact rocks and in some eclogites (mantle rocks). It belongs to the monoclinic crystal system (quartz is trigonal), lacks cleavage, and has a density of 3.0 g/cm3 (quartz is 2.65 g/cm3).

Coma: The thin gas atmosphere surrounding a comet nucleus, consisting primarily of water vapour, CO2, ammonia, methane, and methanol. As the comet approaches the Sun, the gas plus dust particles from the comet surface form the characteristic comet tail.

Comet: Large lumps of primordial ice, solid carbon dioxide, bits of rock, and traces of organic compounds that, it is hypothesized, originate from the Oort Cloud at the outer edge of our Solar System. Some that are dislodged from the cloud enter an elliptical orbit around the Sun.  As they approach the Sun, heating produces a tail of ejected ice and dust; tails can be several million kilometres long. One of the most celebrated is Halley’s Comet that has an orbit period of 76 years. In one of those fortuitous circumstances for science, the 1994 impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy9 with Jupiter was predicted and the aftermath observed. Adding to the excitement, the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko ended with the touchdown of landing craft Philae in 2014.

Comet classification: Based on the duration of their orbit around the Sun: short period comets take 200 years or less, long periods comets >200 years. Single apparition comets appear to make one orbit and then leave the solar system – they are thought to originate in other star systems.

Complex craters: Craters with diameters >10 km fall into this category if they also contain (Grieve & Therriault, 2012):
– A central peak of highly brecciated country rock that in some craters can rise 2 km and more above the crater floor.
– A peak ring in very large craters.
– Collapsed crater walls that result in terraced topography.
The central peak forms by two processes: flow of brecciated country rock from the walls into the middle of the crater; and rebound of the bedrock depressed during the initial impact.

Conjunction: When two objects in the sky appear close together to an observer. Examples include planets, moons, asteroids, stars. The closeness is only apparent.

Copernicus: Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish mathematician and astronomer (1473-1543) who, as part of the Renaissance awakening of curiosity, challenged the Geocentric theory of planetary motion espoused by Aristotle, Ptolemy, St. Thomas Aquinas and the entire Catholic Church edifice, with a proposal that Earth and all its neighbouring planets orbited the Sun. Despite its rationale foundations (observations and mathematical calculations) Heliocentric theory was rejected by Catholic and Protestant authorities alike – ironically, Pope Gregory XIII used Copernicus’ theory to develop the Gregorian calendar in 1582. It would be another 100 years before Galileo resurrected the heliocentric principle.

For anyone interested in this historical episode, Thomas Kuhn The Copernican Revolution Planetary: Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought, 1957, is a good start.

Coriolis effects: The result of (fictitious) Coriolis forces apply to rotating, non-inertial systems like Earth. The forces act orthogonal to the direction of movement such that deflections are to the right of the direction of forward motion in the northern hemisphere, and to the left in the southern hemisphere. Coriolis forces are directly proportional to linear velocity on the same rotating body. Coriolis effects increase towards the poles of rotation and are zero at the equator. The deflections apply to ocean water masses (gyres), contourites, and to weather systems.

Corona: The Sun’s plasma atmosphere, that extends several 1000 km from the surface, eventually transforming to solar winds. Temperatures in the corona exceed 106 o C, significantly hotter than the surface temperatures of about 5500oC.

Coronal mass ejection: Formed when a solar prominence breaks from the surface of the Sun. The ejection mass contains remnants of its former magnetic field; the mass expands as it travels outward at speeds from 250 to 3000 km/second. They can be accompanied by solar flares. They can create intense magnetic storms on Earth.

Cosmology: The study of the universe, its origin (big bang?), the formation of stars, black holes,  galaxies, and planetary bodies. It is the conjunction of physics, astronomy, and other natural sciences, and metaphysics.

Curiosity Rover: The 6-wheeled Mars rover landed near Mt. Sharp on August 5, 2012. Its primary task was to look for past environmental conditions that might have supported life. It has analysed the chemistry of >40 soil-rock samples and taken over one million images of Mars surface. The instrumentation is designed to detect possible organic-biological chemical compounds. Analytical instruments include: Gas Chromatograph (analyses gas compositions); Mass Spectrometer (elemental analysis): Tuneable Laser Spectrometer (for detecting water vapour, biogenic or abiotic methane): Sample Manipulation System (organizes samples for low and high temperature analysis); Ovens (high temperature gas extraction).

DART: Double Asteroid Redirection Test. Launched Nov. 23, 2021, from the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. It impacted asteroid Dimorphos September 26, 2022, at about 6.6 km/s. The impact changed slightly the moon’s orbit around Didymos. The planned follow-up mission to observe the impacted surface is ESA’s Hera mission, to launch in 2024.

Declination: In astronomy, it is the angle of an object in the sky measured to the celestial equator, which corresponds approximately with Earth’s equator. The angle provides one coordinate equivalent to latitudes. The second coordinate required to fix the objects position is associated with time (GMT or UTC) that corresponds with longitudes. North of the equator the declination angles are positive; south of the equator they are negative. Astronomical declination is usually fixed to some distant star. For geographic measures declination is the difference between true and magnetic north from any point on Earth’s surface. Unlike the astronomical declination, the geographic declination changes as the magnetic pole migrates.

Deimos: The smallest of the two Martian moons, that orbits Mars every 30 hour. It has an odd, almost trapezoidal shape with a maximum dimension of 15 km. It is thought to be a captured asteroid.

Didymos : A binary asteroid. Didymos is the larger of the two (780 m diameter), Dimorphos is its moon (160 m diameter). Dimorphos was the target of a deliberate spacecraft (DART) impact on Sept. 26, 2022, to test the possibility of forcing orbital corrections of an asteroid that could impact Earth. Neither object is considered a near-Earth threat.

Dimorphos: The asteroid that was the target for NASA’s DART collision mission. It is about 170 m across and almost 11 million km from Earth. The planned collision on Sept. 26, 2022, at about 22,000 km/hr, was part of NASA’s program to investigate the possibility of forcing near-Earth objects from their trajectory. The evidence from this event indicates a change in asteroid shape (because of a loss of surface material) and orbital period around its binary partner Didymos.

Dione: Saturn’s 4th largest moon at 562 km radius, 377,400 km from its parent, and having an orbital period of 2.74 Earth days. Its density is 1.48 g/cc indicating a composition of mostly water ice and perhaps a rocky core. Surface temperatures average -186oC. The surface is cratered and cut by deep fractures. Its orbit is tidally locked to Saturn.

Dust devils (on Mars): Dust devils are common on Earth, and it seems on some parts of the Martian surface. They have been observed and measured in Jezero Crater by Perseverance rover. They are small convective vortices, or whirlwinds, usually less than 10 m wide, but up to a kilometre high. They are not associated with storm cells like tornadoes, but with warm air rising from the surface through cold air.

Dwarf planet: According to the IAU (2006), a dwarf planet “… is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, (c) has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit, and (d) is not a satellite”. Clearing its nearest neighbours would require a sufficiently large gravity field to attract and force collisions.

Eccentricity: Earth orbit is an ellipse where the degree of ellipticity changes by about 5% over periods of 100,000 years. Milutin Milankovitch (1879 – 1958) theorized that the change in orbit, although seemingly small, produces significant differences in solar intensity as earth moves closer or farther from the sun. It is one of the Milankovitch Cycles and is an important determinant of Earth’s climate. The shorter period Milankovitch obliquity and precession cycles are superimposed on the eccentricity cycle.

Eclipse: The partial or total blocking of light of one celestial object by the transit of another. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon’s orbit takes it between Earth and the sun – the moon’s disc is large enough to completely cover the sun. A total lunar eclipse occurs when Earth’s umbral shadow is cast on the moon creating a reddish blood moon. Eclipses are periodic and can be predicted.

Ecliptic: An imaginary plane containing Earth’s orbit, passing through the Sun. The orbits of the 7 other planets and minor planets lie in or close to this plane.

Ejecta: Shattered country rock and melt excavated during a bolide impact. Clast sizes range from very large blocks to dust and vapour. Some of this material fills the crater basin as fall-back breccia. The remainder is spread as an apron around the crater, generally becoming finer grained with distance from the impact site. Small fragments like tektites and spherules of glass melt can be distributed many 100s of km from the impact. Dust and vapour will spread much farther, particularly on planetary bodies that have an atmosphere. On Earth this would include aerosols that could, with large impacts, spread globally through the upper atmosphere.

Emirates Mars Mission: The United Arab Emirates mission, named the Hope Probe, to study the Martian atmospheric circulation and weather, and the dynamics of atmospheric loss to space, particularly oxygen and hydrogen. Launched July 2020. Planned duration is two years from arrival in February 2021.

Enceladus: Enceladus is an icy moon that orbits Saturn within its E ring. It is the 6th largest moon of Saturn with radius 250 km. Gravity and density modelling suggest it has rocky core, a liquid inner shell, and an icy crust that has a temperature of -201oC. Analysis of geyser-like plumes that erupt from fractures in the crust indicate the presence of water, derived from the subcutaneous liquid shell.

Ephemerides: Tabulated data giving the orbital position, time, and velocity for astronomical objects (planets, asteroids, comets) and satellites as observed on Earth. A data table is called an Ephemeris.

Equinox: Two days in a year that have an equal duration of day and night when the sun lies directly over the equator: Spring (vernal) equinox on March 21, and autumnal equinox on September 23. Cf, Solstice when the sun is farthest from the equator.

Erg: Ergs, also called sand seas, are vast areas of wind-blown sand, sculpted into sand dunes. Celebrated examples on Earth like the Sahara in North Africa, Atacama in Chile, and Taklamakan in China, occur in arid mid-latitude regions (between 30o-50o north and south). Much of the Martian surface is covered by sand and spectacular fields of sand dunes. Saturn’s moon Titan also has fields of dunes but in this case the sand is apparently composed of hydrocarbons.

Eris: A dwarf planet discovered 2005 at the edge of the Solar System. It appears to have an icey crust and rocky core. Mean radius is 1163±6 km (Pluto is 1188 km), a mean density of 2.43 g/cc that is 0.58 g/cc greater than Pluto. It has a single moon – Dysnomia.   Its orbit at aphelion is about 97.5 AU, more than 48 AU farther away from the sun than Pluto.

Eta Aquariids: A well known meteor shower derived from material in Halley’s comet, usually seen in Aquarius (its radiant) April-May each year. On average 60 meteors per hour are visible at the peak display. They are some of the fastest meteoroids, travelling at 66 km/second (238,000 km/hour). cf. delta Aquariids.

Euclid telescope: An ESA mission, launched July 2023, its primary objectives to observe and measure dark matter and the expansion of the universe to determine the nature of dark matter, dark energy, and the underlying structure of the universe. The telescope images in the near infra-red and visible part of the light spectrum. It will orbit at Lagrange Point 2 in the Earth-Sun system. Named after the Greek mathematician who founded mathematics of geometry (300 BCE).

Europa: Jupiter’s moon Europa has an icy surface riven by fractures and ice rafts, but very few craters, all indicating a tectonically active, geologically young crust. Imaging of Europa’s magnetic field suggests that it has a subcutaneous liquid ocean beneath the fractured crust. Tidally generated heat maintains the liquid state of the inner ocean.

Exo-planet: The name given to planets beyond our Solar System. Several thousand exo-planets have been identified in other solar systems using land- and space-based telescopes. To date, over 5000 have been identified. Their physical and chemical characteristics are as variable as we can imagine. They range from massive Jupiter sizes to much smaller bodies, some warmer than Mercury or colder than Pluto, dense or light. But very few occupy a ‘Goldilocks Zone’ that might permit life forms.

Exosphere: An exosphere is the thinnest of atmospheres, where atomic and molecular collisions are few. On Earth, it is the uppermost atmospheric layer. On Mercury it is the only layer having an atmospheric pressure close to zero.

Faculae: Bright spots on the Sun surface, associated with strong magnetic fields, the number of which are related to darker sunspots.

Fall-back breccia: Shattered and brecciated rock generated during an asteroid impact, that is deposited in the associated crater, along the crater rim, or spread outward from the crater. The breccia includes intensely sheared rock fragments, minerals such as deformed quartz with shock laminae, and melt rock.

Filament: See solar prominence.

Fukang pallasite: (meteorite). Recovered in Fukang, China in 2000, weighing in at 1003 Kg, it is a rare example of an olivine-Fe-Ni meteorite. The Ni-Fe phase is mostly kamacite, the olivine Forsterite. It probably formed at the core-mantle boundary of a differentiated planetesimal hypothesized to be 400-680 km radius.

Gaia: From the ancient Greek, a Goddess of the earth. Gaia now commonly refers to a personalized version of Earth, the Gaia hypothesis, as a living, breathing thing that is self- regulating through complex interactions and interconnections among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere.

Gaia space telescope: Launched by ESA 19 December 2013, tasked with mapping the Milky Way and the largely invisible halo beyond the visible limits of the spiral arms, including its effect on neighbouring galaxies like the Magellanic cloud star clusters. The data set so far is about 1.5 billion stars.

Galactic centre: The centre around which a galaxy rotates, and with it all the stars and their solar systems. The centre of the Milky Way is occupied by a super massive black hole that is about 4 million solar masses in size.

Galaxy: Galaxies are structured collections of stars (of all ages), dust and gas clouds, black holes, and dark matter, all glued together by gravity – the Milky Way spiral has about 400 billion stars. Their diameters are measured in 10s to 100s of thousands of light years. Four principle geometric configurations are: Elliptical clusters (no arms), spiral with arms, peculiar galaxies that are odd-shaped and probably formed by intergalactic collisions, and irregular types that are odd shaped and commonly lack arms (e.g., small clusters like the Magellanic Clouds).

Galilean moons: Four of the largest moons of Jupiter – Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, discovered by Galileo near the end of 1609. They can be observed with a decent pair of binoculars.

Galileo: Galileo Galilei (1564 –1642) was an Italian Renaissance polymath who made revolutionary discoveries on the motion of bodies (Earth-bound and planetary), and other astronomical phenomena using experiments and observations, frequently with equipment he himself constructed. He also built the first telescope. He was a renowned debater. His discoveries challenged the entrenched Aristotelian, Ptolemaic, and Church views of motion, culminating in his resurrection with proofs of the Copernican theory, that Earth and all the other known planets orbit the Sun. This work was published in 1632 “Dialogues on the Two Chief World Systems”, but in 1633 the Inquisition charged him of being “vehemently suspect of heresy” and he was forced to recant. His tomb and monument lie in Basilica Santa Croce in Florence.

Galileo spacecraft: An exploration satellite launched October 18, 1989 on a 14 year mission, 8 of them orbiting Jupiter. The mission began with a Venus flyby, acquiring radar images through Venus’ clouds. En route to Jupiter Galileo paid the first ever spacecraft visit to an asteroid, first Gaspra, then Ida, both in the Asteroid Belt. During its Jupiter sojourn, Galileo Europa’s subcutaneous ocean, active volcanism on Io including images of eruption plumes, and measurements of moons Ganymede and Callisto indicating liquid salt water in their subsurface layers. Galileo was also witness to the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter from July 16 – 22, 1994. A small probe was also sent into Jupiter’s atmosphere to measure composition and pressure.

Ganymede: The largest of the Jovian moons, with a radius of 2631 km which makes it larger than Mercury and Pluto. It is the 3rd most distant from Jupiter of the Galilean moons, at 1,070,000 km. Ganymede’s density is … It is the only moon in the Solar System that has its own magnetic field and accompanying aurora. Surface temperatures range from -183 to -113 C. It has an iron-rich core, a rocky mantle, and an outer shell of ice and rock. The Ganymede surface is a mix of craters and grooves that may represent some kind of extension in the crust, or a response to bolide impacts.

Gas giants: Very large planets (several times the diameter of Earth) consisting of mostly hydrogen, helium, and lesser proportions of ammonia and methane. Rocky material, if present, is confined to the core. Core material may also be metallic hydrogen or helium. There is no rocky or solid, frozen surface, and the boundary between the planet surface and atmosphere is diffuse. The Jovian gas giants are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. All four have orbiting rings. All four have moons, some of which are rocky.

Gaspra 951: The first asteroid visited by the spacecraft Galileo, October 29, 1991. It has an oblong shape with dimensions 18.2 x 10.5 x 8.9 km. It orbits within the Asteroid Belt, and is  probably a fragment from some earlier collision.

Geminids: One of the most active meteor showers derived from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon, usually peaks mid-December every year. Discovered 1862. It is seen in the constellation Gemini (its radiant), hence the name.

Geocentric model of the universe: This is the Earth-centred model around which the Sun, the planets and stars revolve. Notable proponents included Aristotle, Claudius Ptolemy (2nd C BCE), and St. Thomas Aquinas (1225? – 1274). In western theology and philosophy, the model held sway until the mid-16th C; in popular constructions it was represented by armillary spheres.   The model assumed doctrinal importance for the Roman Catholic Church to the extent that anyone questioning it was deemed a heretic. The model was seriously challenged by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) and a bit later by Galileo, both of whom were required to recant their views.

Geographic pole: Geographic poles are points that we have defined by constructing lines of Longitude that converge at the north and south poles – also referred to as true north-south. The projection of these poles onto the celestial sphere intersect at the celestial north (North Star) and celestial south poles.

Geologic Atlas of the Moon: Produced by the USGS at scales from 1:5,000 to 1:5,000,000. They are free to download.

Gibbous moon: The stage of the Moon’s illumination when it is more than half illuminated but not full.  There are both waxing and waning gibbous moons each month.

GMT: Greenwich Mean Time, established in 1884 is the prime meridian (longitude) to which all international time zones are referenced.

Goldilocks zone: The orbital distance of a planet from its sun where atmospheric temperatures and pressures are in the ‘habitable zone’, and where vapour pressures are sufficient for water to remain liquid. Earth exists in this zone.

Gosses Bluff – Tnorala: Remnants of an Australian, Northern Territories, 142.5 million year old impact structure. The residual crater is 5 km diameter, but originally was probably about 20 km. The bolide, possibly a comet, is hypothesized to have been about 600 m across. The structure is sacred to the Western Arrernte Aboriginal people, and is designated a conservation reserve.

Gravitational constant G: Upper case G is a the mathematical constant in Newton’s Laws of gravity, that expresses the force of gravity between two bodies F = (G. m1 ). (m2. R-2) where m1 and m2 are the body masses, and R is the distance between the centre of each body. The units of G are Newtons . m2 . kg-2. G has the universal value of 6.67 × 10-11 N. m2. kg-2. The acceleration due to gravity (lower case g) can be calculated from this function as g = G.m . R-2. On Earth g = 9.81 m.s-2. On Mars g = 3.72 m.s-2, and on Jupiter g = 25.8 m.s-2.

Gravity assist: (colloquially called ‘slingshot’). Space craft designed to explore the distant regions of the Solar System require the energy to do so. The initial energy is derived from the launch rocket. However, additional momentum is needed to get to the various planets and this is derived from orbits around Earth, the Sun, and other planets. For example, Voyager 2, launched in 1977, passed by Jupiter (transmitting data and images), increasing in speed during the approach. At a certain point during its orbit, Voyager’s speed and momentum were sufficient to change it to a trajectory that would take it to Saturn. The same process was used at Saturn to put Voyager on course for Uranus, then again from Uranus to Neptune, and finally from Neptune to interstellar space.

Great Blue Spot: The other, more recently discovered spot on Jupiter,  it is a patch of intense, localised magnetic fields.

Great Red Spot: The most iconic structure on Jupiter, the Great Red Spot is a massive storm. It was probably first identified in 1665. It spins counter clockwise, rotating every 4.5 Earth days. The storm is fed by jet streams. Recent measurements by Juno spacecraft indicate the storm drafts extend at least 500 km deep. Measurements of its long axis since the late 1800s indicate that it has lost half its size over the last 100 years, a decrease of about 900 km/year. Its long axis is presently about 16,500 km long.

Greenhouse effect: Greenhouse gases help modulate atmospheric temperatures. On Earth, this is accomplished by small amounts of water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and more recently certain industrial hydrocarbons in our atmosphere. The most important are CO2 and CH4. Both molecules absorb heat at different infrared frequencies, that also are different to the frequencies absorbed by water vapour. Note that water vapour does not cause increased atmospheric temperatures – in this case the proportion of H2O increases or decreases because of changes in temperature caused by other processes. Despite their low concentrations, CO2 and CH4 provide the balance in atmospheric temperatures required to sustain life. In contrast, runaway greenhouse conditions on Venus have resulted in atmospheric temperatures about 450oC and atmospheric pressures about 92 time that on Earth. Aerosols and volcanic dust also moderate the greenhouse effect.

Habitable Zone: The distance of a planet or exoplanet from its star where conditions are such that water can exist on its surface in liquid form. The conditions require a relatively narrow range of temperatures and atmospheric pressures. Also known as the Goldilocks Zone. Whether an exoplanet is potentially habitable will also depend on many other factors, such as atmospheric composition, and the intensity of incident UV or cosmic radiation.

Halley’s Comet: One of the better known and spectacular comets visible from Earth, discovered in 1758 by Edmond Halley, has a period of 75-79 years. It will next appear around 2061.

Heliosphere: The boundary between the Solar wind and interstellar space that extends about 120 AU from the Sun. It protects the Solar System from cosmic radiation originating elsewhere in the Milky Way.

Hesperian Period (Mars): The period on Mars from 3.7 Ga to 2.9 Ga. Asteroid bombardment had lessened, but volcanism persisted, with sulphate-bearing aerosols and acid rain blanketing the planet. This was a period of extensive sulphate mineral precipitation and sedimentation, and significant atmospheric cooling because of reduced incident solar energy. However, local, short-lived heating caused by asteroid impacts seem to have produced massive flood surges.

HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) The most successful, high resolution camera to orbit Mars, HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) images Martian landscapes in the visible and infrared light frequencies. It is capable of resolutions at 30 cm per pixel, or about one metre.  HiRISE is one of 6 instruments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that arrived on the scene in 2006. It can rapidly process large numbers of images which means we can witness geomorphic processes almost in real time. The lead investigative institution is Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona.

Hubble telescope:  Launched from Space Shuttle Discovery in 1990, it orbits Earth at 535 km altitude, with a complete orbit every 95 minutes. It was designed (and upgraded) to image our Solar System and beyond at light frequencies from ultraviolet to infrared. As of October 2022, it has acquired more than 1.5 million images. It has revolutionized our observations and understanding of space.

Hydrostatic equilibrium (HE):  If the gravitational forces generated by a celestial body (directed to the centre of the body) are balanced by internal pressures that are directed outward, then the body is said to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. It applies to stars, planets, and even galaxies. Maintenance of this equilibrium requires that the body assumes a spherical geometry, although most are oblate spheroids because of gravitational forces exerted by neighbouring bodies. For example, Earth has a slight equatorial bulge because of the gravitational attraction exerted by the Moon. HE is one of the requirements for a body to be designated a planet, or dwarf planet.

Hyperion: (a child on Gaia and Uranus) The potatoe-shaped moon of Saturn that looks like a sponge. Discovered 1848, its maximum length is 410 km. The surface is pocked by deep craters. Density is less than 0.5 kg/m3 and hence may be composed of very porous ice. The average surface temperature is -180oC.

Iapetus: Saturn’s 3rd largest moon, 3,561,300 km distant, with a radius of 730 km. Its density is 1.2 g/cc and composition predicted to be mostly water ice with some rock. It is tidally locked to Saturn. Its leading hemisphere (the one facing into the direction of orbital motion) has very low albedo (very dark) while its trailing hemisphere has very high albedo.

Ice rafts: Sheets of ice that have been broken by extension and contraction, where rafted fragments are thrust against and over one another. On Earth, rafting develops during successive periods of freeze and thaw of thick polar sea ice. Ice rafting has also been observed in the outer crust of Jupiter’s moon Europa, and Saturn’s moon Enceladus.

Ida 223: 243 Asteroid Ida was also visited by spacecraft Galileo on August 28, 1993. It is the first asteroid found to be orbited by its own moon. It has a cratered, regolith covered surface. It is probably composed of silicates.

Impact breccia : Breccia formed by intense fracturing and shock metamorphosed rock during a hypervelocity impact, that also has a clastic matrix (an important difference from impact melt rock). Breccias may also include fragments of impact melt rock. It includes impact foot-wall breccia (e.g., from crater margin collapse) and fall-back breccia. Shock-deformed crystals are an important component. The term is broadly synonymous with suevite.

Impact crater: A bowl-shaped depression caused by the excavation and ejection of rock or ice during a bolide impact. Ejected material is pushed or falls back forming raised crater rims. The rims of large craters can collapse. Some ejecta spreads much farther in a ray-like distribution. Finer dust and aerosols are also spread afar, particularly on planets that have an atmosphere. Large craters commonly have central mounds or peaks that form by a combination of rim collapse and rebound of rock beneath the crater immediately following impact. Three basic crater morphologies are recognised: simple, complex, and peak ring or multi-ring types. The moon has more than 10 craters, many of them superimposed one on the other. Mars is estimated to have at least 300,000. On Earth, the number of confirmed craters is about 190 – we have received as many impacts as other planets in the solar system, but surface degradation by weathering and structural dismemberment, burial by sediment, and crustal recycling (plate tectonics) have rendered them indecipherable or removed them from the rock record.

Impact gardening: The process where a planetary surface is reworked multiple times by meteoroid impacts. It is commonly manifested as brecciated regolith where individual rock fragments may be derived from several impact events.

Impact melt rock: Melt rock formed by heat generated during a hypervelocity impact. Melt rock may be clast-rich, clast-poor, or completely free of clasts (clasts generated by the impact), and they can be further subdivided into glassy or varying degrees of crystallinity. Note that melt rocks containing clasts should not be confused with impact breccias that may contain clasts of melt rock.

Impact velocity: The velocity of a bolide at impact depends on its initial velocity (in space), the gravitational potential of the planetary body, and the density of an atmosphere (if present). When a bolide hits Earth’s atmosphere, it’s a bit like hitting a brick wall – most will burn up (meteors). The minimum impact velocity on Earth is 11.2 km/second which is equal to the escape velocity. The average impact velocity is 18 km/sec (64,800 km/hour), but can be as high as 53 km/sec (190,800 km/hour). Bolide approach velocities range up to 72 km/sec (259,200 km/hour). Lunar impact velocities tend to be slower because gravity is only 16.5% of that on Earth.

Impactite: A broad term that the has been defined as “all rocks affected by one or more hypervelocity impact(s) resulting from collision(s) of planetary bodies” (Stöffler and Grieve, 2007). The term encompasses impact melts, impact breccias, and shocked rocks. The latter includes shock metamorphic structures like shatter cones, and shock-deformed quartz and other crystalline phases.

Ingenuity Helicopter: A small dual blade helicopter that arrived on Mars attached to Perseverance Rover, making its first flight on April 19, 2021. It completed 72 flights (the mission was for 5 flights), completing 128.8 flying minutes, covering 17.0 km, and reaching altitudes of 24.0 m. It ceased operation on Jan. 18, 2024, probably during a crash landing.

InSight lander (Mars): Launched on May 5, 2018, InSight landed on a flat plain named Elysium Planitia on November 26, 2018. It had two primary tasks: to record seismic events that would improve our understanding of Mars’ internal structure, and to measure heat flow. The heat flow probe failed. Power failure brought a close to the mission on December 15, 2022. Over 1300 seismic events were recorded including one at magnitude 4.2 that was probably the result of an asteroid or comet impact. The seismic events provide the basis for estimates of layer thickness and density: the (probable) molten core has an 1,890-1,790 km radius. The outer crust (top of the lithosphere) is 30-72 km thick.

International Astronomical Union (IAU): A non-governmental organisation dedicated to the promotion and safeguard the science of astronomy. It also works to define fundamental astronomical and physical constants, and nomenclature.

International Space Station (ISS): One of the more successful,  international, cooperative space ventures, involving at least 15 countries,  spearheaded by Europe, USA, Russia, Canada, and Japan. It was constructed with modular components while in orbit, between 2008 and 2011, and has been continually occupied since 2000. It orbits at 400 km altitude at a speed of 25,000 km/hour, completing an Earth orbit every 90 minutes. Astronauts living on the station conduct experiments in the physical sciences (e.g. fluid dynamics in low gravity, materials science), life sciences (e.g., biomedical, biotech), remote sensing, technology development (e.g., robotics), and education.

Interstellar comet-asteroid: An object that originates outside the solar system and is not bound to a star by gravity. The first interstellar asteroid identified was the wierdly-shaped ʻOumuamua in 2017. In 2019 the comet C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) entered our solar system and is considered a potential interstellar object – it’s velocity is about 150,000 km/hour which is fast enough to escape the Sun’s gravitational pull and leave the solar system.

Interstellar space: Defined as the region beyond the influence of a star’s magnetic field and solar wind (charged particles). In our solar system it is beyond the Heliosphere.

Io: The third largest moon of Jupiter, it is the only one with active volcanism – over 400 eruptive centres have been mapped. Io’s density is 3.5g/cm3 and modelling suggests it has a core of iron or iron sulphide, an inner shell of solid and molten rock, and a crust of sulphur and extruded silicate rock. Its atmosphere is mostly sulphur dioxide. Io’s elliptical orbit brings it to about 420,000 km from the gas giant. The resulting gravitational forces produce huge tides such that the surface bulges up to 100m.  These tidal forces generate enough heat to melt rock and sulphur. The Galileo Explorer mission imaged active eruption plumes extending more than 300 km above the surface.

Iron meteorites: These metallic meteorites are composed of iron and nickel alloys, principally kamacite, an isometric FeNi crystal with about 92% iron, and Taenite, a slightly harder, isometric FeNi crystal form with 25-40% Ni. Both these crystal forms are only found in meteorites. Crystal growth commonly produces Widmanstätten bands. The meteorites are thought to have originated from the cores of planets that were fragmented by collisions during the early differentiation of the solar nebula. Cf. Stony-iron meteorites and stony meteorites.

Iridium anomalies: Stony meteorites commonly contain elevated concentrations of platinum group elements compared with those normally found on Earth. One of these elements, Iridium (Ir), is an important indicator of ancient bolide impacts. It was first discovered in 1980 by Walter and Luis Alvarez in a thin clay layer at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Italy. Ir concentrations in the clay are about 500 parts per billion, compared with values around 0.1-0.3 ppb in Earth rocks. Similar anomalies were subsequently in clays of the same age in other parts of the world. The Alvarez’ concluded that the Ir spike was caused by fallout from an asteroid impact – the Chicxulub impact. Iridium anomalies have since become a standard indicator of ancient bolide impacts.

J Webb telescope: Launched December 25, 2021, the new telescope will augment Hubble with longer wavelength and more sensitive infrared views of the universe. It is capable of imaging in marvelous detail some of the oldest galaxies in the universe, and the birth of stars and planets in dust clouds and nebulae. Unlike Hubble, J Webb will orbit the Sun in concert with Earth, maintaining about 1.5 million km from and in direct line-of-sight with Earth (Earth lies between the Sun and the J Webb). The side facing the Sun will be at 85oC; the side opposite -225oC. The principal collaborators are NASA, ESA, and the Canadian Space Agency.

Jezero Crater: A 45 km diameter crater in the Isidis Planitia region of Mars, and the landing site of Perseverance Rover. Remnants of an ancient delta prograded from the crater margin – these sedimentary rocks are one of the prime objectives for the Perseverance project, in particular looking for sedimentary structures that provide evidence of ancient flowing water, and any chemical-sedimentary evidence that might indicate ancient life.

Jovian rings: Saturn’s rings were first observed in 1610 by Galileo. They consist of rock, ice, and dust. Some of the Saturnian moons also reside with the ring system. The rings around Uranus were discovered in 1977, those around Jupiter in 1979, and Neptune in 1989. Saturn’s rings are a few metres thick and extend about 130,000 km above the planet equator. The moon Enceladus orbits Saturn within Ring E and appears to be shedding new material to those rings. Dust and small fragments that are ejected from the inner moons during meteor impacts, are added to Jupiter’s rings.

JUICE: Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, The European Space Agency’s spacecraft that will examine the Jovian icey moons Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Launched April 14, 2023. It will be sling-shot to Jupiter from an Earth-Venus orbit. It is expected to arrive July 2031. The final part of the JUICE mission will involve orbits of Ganymede ranging from 5000 km to 200 km, after which it will impact with the Ganymede surface.

Juno spacecraft: Launched August 5, 2011, arriving at its first orbital position around Jupiter on July 4, 2016. Its orbits are highly elliptical extending from the outer limits of the powerful Jovian magnetosphere to its cloud tops. The mission has been extended from its initial 5 years. Juno’s science includes the Jovian physical, chemical and magnetic structure, cloud and storm dynamics, the rings, and flybys of several Jovian moons.

Jupiter’s Trojans: A group of asteroids and planetesimals that occupy the same orbit as Jupiter. There are two main groups that librate around Jupiter’s stable Lagrange Points L4 and L5. There are several hypotheses that relate their origin to early planetary collisions, captured planetesimals from the giant planet zone, or captured from the primordial Kuiper Belt. See Bottke et al., 2023. Open Access.

K-Pg boundary: Formerly called the K-T, or Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary marks the extinction event at the end of the Mesozoic, that saw the demise of dinosaurs and many marine invertebrate groups, like the ammonoids. Two explanations for the extinction event are: the Chicxulub impact at about 65 Ma (the most popular explanation), and volcanic CO2 emissions from the Deccan Traps that caused abrupt and dramatic atmospheric heating, ocean acidification, and mercury toxicity.

Kuiper Belt: A torus- or donut-shaped region of large and small icy bodies that lies outside the orbit of Neptune. Pluto lies within the Kuiper Belt. Fragments and planetesimals in the belt are probably remnants from the formation of the Solar System. It is different to and lies inside the Oort Cloud.

Lagrange points: When a body is in stable orbit around a larger mass, (e.g., the Earth and Sun) there is a balance between the gravitational forces (between both bodies), and centrifugal forces acting on the smaller orbiting body. In any two body system, there are five locations on the orbital plane where both forces are equal – these are the Lagrange Points. These points are useful for spacecraft because only minor adjustments are required to maintain a stable orbit. For example, the J Webb Telescope orbits Earth at Lagrange Point 2 (L2) in the Earth-Sun system, at a distance of about 0.1 AU. In this case, L2 is on the outside of the straight line joining the Sun and Earth (L1 lies between the Sun and Earth). However, L1 and L2 are not completely stable positions and J Webb Telescope requires minor adjustments every 23 days.

Latitude: Also called parallels. Imaginary lines that describe the angular location north or south of the equator. Zero latitude corresponds to the equator. Ninety degrees north and south correspond to the north and south geographic poles respectively. Lines of latitude describe small circles that intersect lines of longitude (meridians) at right angles. The tropics of Cancer and Capricorn represent the most northerly and southerly latitudes respectively (23.43°) where the sun can be positioned directly above an observer. The Arctic and Antarctic circles at 66.56° north and south respectively. The Antarctic circle represent the limit where the the sun will not set during the southern summer solstice or rise during the winter solstice. The reverse timing applies to the Arctic circle.

Leading hemisphere: For a tidally locked satellite, it is the face that is forward, towards the direction of orbital motion.

Light pollution: The ever-increasing problem of incident and reflected light generated by cities and orbiting satellites interfering with the operation of Earth-bound telescopes.

Light year: A unit of length used for astronomical distances, usually from Earth to stars and galaxies. Light travels through a vacuum at 299,792 km/second (186,282 miles/sec). Thus, the distance traveled in one year is 9.46 x 1012 km (5.87 x 1012 miles). The nearest star Proxima Centauri is ~4.25 light-years away.

Lithophile elements: One of the Goldschmidt classification groups of elements that readily bond with oxygen. This means they tend to be concentrated in Earth’s crust and probably the crusts of other rocky planets – common examples are Na, Ca, Mg, Si, Al, K. as well as some of the transition metal elements like Fe, Mn. cf. siderophiles.

Longitude: A measure of a line on the surface of the Earth that gives a position in degrees as east or west. Imaginary lines of longitude converge at the two poles. Lines of longitude describe great circles. Longitude also denotes time, where one hour is equivalent to 15o east-west. The zero line of longitude, the prime meridian set internationally in 1884, is located at Greenwich, England. East of the prime meridian time increases by 1 hour for every 15o; west it decreases by 1 hour. Thus, 12 noon at Greenwich corresponds to 12 hours later at 180o east from Greenwich.

Love waves: Seismic surface waves that propogate like S waves but only generate side to side ground movement; they are also attenuated in fluids. They are slower than P and S body waves. Cf. Rayleigh waves.

Luminosity: A measure of an object’s brightness expressed as energy or power output (e.g. watts). In astronomy, it is usually expressed with reference to a standard known luminosity, such as the Sun. It is related to absolute magnitude of a star by the expression:

M = -2.5Log (Observed luminosity/Standard luminosity)

Lunar core: Precise thickness of the lunar crust is uncertain because of ambiguities in the seismic data and models of rotation. Seismic S waves are strongly attenuated which means that either the entire core is liquid, or that it has a liquid outer shell. Recent models tend to favour a small liquid core ranging from 300 to 350 km diameter, surrounded by a liquid shell 90 to 220 km thick. All evidence indicates an iron-rich core. Core density is probably in the region of 7.8 kg/m3.

Lunar crust: Thickness estimates vary from 30 km to 43 km depending on the gravity or seismic model used. Thickness values for the far side are about 15 km greater than the near side. The average bulk density is 2550 kg/m3.  The most common rock types are basalt and anorthosite.

Lunar datum: The datum used in geodetic surveys, based on the lunar average radius. The datum is an imaginary sphere of radius 1737.4 km.

Lunar eclipse: When the moon moves into Earth’s shadow, such that Earth lies exactly between and in line with the Moon and Sun. A total lunar eclipse can only occur on a full moon. A partial eclipse occurs when Earth’s umbral region covers part of the moon. A penumbral eclipse occurs when the more diffuse penumbra shadow covers part of the moon – this type of eclipse is usually more difficult to observe.

Lunar mantle: Precise thickness of the lunar mantle is uncertain because of ambiguities in the seismic data. However, from the base of the lunar crust to about 1200 km P wave velocities are consistently about 6.8 km/s and S wave velocities about 4.5 km/s. Seismic S waves are strongly attenuated below this depth which may indicate partial melting in the lower mantle or outer core.  Deep Moonquakes range from 700-1100 km depth. The mantle is probably silicate-rich, composed of olivine- and pyroxene-rich rocks, with relatively consistent densities of 3.4 to 3.5 kg/m3.

Lunar mare: (singular maria, from Latin for ‘seas’): Extensive plains covered in basalt over about 15% of the lunar surface, most filling large craters from very old impacts. Most mare occur on the Earth side of the moon. They formed between 3.9 and 3.1 billion years ago. Basalt melts were probably generated at each impact. The eruptions were mostly effusive; evidence in the form of glass globules in lunar regolith suggest that fire fountains were important eruptive mechanisms. Wrinkling of lava flow tops has also been imaged. Samples collected by the Apollo missions show vesicularity of some basalts, indicating degassing during eruption.

Lunar near side / far side: The near side of the moon is visible from Earth; the far side is never visible from Earth.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: A lunar satellite operating since September 2009, tasked to produce detailed topographic and geodetic surveys of the lunar surface, identify possible future landing sites, measure surface temperatures and UV albedo, particularly across the lunar polar regions.

Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment: An active seismic experiment at Apollo 17 station (1972) using explosive charges, and four geophones – three in a 100 m sided triangle about a central geophone. The aim was to profile the lunar structure to several kilometres depth.

Lunar stratigraphy: The recognition of distinct geologic periods on the Lunar surface is based primarily on superposition of craters and ejecta blankets, and the products of volcanism, augmented by a small number of radiometric dates from Apollo mission samples. There are 5 main periods:

  • Pre-Nectarian: 4.533 – 3.920 Ga.
  • The beginning of the Nectarian (3.920 – 3.850 Ga) is taken as the age of Nectaris impact with its ejecta blanket providing a useful stratigraphic marker. A period of intense bombardment.
  • The Imbrium Period (3.85 – 3.20 Ga) Bombardment intensity continued, beginning with the Imbrium impact. There was significant basaltic volcanism.
  • The Eratosthenian, 3.20 – 1.10 Ga; the lower age limit of this period is less precise because it is based on the erosional morphology of craters (i.e., erosion by other impacts), whereas the upper age limit is based in part on how fresh and bright the excavated rock appears.
  • Copernican Period, 1.10 Ga to present. The Copernican crater near the southern edge of the near-side in the Imbrium Basin, is 93 km diameter and has spectacular, bright rays extending to 300 km from the impact site.

Lunation: A lunar month measured as the time between two new moons. Equals 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2.8 seconds.

Maat Mons: One of the largest volcanic edifices on Venus, with a peak elevated about 5 km above the surrounding plains. Recent vent activity has been identified on a shield volcano that is part of the Maat Mons complex, from radar images acquired by the Magellan spacecraft in 1990-1992.

Magellan spacecraft: A NASA mission, launched 1989 from Space Shuttle Atlantis, arrived in Venus orbit August 1990. Its primary task was to image the Venus surface over four years using radar mapping to penetrate Venus’ thick cloud cover. Almost 100% of the surface was mapped, in addition to gravity measurements over about 95% of the planet.

Magellanic Clouds: Two of the closest galaxies to the Milky Way, they are relatively small, irregular clusters of stars and nebulae. The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is about 160,000 light years away; the Small cloud (SMC) about 200,000 light years. They are thought to be satellites of the Milky Way. They are always observable with the naked eye in the southern hemisphere because they are close to the south celestial pole.

Magnetic field: Earth’s magnetic field is generated by a hot (4000-5000oC), fluid-like, iron-nickel rich outer core that moves slowly around a solid iron inner core. The magnetic field is forced into a tear-drop shape by solar winds, with the head of the ‘drop’ towards the sun (extending about 65,000 km), tapering over 600,000 km away from Earth. The magnetic field protects us from harmful components of the solar spectrum, like X-rays. The field has North and South poles that occasionally reverse over geological periods of 104 -105 years. The field intensity also waxes and wanes.

Magnetic pole: Points north and south where lines of equal magnetic intensity converge. The strength of Earth’s magnetic field depends on the movement of the fluid iron-nickle outer core around the solid iron inner core. Because of this movement, the magnetic field also moves. Thus, the magnetic poles traverse back and forth across their respective polar regions. The magnetic polarity can also reverse – and has done multiple times in the geological past.

Magnetic reversal: Reversal of Earth’s magnetic field has occurred many times, and over the last few million years this has happened about every 200,000 to 300,000 years.  The last reversal took place 780,000 years ago; this is called the Brunhes-Matuyama Reversal. Reversals are recorded by iron-bearing minerals in volcanic and sedimentary rocks where the minerals act as tiny magnets – the direction of polarity (i.e. magnetic N and S) is locked in mineral at the time of lava solidification or sedimentation, and this remnant magnetism can be measured.

Magnetosphere: The region of space around a planet where the magnetic field interacts with the solar wind. The impact of the solar wind on the Sun-side of Earth sets up a bow wave, or shock wave that is relatively close to Earth. On the opposite side of Earth, the magnetosphere streams to a point 10s of 1000s of kilometres away. The magnetosphere is responsible for limiting the impact of cosmic rays that are harmful to life and would also strip away Earth’s atmosphere.

Manicouagan impact structure: A well preserved, Late Triassic impact crater in northern Quebec, Canada, about 90 km diameter and outlined by a moat-like lake that surrounds the central uplift. It has been dated at 215 million years. The crater occurs within a Precambrian metamorphic-igneous terrane. The central uplift is composed of anorthosite that is surrounded by impact breccia and a 55 km wide melt sheet of differentiated monzonite and monzodiorite that are up to 1.4 km thick. Shock metamorphic structures include breccia, shatter cones, and shock-deformed quartz and feldspar crystals. The bolide was probably on the order of 5 km diameter. The impact may be implicated in the end-Triassic extinction event.

Mare (plural maria): Broad, relatively flat impact plains underlain by extensive basalt lava flows and lava tubes (these are the large dark splodges visible from Earth). Some are multi-ringed structures. They were originally interpreted as oceans or seas by enlightenment astronomers, hence the name – mare). Most formed from catastrophic impacts 3.1 to 3.9 billion years ago.

MARS 2: The Soviet Union vehicle that crashed while attempting a landing on Mars in 1971.

MARS 3: The second of two attempts by the Soviet Union to land a vehicle on Mars. MARS 3 landed successfully on December 2, 1971 but only functioned for about 20 seconds and did not transmit any data.

Mars Express: The first European Space Agency Mars orbiter, launched in 2003 and still operating. It has provided detailed images of the Martian surface, images that have been used to characterise landing sites for future landing craft. It discovered ice water in the polar ice caps, possible lakes beneath the ice caps, and has provided valuable information on atmosphere composition and weather conditions.

Marsquake: Analogous to earthquakes and moonquakes, caused by fault-related tectonics within the martian crust and mantle (low frequency events), plus numerous very small magnitude events caused by thermal contraction and expansion at the surface. The only records of marsquakes are from Mars InSight lander and its seismometer SEIS experiments from 2019 to 2022.

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Arriving in 2006, the primary mission of this spacecraft was to explore the role of water on the early Martian surface. It began orbiting in 2006. It has 6 cameras and analytical tools: HiRISE imaging camera (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment); CTX (wide angle imaging to give c9ntext to HiRISE; MARCI (Colour Imager to monitor clouds and dust storms); CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars); MCS (Mars Climate Sounder) to monitor atmospheric changes; SHARAD (Shallow Radar) to see below the Martian surface.

Martian canals: In 1888 Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli produced a detailed map of Mars showing features such as seas, islands, and other landmasses, and a network of ‘canali’, or channels.  Canali was misinterpreted in English as canals, and with it the connotations of intelligent life on Mars entered popular belief. We now know that many of Schiaparelli’s canali are actual channels, gullies, and canyons that have remarkably similar morphologies to water-worn features on Earth.

Mesosiderites: A type of stony-iron meteorite that consists mostly of brecciated fragments of crustal basalt, gabbro, and pyroxenite, plus crystals of olivine and orthopyroxene, and less commonly plagioclase. The matrix consists of finer grained cataclastic fragmentals and impact melt. Mesosiderites are thought to have formed from reconstituted fragments during asteroid collisions.

Meteor: Another name for shooting star, it refers to a meteoroid that burns upon entry to a planetary atmosphere. Cf. meteorite.

Meteor shower: A display of shooting stars that occurs when Earth’s orbit takes it through the remnants of a comet or asteroid. Most meteoroids are small bits of rock and dust. They originate from a radiant – a particular point in the sky. There are over 100 well documented showers, and many more suspected. For example, the Aquariid shower is caused by a pass though remnants of Halley’s comet from 390BC. Other prominent showers are the Perseids that can be seen every year and are derived from the tail of Comet Swift-Tuttle, and the Geminids derived from asteroid Phaethon. Meteor visibility depends on the timing in the night sky, and on the Moon’s phase because of light interference. The American Meteor Society publishes a calendar of shower events.

Meteorite: A meteor that impacts a planet’s surface. There are three main types: iron meteorites, stony-iron meteorites, and stony meteorites. There are several important subdivisions of these three, such as chondrites, carbonaceous chondrites, and pallasites.

Meteoroid: Rock and ice fragments that move through space, ranging in size from dust to massive asteroids. Cf. meteor.

Milankovitch cycles: Milutin Milankovitch was a Serbian mathematician and engineer (1879-1958) and a contemporary of Alfred Wegener. He developed mathematical models to explain the variations in solar insolation that is an important driver of earth’s climate. He was particularly interested in the periodicity of glaciations. Milankovitch theory describes three kinds of orbital cycle: Precession, Obliquity and Eccentricity, each of which is influenced by gravitational interactions between the earth, sun and moon, and to a lesser extent the planets. Milankovitch cyclicity is commonly invoked to help explain changing climates and sea levels.

Milky Way: The galaxy in which we reside is a barred spiral with two primary arms extending from the end of a central bar of stars. It is about 100,000 light years wide (9.5 x 1014 km) and contains a billion or more stars. Our solar system is located about 2/3 of the way (26,000 light years) from the Galactic Center in one of the arms. Our Sun and the Solar System rotate about the galactic centre, completing a circuit every 250 million years. The nearest large galaxy is Andromeda (M31), about  2.5 million light years away. There are two smaller clusters nearby – the Greater and Lesser Magellanic Clouds.

Mimas: One of the smallest of Saturn’s moons, it consists almost entirely of ice. Mimas stands out because one of its craters, Herschel Crater, is 130 km diameter, about a third of Mimas diameter. The crater walls are 5 km high and a central peak that is 6 km high. The impact forming this structure must have come close to completely fragmenting the moon.

Minor Planet Center: This is the official organization that considered the identification and naming of minor bodies in the Solar System (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, moons, near Earth objects). It operates under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and is funded by NASA. It is also responsible for publication of ephemerides.

Moonquake: Seismic tremors and upheavals from quakes, meteoroid and artificial impacts. The equivalent of an Earthquake.

Murchison meteorite: A carbonaceous chondrite that was observed to explode of as it entered Earth’s atmosphere on 28 September, 1969, over the eponymous Australian Victorian town. Several bits of the meteorite were found. Hundreds of organic compounds have been identified including amino acids, macromolecules, nitrogen- and sulphur-bearing compounds. All the organic compounds are considered to have formed abiotically, but such compounds may have provided the biochemical seeds for the beginning of life of Earth. Very small grains of silicon carbide have been dated at 7 billion years – almost 2.5 billion years older than the Solar System.

NASA: The National Aeronautic and Space Agency was formed in July 29, 1958, in part a response to the successful launching and orbit of the USSR’s Sputnik satellite. It’s primary aim was to “accelerate work on human and robotic spaceflight, and is responsible for scientific and technological achievements that have had widespread impacts on our nation and the world.” For a complete history check out the various commentaries and videos in the link above.

Nasa shuttle era: The five shuttles beginning with Columbia in 1981, and continuing successively with Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour, provided launch and recovery trips to space for 135 missions, the program ending in 2011. Missions included satellite recovery and repair, experimental work, and was instrumental in the construction of the International Space Station. Each shuttle was capable of a glide landing on a runway.

Near Earth objects (NEO): Asteroids and comets having orbits that approach Earth to within 1.3AU units (about 200 million km) are considered a potential risk. The risk of impact is based on probability. There are three categories based on bolide size: <140 m (low risk), 140-1000 m (low to moderate risk), and >1000 m (disastrous). Near Earth Objects with orbits that bring them to within 0.05AU to earth (7,500 km), and are large enough to survive entry, are classified as Potentially Hazardous Objects.

Nebula: Vast interstellar clouds of dust and gas (mostly hydrogen). Many are the remnants of  stars that have exploded at the end of their life, but the clouds then become nurseries for new stars. The Crab Nebula, about 10 light years across and 6500 light years away has several nascent stars; likewise the Eagle Nebula that is up to 70 light years wide and contains the iconic Pillars of Creation.

New Horizons mission: The NASA mission to fly-by Pluto, its moons, and beyond to the Kuiper Belt, launched January 2006. The fly-by began July 14, 2015, and the Kuiper Belt dumb-bell shaped object Arrokoth on January 1, 2019. Its closest approach to Pluto was 7,800 kilometers. En route it flew by Jupiter’s moon Io, Europa, and Ganymede, including a gravity-assist by Jupiter in February 2007. The spacecraft is about 8.8 billion km from Earth as of December 5, 2023.

Noachian Period (Mars): The period on Mars from 4.1 Ga to 3.7 Ga. Asteroid bombardment continued. There were vast outpourings of basaltic lava from volcanic centres like the Tharsis region, including the massive edifice of Olympus Mons. Ocean masses may have persisted into this period. Many of the drainage channels and associated features also formed at this time, presumably because of precipitation. Sediment derived by these processes would have been transported to basinal regions. Most of the crossbedded sandstones and laminated mudrocks imaged by various Mars rovers date from this period.

North Star: The northern hemisphere star Polaris lies on an imaginary line projected from Earth’s rotational poles. Thus, the position of the star in the night sky remains the same. It is also called the celestial star and lies on the celestial sphere.

Nuclear fusion: A natural multi-step process in the core of stars where hydrogen is converted to protons (positively charged plasma) that in turn transforms to helium under intense heat (15 million degrees C) and pressure. The process is initiated when two protons fuse together. One of the protons transforms to a neutron, forming deuterium that in turn collides with another proton to form Helium-3 (2 protons + 1 neutron). The process is complete when two He-3 nuclei collide to form helium-4 (2 protons + 2 neutrons). Each fusion step releases heat and light.

Obliquity: Obliquity is the combined effects of axial precession and ecliptic precession that cause earth’s tilt to move between 21.5o and 24.5o (the tilt angle is measured against the ecliptic). It is one of the Milankovitch cycles. The time to complete one tilt cycle is 41,000 years.  The changes in obliquity can impact the severity of Earth’s seasons.  At the lowest tilt the sun is distributed a bit more evenly so that seasonal variations are likely to be more clement. At the highest tilt, seasonal variation is likely to be more dramatic. Earth’s tilt is presently 23.4o and is on the decreasing part of the cycle.

Occultation: In astronomy, an occult occurs when observation of a body is prevented by a second body passing between them. Common examples are solar eclipses or when one of the planets is eclipsed by the moon.

Odysseus lander: The first commercial landing on the Moon on February 22, 2024, on the relatively steep slope of crater Malapert A, South Pole region. The landing itself was a success, except one of the legs broke on rough terrain and the lander fell over but continued to send data and images. It was launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

Olympus Mons: The largest known volcano in the Solar System and part of the Tharsis Montes volcanic region on Mars. It has the iconic shield form, 624 km in diameter, 25 km high, a caldera crater 80 km in diameter, and a 4-6 km high scarp on its outer rim.

Oort Cloud: The Oort Cloud contains the most distant bodies in the Solar System at distances ranging from 2000 to 200,000 AU (3.2 light years). It contains mostly icy bodies described as planetesimals. Icy bodies are distributed through the cloud in two regions: an inner disc, and an outer sphere – both are located beyond the heliosphere which means the Sun’s gravitational influence is very weak to non-existent. Some comets visible from Earth may have been dislodged from the cloud.

Opposition: In astronomy, the situation when two celestial bodies are in exactly opposite positions in the sky. When viewed from Earth, a full moon is opposite the Sun with Earth approximately in the middle. Opposition can only be observed for planets outside Earth’s orbit. Thus, Jupiter is in opposition when it rises in the east as the sun sets in the west – again Earth is in the middle.

Orbit: The path described by a body that moves around a (larger) parent body. Orbits are commonly elliptical in planetary, star, and satellite systems. Orbits are stable when gravitational forces are balanced by centrifugal forces.

Orbital period: The time taken for a body to complete one rotation around its parent. In planetary systems it refers to planet-star, planet-moon, asteroid/comet -sun, and in some cases comet-planet systems.

Orbital resonance: A resonance between satellites occurs when the difference in their orbital periods can be expressed as an integer. Good examples of this relationship are three of the Jovian Galilean moons – Io, Europa, and Ganymede, whose orbital period ratios are 4:2:1 respectively. This relationship means that each moon influences the gravity response of the other two moons and the degree of eccentricity of their orbits.

OSIRIS-Rex satellite: (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer) Launched September 8, 2016, it reached Bennu in 2018 spending a year mapping the surface. It successfully landed and collected measurements and samples, departing for Earth May 10, 2021. ETA at the Utah Test and training Range (near Salt Lake City) is September 24, 2023.

ʻOumuamua: A cigar-shaped, interstellar, asteroid-like rock that entered our solar system at about 20o to the ecliptic, was discovered October 2017. It was sling-shot away from the Sun at about 137,000 km/hour, fast enough to break free of the Sun’s gravity and take it out of the Solar System.

P & S waves (seismology): Seismic body waves generated by an impulse (earthquake, TNT, meteor impact) that travel through Earth from the energy source. P waves push and pull materials in the same direction as the propagated waves (also called compressional waves). S waves, or shear waves produce sideways motion – motion at right angles to the propagation direction. Shear waves do not travel through liquid. P waves travel fastest (up to 7.97 km/sec in upper mantle rocks) and are the first to appear on a seismogram. See also Surface waves.

Pallasites: One of two types of stony-iron meteorites that consist of olivine crystals encased in the FeNi metal compounds Kamacite and Taenite. They may represent a more differentiated part of the cores of ancient planets.

Parsec: The distance of a body from the Sun, calculated when the angle between the Sun and Earth, subtended by the body is 1 arcsecond (1/3600 of a degree). The distance between Earth and the Sun is 1 AU. Therefore, a parsec corresponds to 3.086 x 1013 km, or 3.26 light years.

Partial solar eclipse: When the Moon’s penumbral shadow traverses Earth when the moon is between Earth and the Sun – i.e., the umbral shadow does not fall on Earth cf. total eclipse.

Passive seismic experiments: A common method of earthquake and impact investigation on Earth, the method was used for the first time on another planetary body during Apollo 11 in 1969, and subsequent Apollo missions until the experiments were terminated in 1977. More than 13,000 significant seismic events were recorded including shallow and deep moonquakes, meteoroid impacts, artificial impacts, and diurnal thermal events. A passive seismometer was also installed during the InSight program on Mars from 2018 to 2022.

Paterae: From Latin meaning dish-shaped, a depression, or crater. Used by early astronomers to describe such features on planetary surfaces, like Mars, that subsequently have been identified as volcanic craters and calderas. They are also known on Jupiter’s Moon Io.

Peak ring craters: These form in very large craters where the central peak collapses and brecciated rock flows outward to form a blocky, roughly concentric ring. They are far less common than simple or complex craters. The only known example on the moon is the 900 km diameter Mare Orientale. (Grieve & Therriault, 2012)

Penumbra: The region of diffuse shadow outside the umbra.

Perigee: The closest distance of the Moon from Earth during its elliptical orbit. Cf. apogee

Perihelion: The closest distance from the Sun (or any star) of an orbiting body. The term coined by Johannes Kepler applies to planets, comets and asteroids that have elliptical orbits around a star. Etymology – Helios, the Greek Sun God. Cf. Aphelion

Perijove: The position on a satellite orbit that is closest to Jupiter’s center. Cf. Apojove, Perigee.

Periodic comet: Comets having orbital periods less than 200 years. The classification is indicated by a ‘P’ in the comet name. The link above is to the University of Maryland/NASA list of periodic comets (more than 800 of them).

Perseids: A prominent meteor shower that peaks mid-July to early September. It originates from the constellation Perseus (its radiant), from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.

Perseverance Rover: Launched July 30, 2020, landing in Jezero crater February 18, 2021. The site was chosen because it contains exposures of ancient delta – river deposits. Its primary mission was to explore the Geology, Astrobiology (possible ancient life), Sample Caching (collect and package samples for collection by future missions – 38 sample tubes available), look for possible sites for future human missions, and technology development using the Ingenuity Helicopter.

Phases of the Moon: The constantly changing positions of the moon as it is viewed from Earth, describes a cycle beginning with a new moon when the Moon lies between Earth and the Sun, and ending with the full moon when Earth lies in the middle. In the northern hemisphere a waxing moon will become increasingly illuminated from right to left, and a waning moon decreasingly illuminated from right to left (i.e., it is illuminated on the left). The opposite rule applies in the southern hemisphere. The phases in a full lunar cycle (29.5 days) for the northern hemisphere are: a waxing crescent (illuminated on the right); 1st quarter; waxing gibbous; full moon; waning gibbous (illuminated on the left); last quarter; waning crescent; new moon.

Phobos: The larger of the two Martian moons, discovered in 1877, it is very close to the Mars surface, orbiting about every 8 hours. Its orbit is decaying at about 1.8 m/100 years. Its largest dimension is 27 km. The surface is pockmarked by craters and groove-like structures that are hypothesized to have formed by tidal forcing.

Planet: The 2006 IAU definition “A planet is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.” The expression ‘cleared the neighbourhood’ refers to the gravitational attraction and impact of asteroids, comets, and dust that reside nearby.

Planetary differentiation: The process of separation of elements and minerals into distinct compositional layers. Dense minerals will tend to sink (gravitational differentiation). Fully differentiated rocky planets and planetesimals commonly have Fe-Ni cores, surrounded by silicate-rich mantle layers; olivine is a common mineral in mantle rocks. Accumulation of lighter silicates such as quartz will occur in outer crustal layers. Differentiation may begin during initial planetary accretion, but will continue with partial melting of mantle rocks, and magmatic processes in the crust.

Planetary orbits, axial rotation, obliquity, moons, distance from the Sun, and rings: Information in this chart has been sourced from multiple websites.

Planetary orbits, axial rotation, obliquity, moons, distance from the Sun, and rings:

Table of planetary orbits, axial rotation, obliquity, moons, distance from the Sun, and rings:

Planetary surface temperatures, pressures, and atmospheres: Information in this chart has been sourced from multiple websites.

Planets and dwarf planets: their surface temperatures, surface pressures, and atmospheres

Planets and dwarf planets: their surface temperatures, surface pressures, and atmospheres

Planetary radii, densities and gravity: : Information in this chart has been sourced from multiple websites.

Planetary radii, densities and gravity

Table of planetary radii, densities and gravity

Planetesimal: Accretion of gas and dust during the early stages of planetary nebula evolution, eventually leads to bodies, or planetesimals with gravitational fields large enough to draw in their nearest neighbours. The planetesimals may be broken up by asteroid bombardment (the resulting fragments subsequently available for accretion to other planetesimals), or they may continue to accrete leading to fully fledged planets. Larger planetesimals may be capable of generating enough internal heat to cause partial melting, and differentiation of a core, inner shell, and an outer crust. Planetesimals are regarded as the building blocks of planets. Theoretically, many of the asteroids in the Asteroid Belt are planetesimals left over from accretion in the early nebula.

Precession: Precession describes the Earth’s wobble as it spins on its axis of rotation. The time taken to complete a single wobble cycle is 19,000 to 23,000 years. Earth is an oblate spheroid with its longest diameter at the equator – precession is caused by this equatorial bulge. It has the shortest period of the three main Milankovitch cycles. Precession cycles are superimposed on obliquity cycles.

Pre-Noachian Period: The period on Mars from 4.5 – 4.1 billion years ago, from its accretion to the formation of differentiated crust, and hypothesized cooling and condensing of its atmospheric water vapour to form oceans and lakes. It was also a period of intense asteroid bombardment.

Protoplanetary disc: A (flattened) disc of gas (probably >90%), dust, asteroid-like bodies and other planetesimals surrounding a young star. Gravitational attraction eventually forms larger planets, the number and composition of which depends on the disc mass and composition. As a planet grows, it eventually develops its own gravitational field and continues to attract disc material. Hubble and JWST telescopes have imaged several protoplanetary discs around exoplanets. Cf. Circumstellar discs.

Proxima b: An exoplanet closest to Earth at about 4.25 light years, discovered in 2016. It orbits the red dwarf Proxima Centauri, the small star that orbits the double stars in the Alpha Centauri system. Its orbit is 0.0485 AU from its star, and although probably in the potentially ‘habitable zone’, it is bombarded by UV radiation intense enough to strip most atmospheric molecules from its surface.

Pseudotachylite: A dark, fine-grained rock, commonly identified by its glassy groundmass and quench textures, that can be found along fault planes or as veins associated with bolide impact shock metamorphism. Pseudotachylite composition is usually similar to the country rock it intrudes and is derived by partial or complete melting of the host rock. The veins commonly contain breccia.

Radian: An angular measure commonly used in mathematical expressions involving rotation and moving bodies, for example angular velocity. 2π radians is equivalent to 360o.

Radiant: The point in the sky from which meteor showers originate and radiate from. The radiants for most showers coincide with constellations, from which the showers commonly get their name (e.g., the Perseids in Perseus).

Rayleigh waves: Seismic surface waves that produce a rolling ground motion with vertical and horizontal components of movement. They are slower than P and S body waves. Cf. Love waves.

Regolith: A general term describing the products of physical and chemical weathering, resulting in a veneer of soil and granular material including breccia. Regolith associated with meteoroid impacts will usually contain melt glass and evidence of shock metamorphism. Examples of extraterrestrial regoliths have been observed  and/or sampled on the Moon, Mars, asteroid Bennu, and comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and some other planetary moons.

Retrograde motion: Motion of a body that is opposite the so-called normal or prograde motion. All planets orbit the sun counter-clockwise relative to the North Star; most planets also rotate on their axes in the same direction, except Venus and Uranus that rotate clockwise or retrograde. The asteroid Bennu also has a retrograde spin.

Rhea: Saturn’s second largest moon, with radius 764 km, orbiting about half a million kilometres from its parent. Its density is 1.23 g/cc, and gravity 0.264 m/s2, and with relatively high albedo indicates that its shell is probably ice water and core a mix of ice and rock. Surface temperatures range from -174oC to -220oC. The orbit is tidally locked to Saturn; orbit period is 4.5 Earth days.

Rocky planets: Planets that have a solid silicate or iron core, molten or solid shells, and a solid crust. In our Solar System this includes Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Pluto is a combination of ice and rock. Some of the Jovian planets have moons that are rocky, or are combinations of rock, ice, and liquid layers.

Rotational poles: Two points where the axis of rotation of a spheroid intersects the surface. On Earth the poles correspond closely to the geographic poles.

S1000a: The first major meteoroid impact on Mars recorded by the InSight seismometer SEIS on September 18, 2021, for which there was visual confirmation of its crater from before-and-after images taken by HiRISE orbiter. The crater was 130 m diameter. The impact produced a marsquake of magnitude 4.0-4.1, that produced a recorded P wave that was diffracted by Mars core-mantle boundary (Duran et al., 2022).

Sedna: A dwarf planet and the most distant object in the Solar System, it is 90 AU from the Sun (about 12.9 billion km). It is 3 times more distant than Pluto. Sedna has a highly elliptical orbit. It was discovered 14 November 2003 by Caltech and Yale astronomers. The name is derived from the Inuit god of the sea.

SEIS: The broad-band frequency seismometer deployed by InSight lander on Mars surface at Elysium Planitia, 2019. More than 1300 high and low frequency, tectonic and impact quakes were recorded over its four years of operation.

Seismic coda: Seismic wave scattering can produce a kind of ringing, or echo effect that is referred to as seismic coda (coda is a term used in music composition to indicate a repeated theme). It is an important contribution to recorded lunar and Martian seismicity, probably because of intense fracturing in the shallow crust, that can mask other important signals.

SETI Institute: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The SETI Institute was incorporated in California on November 20, 1984 and began operations on February 1, 1985. It began as a NASA project, but has expanded to look for life and intelligent life in other solar systems. NASA and the National Science Foundation remain SETI partners, in addition to private and philanthropic funding.

Shatter cones: Shatter cones are a distinctive structure formed by high pressure events such as asteroid impacts. They occur as overlapping, 3-dimensional cones, pointy end up.  They are usually associated with shocked quartz and melt breccias.

Shock lamellae: Common in minerals like quartz where parallel laminae indicate deformation, or breakage of the crystal along multiple, parallel planes during extreme high- pressure events. They are distinctive because cleavage is usually absent in quartz crystals.

Shock metamorphism: Irreversible structural and chemical changes to rocks caused by the passage of a shock wave from hypervelocity impacts, events that take a fraction of a second to a few seconds. The shock wave generates compression and heat – pressures range from a few GPa to 1000 GPa (gigapascals), and temperatures from a few 100o C to several 1000o C. With the passage of the shockwave, increases in pressure and temperature see changes to the target rocks pass through brittle failure and cataclasis, solid-state mineral phase transformations (e.g., quartz to coesite and stishovite), melting, and vaporization. The deformation of crystals like quartz and zircon produces parallel ‘shock’ lamellae. Other products include shatter cones, melt rock as sheets and distributed fragments like tektites.

Shock wave (impact): The instantaneous pressure wave generated during a bolide impact, that expands outward in an approximately hemispherical geometry, decreasing in intensity with distance from the impact. It is responsible for brecciation, mineral phase transformations, melting, and vaporization of country rock.

Shoemaker-Levy 9: Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 was discovered March 24, 1993 by astronomers David Levy, and Carolyn and Eugene Shoemaker. The comet was not a single body, but a string of bodies. It was found to orbit Jupiter with a 200-year period, but the orbit was decaying and calculations indicated it would collide with Jupiter, beginning with the first and nearest comet fragment on the 16th July, 1994, and ending July 22nd. The largest fragment was two kilometres diameter and had an approach speed of 60 km/second, or 216,000 km/hour. Instead of craters, the impacts left a string of greyish, circular to crescent-shaped patches that developed from clouds of dust and aerosols ejected into the Jovian stratosphere. One patch was 12,000 Km across – equivalent to the diameter of Earth. The impacts produced massive fireballs that soared rapidly to 3000 km.  The fireballs, visible for up to 80 seconds had initial temperatures of 23,700°C (42,700 °F). The ambient temperature at the top of Jupiter’s cloud is −143°C (−226°F).

Shooting star: The common name given to the bright trails caused by meteors burning up as they enter Earth’s atmosphere.

Sidereal day: A sidereal day is the time taken for Earth to rotate once on its axis relative to distant stars (that are assumed to be fixed). We regard the stars as being fixed to an imaginary celestial sphere at some great distance (the poles of the celestial sphere are the celestial poles). For an observer on Earth, this means it is the time taken for stars to appear in the same position in the sky from one night to the next. A sidereal day is 23 hours 56 minutes 4.091 seconds – it is about 4 minutes shorter (faster) than a solar day (24 hours). The difference between sidereal and solar time is due to Earth’s orbit around the Sun,where it has moved 1 day farther along its orbit during the period of rotation.

Sidereal month: The time taken for the moon to complete one revolution around Earth relative to distant, fixed stars (see sidereal day). A sidereal month is 27.3 days. It is about 2 days shorter (faster) than a solar month because over this time Earth has moved farther along its orbit around the Sun – a bit like playing catch-up.

Siderophile elements: Literally iron-loving elements, they include the high density transition metals that bond with iron in solid and molten states. They can also bond with sulphur and carbon. As such they tend to concentrate in Earth’s core and to a lesser extent the mantle. They re rare in the crust. Most, except for Fe and Mn have a low affinity for oxygen. The list includes Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Ga, Ge, Hg, In, Pb, Po, S, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, Tl, Zn – Sulphur is also a volatile element and at Earth’s surface combines with oxygen to form sulphate anions.

Simple crater: (Grieve & Therriault, 2012) The smallest and structurally simplest impact craters, ranging from sub-millimetre diameter pits to 10 km. They have raised rims, a surrounding ejecta blanket, and basin-filling non-melt breccia – some of the larger versions may have melt breccia. There may be some instability in the crater walls, particularly in the larger craters.  On the moon they commonly are superimposed on larger craters. The best-preserved example on Earth is Barringer Crater in Arizona.

Single apparition comets: Comets that orbit the Sun only once then leave the solar system. They are thought to originate in other star systems.

Sol: A solar Martian day, in Earth time equivalent to 24 hours, 39 minutes, 35 seconds. A Martian year is about 668 sols.

Solar Cycle 25: Based on sunspot history, the Solar Minimum for Cycle 24 was December  2019. This heralds the beginning of Cycle 25, that is expected to peak in 2025. This also means that the incidence and intensity of solar flares will increase.

Solar day: For an observer on Earth, it is the time taken for Earth to complete one rotation about its axis, relative to the sun. It is about 4 minutes slower than a sidereal day.

Solar eclipse: The shadow cast on Earth when the Moon lies in a straight line between the Sun and Earth. This can only occur during a new moon. A total eclipse occurs in the moon’s umbral region; partial eclipses are observed in the penumbral region. The narrow umbral region will track across Earth’s surface as it rotates. Solar eclipses are visible from somewhere on Earth approximately two times a year.

Solar flares: An eruption of electromagnetic radiation from the sun, usually above sun spots. They appear as bright spots on the Sun surface. Electromagnetic and atomic particles are accelerated into space and if the burst is strong enough it can disrupt radio communications on Earth and increase the intensity of aurora. Flares last a few hours to a few days. There are three types of flare: X-class, are very large and very disruptive; M-class can result in weaker electromagnetic storms; C-class where effects on Earth are minimal.

Solar mass: A unit of measurement, approximately equal to the mass of the Sun (about 2 x 1030 kg), that is used to compare the masses of other stars, nebulae, black holes, galaxies, and star clusters.

Solar month: For an observer on Earth, it is the time for the moon to complete one revolution around Earth relative to the Sun. The solar month is 29.5 days, about 2 days slower than a sidereal month because Earth has moved farther along its orbit around the Sun.

Solar prominence: Also called a filament. An eruption of flowing plasma extending from the surface of the Sun into the corona, commonly in an arch-like structure that is anchored to the Sun. Their extent is usually measured in thousands of kilometres. These events can last months. Cf. Solar flares that are not attached to the Sun surface. If the prominence breaks free of the surface it becomes a coronal mass ejection.

Solar System: A collection of planets, dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and dust that orbit a star. Our Solar System has an average-sized star at its centre, 8 planets, 5 dwarf planets (including Pluto), at least 200 moons, an Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, the Kuiper Belt containing icy bodies that lie outside the orbit of Neptune, and the most distant Oort Cloud of dust and planetesimals that extends beyond the heliosphere. It seems that most stars in the universe have solar systems.

Solar wind: Charged particles generated by the Sun’s corona that travel outwards at high speed. Solar winds react with the magnetospheres of planets, focusing at their magnetic poles. On Earth, this creates the aurora borealis and aurora australis in both polar regions.

Solstice: Twice a year the sun reaches its highest and lowest positions relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere; i.e., the sun is farthest from the equator (cf. the equinox). This is usually December 21 and June 21. Winter solstice in the northern hemisphere corresponds (December 21) to the shortest day of the year; in the southern hemisphere it is the summer solstice and the longest day of the year. This relationship exists because Earth’s orbit is elliptical and its spin axis is tilted.

South Pole Aitken Basin: The largest lunar impact basin, or mare, on the southern extent of the lunar far side. It has some of the deepest points on the Moon surface at 8.2 km below the lunar datum. it is about 2500 km diameter.

Southern Cross: The four principal stars in the constellation Crux form a cross in the southern hemisphere sky that has been an important navigation point of reference to the south celestial pole for centuries. To determine south, draw a line connecting the longest diagonal between the head and foot of the cross. Extend the line an additional 4 times the length of the diagonal, towards the horizon – the end of this projection lies directly above the geographic south pole.

Southern Delta Aquariids: A prominent meteor shower usually seen mid July – August each year (cf. the Eta Aquariids), also originating from Aquarius (its radiant). The origin of the shower is suspected to be comet 96P/Machholz that was discovered in 1986.

Sputnik: Was the first orbiting satellite, launched 4 October 1957 by the Soviet Union. The announcement was made by TASS. It was small, spherical, measuring 58 cm diameter and weighing in at 83.6 kg. It’s orbit was elliptical, up to 900 km from Earth. The event also launched a new era in space exploration, and the USA-USSR space race.

Stishovite: An ultra high pressure polymorph of silica that transforms from quartz during meteorite impacts. It has a density of 4.3 g/cm3 (quartz is 2.65 g/cm3), has 2 planes of cleavage, and belongs to the tetragonal crystal system. Cf. quartz, coesite.

Stony meteorites: The most common kind of meteorite, stony meteorites, are composed of silicate minerals, some FeNi metals, and in rare cases carbon compounds (carbonaceous chondrites). The group is subdivided into two main types: chondrites, made up of silicate mineral globules derived from melts, and achondrites that show evidence of melting.

Stony-iron meteorites: One of the three main types of meteorites, having nearly equal amounts of metal and silicate crystals. The metals are primarily the FeNi compounds Kamacite and Taenite. There are two main groups of stony-irons: Pallasites that consist of FeNi and olivine crystals, and Mesosiderites that are breccias composed of FeNi metal fragments and silicate fragments. Cf. Iron meteorites, stony meteorites.

Suevite: An impact breccia that contains clasts of brecciated bedrock, glassy or crystalline melt rock, and shock-deformed crystals such as quartz and zircon. The matrix is clastic but may also contain small fragments of melt glass.

Sudbury impact structure: The Sudbury impact structure presents as an eroded remnant of a 1840 million year old, 150-260 km diameter basin in Ontario, Canada. The depth of erosion provides a view of the deformed crust beneath the impact structure,  as well as shallower deposits like fall-back and impact breccias and post-impact basin fill. Typical shock metamorphic structures include shatter cones, shock lamellae in Quartz, and a melt sheet (Sudbury Igneous Complex). Iridium anomalies have also been recorded in the ejecta deposits. Sediment that fills the basin (Onaping Formation) includes fall-back breccia that was subsequently hydrothermally altered by remnant heat from the impact-generated igneous complex.

Summer solstice: The time of year when either the north or south pole has maximum tilt towards the Sun corresponding to the longest day – June 20 or 21 in the Northern hemisphere and December 21 or 22 in the Southern hemisphere. For each, there is an opposite winter solstice.

Sun spots: Dark regions of the Sun’s outer photosphere that have slightly cooler temperatures where convection is temporarily inhibited. They were some of the first solar features discovered by Galileo who described and mapped their appearance over several years. Sun spots move across the surface of the Sun. They increase in number during a solar maximum that cycles every 22 years – 11 years to the solar maximum, and another 11 years to the corresponding solar minimum (also called the Schwabe Cycle). The cycle is caused by the reversal of the Sun’s magnetic field where over one 11 year period North becomes South, and over the following 11 years this reverses.

Super moon: A full or new moon that coincides with, or is close to perigee (closest to Earth).

Supernova: During the death throes of a star, the dense, hot core collapses so rapidly that it creates a shock wave, causing the outer part of the star to explode. The collapse and subsequent explosion can take place in seconds. Gas and charged particles expand rapidly outwards. The supernova that formed the Crab Nebula, a well-known example, was witnessed as a bright object during day light by Chinese observers in 1054 AD. The Crab Nebula is 6500 light years away, and now is 6 light years in diameter.

Surface waves (seismic): Seismic waves generated by tectonic quakes and meteoroid impacts that are confined to the shallow crust (cf. body waves). The two principal types are Rayleigh waves and Love waves. Both are higher frequency seismic responses than P and S waves, and usually arrive at a seismograph after the body waves.

109P Swift-Tuttle: One of the largest comets considered to be a near-Earth object. Its nucleus is about 26 km wide. The orbital period is 133 years – the last closest approach to the Sun was 1992 and its next approach 2125. It is responsible for the Perseid meteor shower.


Synodic day: See Solar day.


Tektite: Globules of glass melt a few millimetres in diameter usually attributed to the heat generated by asteroid impacts. Their size means that they can be distributed well beyond the impact site.

Terminator line: The line or boundary between night and day that moves across a planetary body. For example, the delineation of light and dark of a crescent moon. The narrow band along the terminator is useful for viewing relief and shadows of morphological features such as craters and mountains.

Tethys: The 5th largest moon of Saturn with radius 533 km, a distance of 294,660 km, and orbital period 1.89 days. Its density is 0.97 g/cc indicating a composition almost entirely of water ice. Surface temperatures average -187oC.

Tharsis Montes: The Tharsis region of Mars that contains twelve shield volcanoes, the three largest, from north are Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons and Arsia Mons. They are smaller edifices than Olympus Mons, located about 1200 km to the north, but still large by terrestrial standards at 375 km to 475 km in diameter, and up to 15 km from bast to summit. All are located within the Tharsis bulge and are the youngest volcanoes on Mars.

Tidal forces: Gravitational forces acting among planetary bodies and between planets and their parent star. These forces distort the planetary spheroids that are expected to form under conditions of pure hydrostatic equilibrium. Thus, planets and moons commonly assume oblate spheroidal shapes. Earth’s oceanic tides are a product of tidal forces in our Sun-Earth-Moon system. Earth’s equatorial bulge is also a product of the Moon’s gravity. Tidal forces can also generate internal heat – it is hypothesized that Europe’s subcutaneous oceans maintain a liquid state because of gravitational friction.

Tidal friction: Competing gravitational forces between two planetary bodies can produce elastic body distortion and frictional heat. Maintenance of liquid water in   subcutaneous oceans or inner layers of moons like Europa and Enceladus requires a heat source and frictional heating is currently the preferred mechanism.

Tidal locking: For some planet-moon systems, the rotation of a moon about its axis takes the same time as one orbital rotation about its parent planet. This means the moon always shows the same side when viewed from the planet. This is the case for the Earth-Moon system. All the large moons of Saturn and Jupiter are tidally locked. Tidal locking is a consequence of the gravitational interaction between the two bodies. It also applies to some stars and their planets, and to some binary stars. Have a look at NASA’s animation.

Time zones: There are 24 time zones on Earth, defined by longitudinal meridians each 15o, or one hour apart. The Primary Meridian passes through Greenwich, England. The concept for universal time zones was developed by a Canadian railway engineer, and in 1884 his ideas were adopted at a conference in Washington DC. However, it is up to country jurisdictions to decide how the time zones are used. For example, Russia has 11 time zones, contiguous USA has 5, and China has 5 zones but uses only one. Likewise, the International Date Line theoretically follows 180o longitude, but has been drawn with several twists and turns to account for geography and National boundaries.

Titan: Titan is the largest of Saturn’s moons with a radius of 2575 km, about 1.5 times that of our Moon. Its orbit is tidally locked to Saturn. It is the only moon in the Solar System to have a thick atmosphere: 95% nitrogen, some methane and a whiff of organic compounds and CO2. It has a rocky core and inner shells of water-ice and brine. The outer crust is icy with solid and liquid hydrocarbons. Titan’s seas and lakes consist of liquid methane (CH4) and probably ethane (C2H6). Cassini’s radar images reveal intricate coastlines and embayments, islands, headlands, and drainage systems.

Torino scale: Adopted by the IAU in 1999, the scale is used to express the likelihood of an asteroid-comet collision with Earth, and the scale of destruction that might ensue. Zero on the scale is an improbable risk, 10 is a certainty of impact with potentially catastrophic consequences.

Total solar eclipse: When the moon’s umbral shadow is located between Earth and sun (umbral region completely blocks sunlight). Cf. penumbral shadow.

Trailing hemisphere: For a tidally locked satellite, it is the face that is backward, facing away from the direction of orbital motion.

Transit method: The method commonly used to detect the existence of planets (exo-planets) in orbit around distant stars. When viewed from Earth (or space telescope), the light of a star will be dimmed when one of its planets passes in front of it. If the transit is repeated and the time taken between successive dimming events is the same, then the presence of a planetary body is regarded as highly probably. The size of the exo-planet is also related to the amount of dimming.

Tunguska: The largest impact in recent history occurred over Tunguska, Siberia on June 30, 1908.   The meteorite was probably 50-100m in diameter and exploded in the air (hence no crater), the shock wave devastating 100s of square kilometres of forest. There has been considerable debate over the origin of the Tunguska event, including gas explosions.

Tycho Brahe: Tycho Brahe’s legacy to astronomy and science is centred on his development and calibration of instruments, and his methodological approach to observation and interpretation. He was a 16th century astronomer whose observations of the moon, stars, and comets helped to dismantle the theory that planets resided on spheres, are centred on Earth, and that the “heavens” were immutable. By observing planetary orbits in their entirety, he was able to demonstrate perturbations in their journeys across the sky and that these orbits deviated from perfect circles. He did, however, disagree with the Copernican theory (1543) of a Sun-centred solar system.

Umbra: The cone of deep shadow on the side of Earth not facing the Sun. The distance to the cone apex will vary because of Earth’s elliptical orbit. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon is positioned within the umbra. Cf. Penumbra.

USGS Mars geology maps: The USGS Astrogeology Science Center in Flagstaff, Arizona has released a series of contour geology maps at 1:200,000 scale (1 cm equivalent to 2 km). Such maps provide detail sufficient for comparison with terrestrial analogues of geological and geomorphic features such as volcanic edifices and lava flows, deltas, and river channels.

UTC: Coordinated Universal Time; The successor to GMT, it is based on a 24 hour clock, although the prime meridian remains at Greenwich. The high degree of precision results from use of atomic clocks that are occasionally adjusted to solar time by a leap second. It has been in use since 1972. IT is coordinated by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM)

Vacuum: A region devoid of matter. Space is close to a perfect vacuum, but even in interstellar space there are probably a few atoms in every cubic metre.

Valhalla impact crater: The largest multi-ring crater in the Solar System occurs on Jupiter’s moon Callisto. It is 4000 km diameter, compared with Callisto’s 4800 km diameter. The rings have been imaged as troughs, or large cracks in the moon’s crust. A bright, high albedo central region about 600 km in diameter may have been filled with excavated water ice.

Valles Marineris: Nick-named the Grand Canyon of Mars, it extends for 4000 km around about 1/5 of Mars equator, and is up to 7 km deep (the Grand Canyon in USA is about a quarter as long and deep). It is generally thought to have formed during cooling of Mars’ crust. However, there are many tributary-like valleys that may indicate modification by surface water erosion. some images also show the possible effects of slope failure and landslide run-out.

Van Allen radiation belts: Two concentric belts composed of charged particles that surround Earth and are located within the magnetosphere. Named after their discoverer James Van Allen, their extent was first observed by NASA’s Explorer 1 in 1958. The outer belt consists primarily of protons (hydrogen), and the inner belt of particles formed by interaction of cosmic rays with Earth’s atmosphere. They extend to 58,000 km from Earth. Most of the particles are derived from the solar wind, some from beyond the solar system. Knowing the extent and radiation strength of the belts is important for orbiting satellites and probes because instrumentation can be damaged.

Vernal equinox: The astronomical definition for the beginning of spring, where the Sun lies exactly above the equator such that day and night are of equal duration. In the northern hemisphere this falls on March 20 or 21, and in the southern hemisphere September 22 or 23. C.f. summer solstice.  

Vesta: One of the largest asteroids in the Asteroid Belt, is an oblate spheroid with a diameter of 530 km. Vesta’s surface is pockmarked by craters caused by smaller asteroid impacts.

Viking 1: The NASA Mars spacecraft that entered Mars orbit June 19, 1976. Viking 1 lander alighted Mars surface June 20, 1976 – the first successful landing where data and images were transmitted until the end of the mission November 11, 1982. Instruments recorded atmospheric conditions, soil sampling and chromatograph analysis, and a seismometer that failed to operate.

Viking 2: The sister Mars orbiter to Viking 1, that entered orbit August 7, 1976, with its lander arriving Sept. 3, 1976. Lander instruments included an imaging System, gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer for soil samples, a seismometer, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, a weather station, and a robotic sampling arm. The lander operated until April 1980.

Voyager 1 spacecraft: One of the early but hugely successful probes, launched September 5, 1977 (about 2 weeks after Voyager 2), its mission was to image Jupiter, then slingshot to Saturn to look at the rings and the moon Titan. Its trajectory around Saturn eventually took it on a course 35o above the ecliptic plane, a course it maintained (except for minor adjustments) to eventually leave the heliosphere in 2012 and begin its journey through interstellar space. Voyager 1 has been active for 45 years. It has traveled about 160 AU from Earth.

Voyager 2 spacecraft: Launched August 20, 1977, this probe, like its sister, was tasked to orbit Jupiter and Saturn, but its journey evolved quite differently with successive gravity assists to change its trajectory for trips to Uranus, Neptune, and finally interstellar space. Voyager 2 discovered new moons around Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, volcanism on Jupiter’s moon Io, measured wind speeds and magnetic fields on Uranus and Neptune. Its trajectory eventually took it beyond Neptune at an angle of 45o below the ecliptic (opposite that of Voyager 1), entering interstellar space beyond the Solar System in 2018.

Vredeforte impact structure: Vredeforte Dome in South Africa contains remnants of the oldest recognisable impact structure on Earth. It is 2023 million years old. It’s present circular structure and indicate a crater 190 km in diameter, but local geology suggests it could have been 250-280 km. Successive periods of erosion provide us with a view deep into its structure. Characteristic shock metamorphic structures include shatter cones, shocked quartz and zircon, pseudotachylite breccia, and melt rock. Recent modelling indicates a couple of impact scenarios: the bolide was 25 km in diameter and impacted at 15 km/second, or was 20 km diameter with a velocity of 25 km/s.

Water-ice polymorphs: Water-ice has 19 crystalline types and three amorphous phases, or polymorphs, that form under different conditions of temperature and pressure. All the crystalline phases of ice involve hydrogen-bonding of water molecules with four neighbouring water molecules. Type Ih ice is the kind we see at Earth’s surface in glaciers, icebergs, hail, and snow. It has a hexagonal crystal structure. Type Ih is stable from 0o to -200oC and pressures to about 100 MPa. Several other types of ice form at greater pressures, crystallizing in cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, and monoclinic forms. For example, the ice on the inner layers of moons like Titan and Enceladus, probably have tetragonal Type VI ice that forms at pressures 10,000 times those normally seen on Earth.

Widmanstätten bands: A crystallization structure characteristic of, and found only in iron meteorites, where the FeNi minerals Kamacite and Taenite form an interleaved pattern. The crystallization texture probably formed under conditions of slow cooling in the FeNi cores of planets.

Zodiacal light: A diffuse, cone- or pyramid-shaped light that appears just before dawn sunrise or just after sunset and in the same part of the sky as the setting or rising sun. It is caused by reflection from interplanetary dust. It is also called the false dawn and false sunset, best seen at either equinox.


Links to some excellent websites

EarthSky – Updates on your cosmos and world.

The Planetary Society



International Astronomical Union, IAU

Astronomy education and outreach (Univ California San Diego)

Encyclopedic Atlas of Terrestrial Impact Craters Springer, 2019.

Planetary and Space Science (Journal)


Geohistory 2: Backstripping tectonic subsidence


Teasing the tectonic subsidence from total basin subsidence

Sedimentary basins are defined as regions of long-term subsidence of the crust and mantle lithosphere. We can also express this definition in terms of the long-term creation of sediment accommodation space – this is a useful definition because it acknowledges that several processes operate, frequently in tandem, to create (or remove) accommodation. These processes include:

  • Changes in sea level that determine the architecture of the sedimentary fill, usually measured in metres to 10s of metres,.
  • Sediment compaction; this process begins soon after deposition and continues for the life of a basin.
  • The isostatic effects of sediment and water loads. Water loads will fluctuate with changes in relative sea level and the replacement of water by sediment. The isostatic response to loading and unloading is an elastic response that involves the lithosphere and upper asthenosphere.
  • Tectonism drives subsidence and uplift, and the development of topography that, in turn, is a strong determinant of sediment supply and sediment routing.

The last of these, tectonics, is by far the dominant influence; all the other generators of accommodation are superimposed on tectonic driving forces. The term ‘tectonic’ here is pretty broad-brush; it incorporates processes such as extension and thinning of the crust (rift basins), lithosphere bending in response to structurally emplaced loads (e.g., foreland basins) or horizontal stresses that result in crustal-scale buckling, cooling and densification of the lithosphere (the prime example here is oceanic lithosphere), and dynamic loading resulting from convection in the asthenosphere at subduction zones.

Depocenters such as passive margins and foreland basins, have many thousands of metres of sedimentary fill. Tectonic-driven subsidence is the only way such stratigraphic thicknesses can accumulate.


Backstripping – Determining the tectonic contribution to subsidence

In a previous article, our geohistory analysis isolated the effects of sediment compaction, paleobathymetry and sea level to give us a corrected subsidence profile. However, to establish the tectonic contribution to the overall subsidence trajectory of a basin, we need to remove the isostatic effects of sediment and water loads.

Backstripping is an exercise analogous to the sediment decompaction method, where sedimentary units are sequentially removed from a stratigraphic column, and the isostatic response calculated to determine the depth of the underlying units and basement contact. The method was developed by Watts and Ryan, 1976. The starting point for each iteration is the decompacted thickness and density of each unit.

Two models of isostasy are usually considered: a simple one-dimensional Airy model that balances the pressures exerted by water, sediment, crust, and mantle lithosphere in vertical columns, or more accurate (and mathematically more complicated) 2D or 3D models of flexural isostasy. The Airy model suffices to illustrate the basic principles of the method.

One-dimensional Airy models of isostatic compensation used to derive a simple backstripping equation. Each column has unit area so that the calculation of volume simplifies to thickness or depth of units. The sedimentary block (left column) can be subdivided into any number of stratigraphic units. The unknown value Z (backstripped water depth) tracks the basin floor and therefore tectonic subsidence. From Angevine et al., 1990, Fig. 3.19.

One-dimensional Airy models of isostatic compensation used to derive a simple backstripping equation. Each column has unit area so that the calculation of volume simplifies to thickness or depth of units. The sedimentary block (left column) can be subdivided into any number of stratigraphic units. The unknown value Z (backstripped water depth) tracks the basin floor and therefore tectonic subsidence. From Angevine et al., 1990, Fig. 3.19.

Derivation of the basic isostasy equation assumes the following conditions:

  1. The two columns are isostatically compensated and hence the sum of pressures in each must be equal.
  2. The columns have unit area and hence the volume of each block is numerically equal to its thickness.
  3. The pressure contributed by each column block (water, sediment, etc.) is written as ρgz (ρ is density, g the gravitational constant, z the depth). Because ‘g’ occurs in all terms on both sides of the equation, we can simplify by dividing through by g.
  4. The lithosphere thickness and density are the same in both columns.
  5. In the backstripped column (right), ρAsth can be expressed as the sum of terms in the left column minus those in the right column (because the columns are balanced). This means that the only unknown term is Z – the isostatically adjusted water depth that represents the amount of tectonic subsidence of the sediment-water interface.

Thus, from Steckler and Watts (1978, PDF available), and restated by Angevine et al.,(1990, PDF available), and Allen and Allen (2005):

ρwater.Wd + ρsed.S + ρLith.L + ρAsth.X = ρwater.Z + ρLith.L + ρAsth.(Wd + S + L + X – Z – L)

= ρwater.Z + ρAsth.Wd + ρAsth.S + ρAsth.X – ρAsth.Z (the lithosphere terms cancel).

Collect terms            Z(ρAsth – ρwater) = WdAsth – ρwater) + S(ρAsth – ρsed)

Z = [WdAsth – ρwater) + S(ρAsth – ρsed)]/ (ρAsth – ρwater)

Z = S(ρAsth – ρsed)]/ (ρAsth – ρwater) + Wd

If sea level change Δsl is known,

Z = S(ρAsth – ρsed)]/ (ρAsth – ρwater) + Wd – Δsl (ρAsth / ρAsth– ρwater) where Z is the amount of tectonic subsidence, and Δsl is positive for a sea level rise and negative for a sea level fall.

To solve the equation we also need to know the average sediment density of the stratigraphic column which will change as each new unit is deposited. We can calculate this from the decompacted column data using unit thickness (i.e., volume) and porosity (from Steckler and Watts, 1978). For any point in time, we sum the densities accounting for porosity (i.e., water) and the solid grain framework for each unit and divide by the sum of unit thicknesses. Thus, the average density of the sediment column for any time interval is:


ρSed =  [Φ.ρwater) + (1 – Φ)ρsolid grains]. Thickness ∑ T

The calculated tectonic subsidence is compared with the total subsidence determined from decompaction and correcting for bathymetry. The stratigraphic units correspond to those used in the decompaction correction. From Angevine et al., 1990 combined figures 3.16, 3.17, 3.21.

The calculated tectonic subsidence is compared with the total subsidence determined from decompaction and correcting for bathymetry. The stratigraphic units correspond to those used in the decompaction correction. From Angevine et al., 1990 combined figures 3.16, 3.17, 3.21.

The example above continues with the decompaction analysis from Angevine et al. (1990). Total subsidence is presented in the compaction and bathymetry corrected curve. The shape of the tectonic curve (green curve) shows rapid initial subsidence followed by a gradual decrease in subsidence rate. The error envelopes are from the bathymetric component of the analysis (they can also be applied to the total subsidence curve).


Tectonic subsidence motifs

Total subsidence and tectonic subsidence analyses provide basic information on variables such as changes in sedimentation rates and subsidence rates over time. Subsidence profiles constructed for different parts of a basin will allow us to probe deeper into the changing dynamics of sedimentation and stratigraphic architecture resulting from tectonism.

One of the important outcomes of the Watts and Ryan (1976) and Steckler and Watts (1978) backstripping exercise of wells on the US Atlantic seaboard, was the recognition of a tectonic subsidence profile that is consistent with plate tectonic and thermal models of passive margin formation. They noted two distinct stages of subsidence:

  1. A synrift stage, characterized by initial rapid subsidence and development of accommodation space, that corresponds with lithosphere stretching and brittle failure. High heat flow (the asthenosphere rises to maintain isostatic balance) and shallow geotherms are common outcomes of rifting. This stage is dominated by mechanical processes; it is relatively short-lived.
  2. A long-lived postrift stage where subsidence rate decreases approximately exponentially. This motif reflects the thermo-isostatic adjustment required to accommodate cooling and densification of the mantle lithosphere.

The synrift-postrift tectonic subsidence motif is reasonably consistent across many rift – passive margin successions. Tectonic subsidence motifs, or signatures have also been calculated for several other basin types and, at a first approximation, these motifs can be used to help characterise a sedimentary basin (Xie and Heller, 2006, PDF available; Christie-Blick and Biddle, 1985). Some examples are shown below.

Examples of tectonic subsidence curves for passive margins (red), foreland basins (blue), and strike-slip basins (green). See Xie and Heller (2006), and Christie-Blick and Biddle (1985) for references to each basin. 1&2. US Atlantic margin; 3. Campos Basin; 4. South Alberta Basin; 5. Hogback Basin, Wyoming; 6. San Rafael Swell, Utah; 7. Ridge Basin, California; 8. Death Valley, California; Los Angeles Basin, California. The exponential cooling and deepening of oceanic lithosphere is shown for comparison.

Examples of tectonic subsidence curves for passive margins (red), foreland basins (blue), and strike-slip basins (green). See Xie and Heller (2006), and Christie-Blick and Biddle (1985) for references to each basin. 1&2. US Atlantic margin; 3. Campos Basin; 4. South Alberta Basin; 5. Hogback Basin, Wyoming; 6. San Rafael Swell, Utah; 7. Ridge Basin, California; 8. Death Valley, California; Los Angeles Basin, California. The exponential cooling and deepening of oceanic lithosphere is shown for comparison.

Tectonic subsidence of foreland basins reflects long-term lithospheric flexure punctuated by short-lived uplifts that record the emplacement of incoming thrust panels, and subsequent erosion where uplift is an isostatic response to unloading. Thus, tectonic subsidence is driven largely by mechanical rather than thermal processes. Strike-slip basins generally exhibit short-lived subsidence, the majority of which is rapid and associated with brittle failure of the crust.


Subsidence transitions

Tectonic subsidence at three locations in the Late Carboniferous – Paleogene Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada. The dashed line for Strand Fiord has been modelled. All other points on the three curves have been calculated by backstripping. Accelerated subsidence during the Paleogene culminated in the Eurekan Orogeny. Modified from Ricketts and Stephenson, 1994, Fig. 15.

Tectonic subsidence at three locations in the Late Carboniferous – Paleogene Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada. The dashed line for Strand Fiord has been modelled. All other points on the three curves have been calculated by backstripping. Accelerated subsidence during the Paleogene culminated in the Eurekan Orogeny. Modified from Ricketts and Stephenson, 1994, Fig. 15.

Sedimentary basins evolve with changing plate dynamics and plate trajectories. This will be reflected in their tectonic subsidence profiles. An example from Sverdrup Basin nicely illustrates such basin transitions. In the three graphs above, the initial synrift and postrift stages generally accord with passive margin style subsidence. Towards the end of the Jurassic there was renewed extension and heating, manifested as volcanism, followed by a second episode of cooling and thermo-isostatic subsidence. Accelerated subsidence during the Paleogene corresponds with the initiation of sea floor spreading in Labrador Sea. Subsidence of Sverdrup Basin ended during the Eocene when crustal-scale folding, uplift and faulting, including thrust faults, fragmented the once contiguous basin (Ricketts and Stephenson, 1994).


Other posts in this series

Sedimentary basins: Regions of prolonged subsidence

Defining the lithosphere

The rheology of the lithosphere

Isostasy: A lithospheric balancing act

The thermal structure of the lithosphere

Classification of sedimentary basins

Stretching the lithosphere: Rift basins

Nascent, conjugate passive margins 

Thrust faults: Some common terminology

Basins formed by lithospheric flexure

Basins formed by strike-slip tectonics

Allochthonous terranes: suspect and exotic

Source to sink: Sediment routing systems

Geohistory 1: Accounting for basin subsidence


Geohistory 1: Accounting for basin subsidence

A schematic trajectory of stratigraphic units following sequential decompaction – the result helps to describe the subsidence and uplift history of a sedimentary basin.

A schematic trajectory of stratigraphic units following sequential decompaction – the result helps to describe the subsidence and uplift history of a sedimentary basin.

Decompacting a stratigraphic column to determine basin subsidence

The analysis of a sedimentary basin begins at the hand-sample and outcrop scale with lithological descriptions and interpretation of sedimentary facies, increasing in scope to the unraveling of larger-scale depositional systems and stratigraphic architecture. How do we use all this information to decipher the long-term profile of the basin in terms of its subsidence and uplift, or the tectonic and thermal events that influenced the overall basin configuration and its sedimentary fill. We can rephrase the question as – can we profile the trajectory of the basin floor, or any stratigraphic interval, over the life of the basin in terms of its subsidence and uplift?

Geohistory, or subsidence analysis is a quantitative method that tracks the locus of stratigraphic units from deposition to burial, and in many cases eventual uplift. It is a one-dimensional analysis that uses data from boreholes and measured stratigraphic sections. J.E. Van Hinte’s iconic 1978 paper introduces the method and is a must-read. Excellent summaries by Angevine, Heller and Paola (1990), and Allen and Allen 2005, 2013 are necessary reading. Guidish et al., (1985) also provide an overview and critique of the methods involved.

The analysis requires the following data:

  • stratigraphic thickness as measured,
  • a simple decompaction calculation based on porosity estimates that projects changes in thickness during burial,
  • the age of stratigraphic units (paleontologic and radiometric), and
  • interpreted paleoenvironmental information that allows estimates of paleobathymetry.

The sophistication of a geohistory analysis is improved if we account for the isostatic effects of increasing sediment load during basin filling or unloading during erosion. This technique is called backstripping and produces a numerical measure of tectonic subsidence – this will be dealt with in a separate article.


Stratigraphic thickness and age

Geohistory is a function of age and hence the starting point for analysis is the measured thickness of time-bound lithological units. Ages can be derived directly by biostratigraphic or radiometric methods, or by correlation with other stratigraphic sections. The units may or may not coincide with formation or sequence stratigraphic boundaries – the more units that are identified, the better the analytical resolution.

Sedimentation rates are assumed to be uniform (linear) within each time-bound unit, although rates will vary between units. This assumption will be a source of error if the unit contains significant variations in lithology, such as sandstones separated by thick shales.

All measured geological ages contain errors. An important source of error in the context of geohistory is the presence of stratigraphic discordances that represent lost time. If an unconformity is bracketed by age dates, then the interval can be incorporated into the analysis as a period of non-deposition or erosion. However, stratigraphic discordances within the succession, that represent times shorter than the resolution of the dating methods used, will further compromise the assumption of constant sedimentation rates.



Estimates of paleo water depths are based on sedimentary facies and fossil assemblages. In marine basins, sedimentary and biofacies (including trace fossil assemblages) will guide estimates of water depth. Paleoshorelines are unequivocal depth indicators; assessment of depth everywhere else on the adjacent shelf or platform will be based on educated guesses, using for example, shoreface facies and sedimentary or fossil indicators of wave-base. However, in slope and deep water environments the errors increase significantly. For example, bathyal depths range from outer shelf – about 200 m, to about 2000 m; at the deeper end of this range, paleo depths indicated by microfossil assemblages may vary by more than 200-400 m. To put this into perspective, the >200 m error is equal to or greater than the maximum depth of most continental shelves.

The resolution of elevation above sea level in terrestrial systems is generally poor. The zonation of floral assemblages (macrofloras and palynomorphs) with respect to elevation will have significant errors, a problem that is exacerbated by the mobility of pollen in air and rivers.



Compaction is a function of porosity loss (assuming no volume change in the solid sediment framework). Compaction corrections attempt to reconstruct the thickness of stratigraphic units at different stages of burial; the maximum thickness for any unit corresponds with zero compaction. The corrections are based on knowing how porosity changes with depth of burial; this is determined by direct measurement of borehole samples or derived from wireline logs (e.g., density, sonic logs). Allen and Allen (2005, 2013) describe the decompaction process as moving a particular layer or stratigraphic unit up a porosity-depth curve, as overlying units are removed sequentially. Empirically derived porosity-depth curves for sandstones, shales, and carbonates have been established for many boreholes.

It is assumed that compaction is uniform throughout a stratigraphic unit – we know that compaction begins immediately following deposition and so the assumption is not entirely correct, but it makes the decompaction calculation that much simpler. Thick units will incur greater errors. Other sources of error in these representations include chemical diagenesis (cements that occlude porosity, or dissolution that creates secondary porosity), overpressured zones that have anomalously high porosities, and lithological variability in any succession.

Ideally, each borehole or field measured stratigraphic section should have its own porosity-depth curve but this is not always possible, so representative curves and their mathematical expressions are commonly chosen.

Porosity-depth trends for data compiled from many sources. The initial stages of mudstone compaction commonly show rapid porosity loss in the upper kilometre of burial. The compaction of carbonate, and subsequent decrease in porosity is strongly dependent on early stages of cementation. Figure modified from Allen and Allen, 2005, Fig. 9.3.

Porosity-depth trends for data compiled from many sources. The initial stages of mudstone compaction commonly show rapid porosity loss in the upper kilometre of burial. The compaction of carbonate, and subsequent decrease in porosity is strongly dependent on early stages of cementation. Figure modified from Allen and Allen, 2005, Fig. 9.3.

The decompaction calculation

A simple stratigraphic column with all the relevant information serves to illustrate the calculation.

A basic stratigraphic column showing all the relevant information required to calculate porosity and decompacted thickness for each time-bound unit, modified slightly from Angevine et al, 1990. The present thickness-time curve (not corrected) and bathymetry are also plotted. Note that the unconformity between Units 3 and 5 is designated as Unit 4 having zero thickness. The values for ‘c’ in equation (2) are from Allen and Allen (2005, Table 9.1).

A basic stratigraphic column showing all the relevant information required to calculate porosity and decompacted thickness for each time-bound unit, modified slightly from Angevine et al, 1990. The present thickness-time curve (not corrected) and bathymetry are also plotted. Note that the unconformity between Units 3 and 5 is designated as Unit 4 having zero thickness. The values for ‘c’ in equation (2) are from Allen and Allen (2005, Table 9.1).

Van Hinte (1978) devised a mathematical method for calculating unit thickness for any time along a porosity-depth curve (summarised in the diagram below); this was restated by Angevine et al., (1990) as:

T0 = (1-ΦN).TN/ (1-Φ0)           (1)

where T0 is the original thickness deposited, Φ0 is the original porosity, ΦN is the present porosity, TN is the present thickness. The values commonly used for Φ0 are derived by direct measurement in the lab or field; for example, the initial porosity of clean sands is about 30-35%.  More sophisticated calculations (using integral calculus) determine thickness at any point on the curve (see Angevine et al., 1990; Allen and Allen 2005, 2013 for details), but Van Hinte’s method is useful for illustrating the basic method.

A simple equation that expresses the porosity-depth curve as an (approximate) exponential function is:

ΦN = Φ0 e-cz                             (2)

where ΦN is the porosity now or at some point on the curve, Φ0 is initial porosity (at deposition), c is a coefficient representing the slope of the porosity-depth curve for different lithologies, and z is depth. The calculated value of ΦN is applied to equation (1).

A schematic explanation of Van Hinte’s equation for calculating the decompacted thickness of any unit. There is a basic assumption that the solid grain framework volume remains constant during decompaction. From Angevine et al, 1990.

A schematic explanation of Van Hinte’s equation for calculating the decompacted thickness of any unit. There is a basic assumption that the solid grain framework volume remains constant during decompaction. From Angevine et al, 1990.

Van Hinte’s calculation is iterative. In the diagram below, Unit 7 is assumed to be at its original porosity and hence does not need to be decompacted. The first step is to remove Unit 7 and move the remaining units up their porosity-depth curves such that Unit 6 is at the top and at its original porosity, and therefore original thickness. The porosity and thickness of each unit is calculated using equations (2) and (1) respectively. This procedure continues by removing Unit 6 so that Unit 5 is at the top, and recalculating porosity and thickness for all the underlying units. Note that Unit 4 represents the unconformity and hence has zero thickness and porosity. The complete list of calculated values is shown in the diagram below.

Porosity-depth curves for sandstone, shale and limestone. (a) Stratigraphic units have been superimposed on the relevant curves based on their present thickness, depth and calculated porosity. The calculated porosities for the middle of each unit (a reasonable representation of their average values) are listed in Table (c) opposite. (b) An example of the decompaction path for Unit 1 along the sandstone porosity-depth curve, and its increasing thickness as younger units are removed successively. (c) The decompaction table listing the calculated porosity and depth for each unit. The values in this table are used in diagrams (a) and (b). Table from Angevine et al., 1990, Fig. 3.14.

Porosity-depth curves for sandstone, shale and limestone. (a) Stratigraphic units have been superimposed on the relevant curves based on their present thickness, depth and calculated porosity. The calculated porosities for the middle of each unit (a reasonable representation of their average values) are listed in Table (c) opposite. (b) An example of the decompaction path for Unit 1 along the sandstone porosity-depth curve, and its increasing thickness as younger units are removed successively. (c) The decompaction table listing the calculated porosity and depth for each unit. The values in this table are used in diagrams (a) and (b). Table from Angevine et al., 1990, Fig. 3.14.

The compaction-corrected subsidence curve for the base of the stratigraphic succession can now be plotted; bathymetry corrections are also added.

Plots of uncorrected, compaction-corrected and bathymetry-corrected subsidence for the base of the stratigraphic column; this tracks the path of the contact between the basin and basement. Similar curves can also be plotted for each of the stratigraphic units.

Plots of uncorrected, compaction-corrected and bathymetry-corrected subsidence for the base of the stratigraphic column; this tracks the path of the contact between the basin and basement. Similar curves can also be plotted for each of the stratigraphic units.

The method shown above lends itself to computer code and rapid analysis. This is important if more sophisticated methods of calculation for porosity and depth are used. However, the basic principles remain the same.

The next step in geohistory analysis is to account for the isostatic effects of sediment and water load. This is the subject of a companion post.


Other posts in this series

Sedimentary basins: Regions of prolonged subsidence

Defining the lithosphere

The rheology of the lithosphere

Isostasy: A lithospheric balancing act

The thermal structure of the lithosphere

Classification of sedimentary basins

Stretching the lithosphere: Rift basins

Nascent, conjugate passive margins 

Thrust faults: Some common terminology

Basins formed by lithospheric flexure

Basins formed by strike-slip tectonics

Allochthonous terranes: suspect and exotic

Source to sink: Sediment routing systems

Geohistory 2: Backstripping tectonic subsidence


Geofluids: The permeability of faults

Damage zone in the hanging wall of Stolz Thrust (Eocene); Footwall contains Middle Eocene syntectonic conglomerate, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic. The zone consists of open drag folds in interbedded sandstone (white) and shale, and significant shearing that has obliterated some of the original bedding. The bulk permeability in this zone is low. The zone in this view is about 20 m wide.

Damage zone in the hanging wall of Stolz Thrust (Eocene); Footwall contains Middle Eocene syntectonic conglomerate, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic. The zone consists of open drag folds in interbedded sandstone (white) and shale, and significant shearing that has obliterated some of the original bedding. The bulk permeability in this zone is low. The zone in this view is about 20 m wide.

The changing fortunes of fault permeability and fluid flow

Faults can act as conduits or barriers to fluid flow. As conduits they provide a focus for groundwater flow, geothermal activity, mineralization, and hydrocarbon migration. As barriers they impede both the vertical and lateral components of fluid flow and contribute to trapping of buoyant fluids like oil and gas.

Faults are the physical expression of localized strain. Faults, by definition, involve lateral displacement of rock bodies on either side of a fracture plane. Thus, the stress fields, whether extensional or compressional, inevitably involve components of shear (fracture networks that form by extension but lack lateral displacement are called joints). The initial permeability of a fault is influenced, first and foremost by the partitioning of dilational and shear strain that, in turn, determine the size or aperture of the conduit, and the degree of deformation beyond the principal fault plane. (A good summary has been compiled by Bense et al., 2013).


Fault rock description

There is a general expectation that faults will be encountered in almost any tectonic regime, whether extensional, contractional, or strike-slip. Faults are usually described in terms of their orientation and inclination, displacement vectors and stratigraphic offsets, structures on the fault plane (e.g., slickensides), and subsidiary structures such as drag folds. The basic descriptors in the context of fault permeability include (Caine et al., 1996, PDF available):

A schematic of a single fault strand, and the variability in thickness and extent of its core and damage zone. These variations are caused by differences in mechanical strength, fracture surface asperities, and changes in the orientation of stress fields. Modified from Caine et al 1996, Fig 1.

A schematic of a single fault strand, and the variability in thickness and extent of its core and damage zone. These variations are caused by differences in mechanical strength, fracture surface asperities, and changes in the orientation of stress fields. Modified from Caine et al 1996, Fig 1.

Fault core: This is the zone of greatest strain and displacement of hanging and foot walls in dip-slip faults, or lateral displacement in strike-slip faults. It is a zone of dilation that produces open conduits, and shear that rotates, translates, or breaks rock apart producing gouge and cataclasite. The core may consist of a single fault plane, or several closely spaced planes that are interconnected – the latter is called a distributed conduit. Interconnected faults are common in thrust fault splays, relay ramps, and flower structures.


Damaged zone: This describes the zone of fracturing, crushing, grinding and grain diminution in fault blocks on either side of the core, the extent of which depends on the magnitude of the forces involved, the mechanical strength of the rock body, and how strain is partitioned. Brecciation is common. In general, the intensity of damage is a maximum closest to the fault core. Faults with large displacements also tend to have more extensive damaged zones. Damaged zones range in thickness (measured normal to fault planes) from a few millimetres to many 10s of metres.

Detail of the thrust fault zone shown in the header image, focusing on the sandstone brecciation, block rotation, and shear fabrics in siltstone and shale – the sandstone is mechanically stronger than the mudrocks. Although individual sandstone blocks retain their permeability, there is little connectivity between blocks, and the overall permeability is low.

Detail of the thrust fault zone shown in the header image, focusing on the sandstone brecciation, block rotation, and shear fabrics in siltstone and shale – the sandstone is mechanically stronger than the mudrocks. Although individual sandstone blocks retain their permeability, there is little connectivity between blocks, and the overall permeability is low.

The mechanical behaviour of rock

Faulting can occur in Earth materials that have a range of mechanical strengths, from weakly lithified sediment to strong, crystalline igneous rock. We can consider these two extremes as end members in terms of the partitioning of fault-plane strain (deformation), not only from one fault to another, but along each fault.

At one extreme, shear of nonlithified sediment is accompanied by grain rolling and sliding along the fault plane – this is known as particulate flow. In coarse-grained lithologies there is a rearrangement of the grain framework, and in some cases, breakage will reduce grain-size; minerals having good cleavage are prone to such breakage (e.g., feldspar). Muddy lithologies may be smeared along the fault plane and may even flow in situations where high fluid pore pressures develop. Mixing of different lithologies in the fault core is common in layered sedimentary successions.

A schematic illustration of faulting through nonlithified coarse-grained sediment and interbedded mud. Grain frameworks are rearranged along the fault plane, with rotation of bladed micas and breakage of some grains. The mud layer has been smeared along the fault plane. Solid blue arrow (top) indicates modest horizontal permeability across the fault; dashed blue arrow indicates decreased permeability. The permeability along the fault plane – fault zone will also be affected by the presence-absence of mud and fine-grained broken material. Modified from Bense et al 2013 Fig. 7.

A schematic illustration of faulting through nonlithified coarse-grained sediment and interbedded mud. Grain frameworks are rearranged along the fault plane, with rotation of bladed micas and breakage of some grains. The mud layer has been smeared along the fault plane. Solid blue arrow (top) indicates modest horizontal permeability across the fault; dashed blue arrow indicates decreased permeability. The permeability along the fault plane – fault zone will also be affected by the presence-absence of mud and fine-grained broken material. Modified from Bense et al 2013 Fig. 7.

Faulting of hard rock produces a very different picture. Dilation can produce a network of fractures beyond the main zone of displacement. Components of shear will tend to rotate fracture blocks. Fault breccia will develop where shear is intense. Under more extreme conditions, shear can reduce rock to fine particles. The process of fault-zone crushing and fracturing of indurated rock is referred to generally as cataclasis. The degree of fracturing and brecciation in the damaged zone will decrease with increasing distance from the fault core. Weaker, fine-grained lithologies such as mudstone and shale, may be smeared along the fault core margins, and in some cases across the boundaries of individual fracture blocks in the damaged zone.


Initial fault permeability in weak rock

Particulate flow in weak rock involves grain rotation and sliding. In coarse-grained lithologies this process will alter the grain packing (compared with that in the host sediment) but the overall permeability may not change appreciably.  However, in interbedded successions, there may be significant mixing of fine- and coarse-grained sediment, particularly if fault displacement is greater than bed thickness. In this case the permeability of material in the fault core will nearly always be less than that in the protolith (host rock/sediment). If there is extensive mixing of muddy sediment, the fault core may become a barrier to fluid flow.

In layered successions, the two-dimensional distribution of fault permeability across the fault plane is likely to vary according to bed thickness and the presence of muddy lithologies.


Initial fault permeability in strong rock

An open conduit in the fault core presents the greatest opportunity for subsurface fluid flow. However, the conduit geometry and aperture may vary considerably along a fault because of pre-existing weaknesses (such as older fractures or mineral-filled veins), and asperities along the fault plane (i.e., irregularities, or roughness that cause the conduit margins to pinch and swell. The structural variations along a fault plane will result in a degree of tortuosity within a flowing fluid.

A distributed conduit (fault core) in altered andesite characterised by a dense array of subsidiary smaller-scale faults and fractures, bound by broad damage zones containing a network of interconnected fractures. Andesite alteration (orange colours) is mostly confined to the margins of faults and fractures, indicating significant fluid flow and transfer of dissolved mass. Hammer at lower centre. Eocene, Chilean Altiplano near Salar de la Isla.

A distributed conduit (fault core) in altered andesite characterised by a dense array of subsidiary smaller-scale faults and fractures, bound by broad damage zones containing a network of interconnected fractures. Andesite alteration (orange colours) is mostly confined to the margins of faults and fractures, indicating significant fluid flow and transfer of dissolved mass. Hammer at lower centre. Eocene, Chilean Altiplano near Salar de la Isla.

The permeability of the damaged zone will depend on the degree of fracturing and the three-dimensional interconnectedness of fractures; in highly fractured zones the bulk permeability may be greater than that of the fault core. Grain breakage and smearing of softer lithologies will tend to reduce permeability. If cataclasis produces much fine-grained material, the damaged zone may become a barrier to flow.


Permeability snapshots in time

The foregoing discussion deals with the early stages of fault development and fault permeability. However, faults, like their host rocks, change with increasing burial depth, temperature, pressure, and the evolving composition of fluids that flow through their conduits. In some cases, fluid flow through the core and damage zone will promote alteration of the host rock, like that shown in the andesite example above. Other important changes to fault permeability involve the precipitation of minerals in the core and damaged zone; two of the most common precipitates are quartz and calcite. Precipitation depends on the degree of saturation for a particular mineral – it also depends on a continued supply of solute via advective flow. Crystal growth usually begins along fault and fracture walls, gradually filling the open cavities. At some point in this process, advective flow will be impeded, and continued precipitation will depend more on solute diffusion along crystal boundaries. At this stage the fault has become a barrier to fluid flow.

Fracture in felsic tuff that has been filled by acicular and bladed gypsum. Gypsum crystal growth was initiated from the fracture walls, growing towards the centre of the open conduit. Chilean Altiplano near Salar de la Isla.

Fracture in felsic tuff that has been filled by acicular and bladed gypsum. Gypsum crystal growth was initiated from the fracture walls, growing towards the centre of the open conduit. Chilean Altiplano near Salar de la Isla.

Fluid flow in faults may be episodic. An example illustrated by Louis et al., (2019), considers pulses of fluid flow initiated by episodic seismic (fault) activity, resulting in precipitation of clays and other silicate minerals that eventually sealed the fault conduits.

The mechanical behaviour of faults also changes as they fill with mineral precipitates; in some situations, the mineral-cemented core and damage zone may become stronger than their host rock.

3-D variability in fault permeability

The permeability along a fault can be highly variable for the following reasons:

  • The dimensions of fault cores and damaged zones will vary along a fault, depending on differences in mechanical strength (e.g., cemented sandstone versus shale), the magnitude of the stresses, and fracture plane asperities. For example, segments of a fault may contain only a simple core; other segments may contain broad damage zones of brecciation and fracture networks.
  • Changes in the production of comminuted rock originating from brecciation and grain breakage.
  • Soft-rock smearing in layered successions.
  • Changes in the amount of mineral precipitate infill.
  • Episodic movement along the fault.

Other posts in this series

Sedimentary basins: Regions of prolonged subsidence

Defining the lithosphere

The rheology of the lithosphere

Isostasy: A lithospheric balancing act

The thermal structure of the lithosphere

Classification of sedimentary basins

Stretching the lithosphere: Rift basins

Nascent, conjugate passive margins 

Thrust faults: Some common terminology

Basins formed by lithospheric flexure

Basins formed by strike-slip tectonics

Allochthonous terranes: suspect and exotic

Source to sink: Sediment routing systems

Geofluids: Lithosphere-scale fluid flow

Geofluids: Sedimentary basin-scale fluid flow


Geofluids: Sedimentary basin-scale fluid flow



Fluid flow, like rocks and sediments, define sedimentary basins

There is a complex interweave of fluid, sediment, and rock in the life of a sedimentary basin.  Beneath Earth’s surface fluids occupy every pore, fracture, nook, and cranny (except for a skinny, unsaturated veneer at the very top). Geofluids participate in nearly all post-depositional processes: they transport dissolved mass and heat, are conscripted by virtue of their chemistry to diagenetic and metamorphic domains, and provide welcome relief for otherwise difficult tectonic processes. In this context fluid flow refers to large-scale, subsurface systems that may extend 100s of kilometres laterally and to depths of 100s or 1000s of metres.

Geofluids are rarely static. Advective fluid flow results primarily from gradients in potential energy (hydraulic gradients). Fluid flow is driven by:

  • The gravitational potential energy derived from surface topography
  • Sediment compaction
  • Tectonism
  • Convection

Molecular and mechanical diffusion, commonly derived from solute concentration gradients, also contribute to diagenetic processes such as pressure solution (stylolites), the formation of cleavage in deforming rock, and metamorphic reactions deep in the crust. In shallow groundwater systems diffusion drives the expansion of contaminant plumes beyond the limits of advective flow.



Basin-scale advective flow, the kind that moves the fluid mass, requires relatively continuous permeability through large volumes of sediment and rock. This does not mean that the permeability from one rock unit to another is the same, but that there is connectivity among pore and fracture porosity throughout the basin. The actual permeability can vary by many orders of magnitude between rock units; some typical values are shown in the following table.

Fluid chemistry is coupled with fluid-rock mechanics

Subsurface fluid systems are also geochemical systems. Fluid chemistry, that governs which precipitation-dissolution reactions will take place, depends on initial composition (fresh water or sea water), the composition and temperature of the rock and sediment in which it resides, fluid flow rates, and the time spent in moving from one rock type to another (residence time). Fluid chemistry also evolves with flow through the sedimentary basin; the amount of dissolved mass generally increases with time and depth of burial.

An example of the value of knowing paleotemperature profiles in sedimentary basins. The chart shows commonly observed diagenetic reactions in relation to burial temperatures and changes in fluid composition represented here by the production of organic solvents that influence pH. The depths at which reactions begin and end will depend on the local geothermal gradient. Modified from Surdam et al. 1989.

A summary of common fluid compositions and diagenetic changes with depth and burial temperatures. The solid blue line shows evolution of organic solvents, particularly organic acids, through the oil maturation window. This window may also correspond with evolution of quartz cements, clay dehydration, and significant changes to carbonate stability. Modified from Surdam et al., 1989.

Maturation of organic matter, that is strongly temperature-dependant, can change fluid chemistry as depth and temperature increase. For example, organic acid by-products produced during maturation at temperatures of 80o to about 120oC (the oil generation window) have a profound effect on pH and carbonate stability. The changes in aqueous and hydrocarbon fluid density will, in turn, be reflected in changing buoyancy that may influence flow dynamics.


Fluid flow regimes

As a general rule, and one that allows for simplification of a complex problem, we divide fluid regimes into topographic, compaction, and density-temperature regimes based on the primary driving mechanisms for flow. The three regimes correlate approximately to depth, with topography-driven flow the shallowest, but there is significant overlap. For example, surface-derived meteoric fluids can extend to depths of 3-5 km, but compaction can also drive flow over the same depth range.


Topography driven flow

Water is recharged to meteoric systems by precipitation. Some of this water evaporates, some contributes to surface runoff, and the remainder seeps to the watertable through soil, regolith, and bedrock. Groundwater flow in aquifers and aquitards is governed by hydraulic gradients, or the difference in hydraulic head at different locations in an aquifer (relative to some datum, usually sea level). The value of hydraulic head at any point in an aquifer, expressed in units of length, is a function of the potential energy available to generate fluid flow. For most groundwater systems, this energy is generated by the gravitational potential of topography.

Meteoric flow takes place at different scales, ranging from shallow flow systems where fluid is recharged and discharged across localised ridges and valleys, to more regional systems where groundwater associated with mountainous terrain can reach depths of 5 km (McIntosh and Ferguson, 2021). Note that smaller-scale flow systems (or flow cells) tend to be nested within larger systems, a characteristic first identified by J. Toth (1963 – PDF available), an example of which is shown below. Toth’s example was developed for small drainage basins, but the principles can be applied to larger sedimentary basins.

Groundwater flow systems in a small drainage basin. The flow systems are nested according to Toth’s (1963) vision of groundwater partitioning at local, intermediate, and regional scales. Vertical scale in 100s of metres; horizontal scale in 10s to 100s of kilometres.

Groundwater flow systems in a small drainage basin. The flow systems are nested according to Toth’s (1963) vision of groundwater partitioning at local, intermediate, and regional scales. Vertical scale in 100s of metres; horizontal scale in 10s to 100s of kilometres.

The penetration of relatively fresh groundwater to these depths is identified in boreholes from samples and from electrical resistivity measurements. In Gulf Coast Basin, meteoric flushing occurs to depths of at least 2000 m. In Wanganui Basin (New Zealand) low salinity meteoric waters have been intersected in wells at 1500 m; in this basin, the topographic drive for meteoric flow was derived from terrain uplifted during the Pliocene-Pleistocene (Ricketts et al., 2004).

The residence time of groundwater in these different systems also varies by orders of magnitude: in shallow systems this is measured as days to years, whereas in regional flow systems 105 to 106 years. In general, the deeper and older the groundwater system, the more saline it becomes because the rate of diagenetic reactions generally increases with (depth-dependant) temperature.


Compaction-driven flow

In compacting sediment, the solid framework decreases in volume at the expense of porosity. A consequence of volume reduction is that a roughly equivalent volume of interstitial pore fluid will be driven off. How far and how fast the escaping fluid will flow depends on the permeability. If the fluid can move freely there will be little change in fluid pore pressure above the ambient hydrostatic pressure. However, if permeability is also reduced, as is commonly the case during compaction, then pore pressures will increase. If permeability is seriously reduced then pore pressures can approach lithostatic conditions. Both porosity and permeability are also affected by diagenesis that also takes place during sediment burial.

Compaction in sedimentary basins is driven by sediment load – as sedimentation proceeds, the vertical load increases. The change in porosity with depth for typical mudstone-shale and sandstone profiles is illustrated in the graphs below. Initial porosities for mudstones are as high as 60-70%, but these values decrease rapidly, almost exponentially in the first few 100 metres of burial, after which the rate of porosity loss becomes more linear.

Porosity-depth trends for data compiled from many sources. The initial stages of mudstone compaction commonly show rapid porosity loss in the upper kilometre of burial. The compaction of carbonate, and subsequent decrease in porosity is strongly dependant on early stages of cementation. Figure modified from Allen and Allen, 2005, Fig. 9.3.

Porosity-depth trends for data compiled from many sources. The initial stages of mudstone compaction commonly show rapid porosity loss in the upper kilometre of burial. The compaction of carbonate, and subsequent decrease in porosity is strongly dependent on early stages of cementation. Figure modified from Allen and Allen, 2005, Fig. 9.3.

The rate at which vertical loads increase depends on the sedimentation rate. Pore pressures in many sedimentary basins are hydrostatic to depths of 2-3 km, but commonly exceed hydrostatic conditions at greater depths. In many cases, the degree of compaction disequilibrium is caused by rapid sedimentation of low permeability mudrock or salt deposits. Gulf Coast Basin, one of the most intensely studied basins anywhere, shows these disequilibrium compaction trends over much of the basin. However, formation of diagenetic cements also takes place in conjunction with compaction, contributing to elevated pore pressures. For example, quartz cements become prolific at about 3 km burial depth in basins having average geothermal gradient (25o-30oC).

A typical pore pressure – depth curve for the Gulf Coast Basin. The transition from hydrostatic conditions to pressures approaching lithostatic values at 2.5 – 4 km, coincides approximately with quartz cementation, pH buffering by organic acids produced in the oil window, and clay dehydration, all of which have a significant effect on porosity and permeability. Modified from Bethke, 1986 – PDF available.

A typical pore pressure – depth curve for the Gulf Coast Basin. The transition from hydrostatic conditions to pressures approaching lithostatic values at 2.5 – 4 km, coincides approximately with quartz cementation, pH buffering by organic acids produced in the oil window, and clay dehydration, all of which have a significant effect on porosity and permeability. Modified from Bethke, 1986 – PDF available.

Tectonic-driven flow

The role of elevated pore pressures in promoting faulting, particularly thrust faulting, is well established (Hubbert and Rubey (1959). The elastic response to tectonically derived compressional stress is a reduction of rock volume at the expense of porosity. If escaping fluids can move freely then pore pressures remain relatively stable. However, if there are permeability barriers then pore pressures will rise above hydrostatic values. Elevated pore pressures are common in tectonically active systems such as accretionary prisms, where the primary driving forces are derived from subduction accretion of oceanic sediment and volcanic rock. Elevated pore pressures in the accretionary stack, originating from tectonic compaction, also participate in the generation of thrust faults. The faults themselves may act as conduits for fluid flow towards the sea floor where expulsion is manifested as mud diapirs and gas seeps.

Examples from wells drilled into forearc basin sediments above the Hikurangi subduction accretionary wedge (New Zealand), show pressures approaching lithostatic values at depths as shallow as 500-1000 m beneath the surface (Allis et al. 1997). Such high pore pressures at these depths cannot have been generated by sediment load alone; compression associated with thrust faulting must have played a significant role.

Pressure-depth data for wells in East Coast Basin (New Zealand) showing rapid, shallow deviations towards lithostatic conditions. The forearc basin sits atop the active Hikurangi accretionary prism. Elevated pore pressures are caused primarily by active thrusting. From Allis et al., 1997 (reference given below).

Pressure-depth data for wells in East Coast Basin (New Zealand) showing rapid, shallow deviations towards lithostatic conditions. The forearc basin sits atop the active Hikurangi accretionary prism. Elevated pore pressures are caused primarily by active thrusting. From Allis et al., 1997 (reference given below).


Convective flow is generated when heated fluids become more buoyant than their surroundings (because of changes in density).  Convection is an important process that drives mantle-derived magma plumes to shallow lithospheric levels. In sedimentary basins, large-scale convective fluid flow is probably subordinate to topography, compaction, and tectonic-driven flow because of permeability anisotropies caused by dramatic variations in sediment lithology. However, buoyancy, in addition to compaction fluid drive, does play an important role during migration of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon traps illustrate these effects nicely, wherein the boundaries between saline water, the overlying oil leg, and gas cap are clearly demarked on resistivity and density logs. Meteoric waters heated by magma intrusion may also be incorporated into local convection cells.



Allis R.G, Funnell R, Zhan X. 1997. Fluid pressure trends in basins astride New Zealand plate boundary zone, in Geofluids II Extended Abstracts, pp. 214 –217, ed., Hendry J.P. et al., Queens Univ. Belfast.


Other posts in this series

Sedimentary basins: Regions of prolonged subsidence

Defining the lithosphere

The rheology of the lithosphere

Isostasy: A lithospheric balancing act

The thermal structure of the lithosphere

Classification of sedimentary basins

Stretching the lithosphere: Rift basins

Nascent, conjugate passive margins 

Thrust faults: Some common terminology

Basins formed by lithospheric flexure

Basins formed by strike-slip tectonics

Allochthonous terranes: suspect and exotic

Source to sink: Sediment routing systems

Geofluids: Lithosphere-scale fluid flow

Geofluids: The permeability of faults


Geofluids: Lithosphere-scale fluid flow

Part of the Alberta Front Ranges fold -thrust belt north of Highwood Pass. Sawtooth-like Lower Paleozoic carbonates are exposed as flatirons in the hanging wall of a thrust immediately east of Lewis Thrust. Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous foredeep deposits in the valley floor (mostly covered) were involved in the deformation as the orogenic load migrated eastward. Orogenic transport to the right.

The existence of fold-thrust belts in contractional orogens owes much to the presence of fluids and elevated pore pressures that reduce the critical stress necessary for faulting to occur. Part of the Alberta Front Ranges fold -thrust belt north of Highwood Pass.

Fluid flow at lithospheric scales

There’s not much that goes on in sedimentary basins that doesn’t involve fluids, particularly the aqueous kind. In sedimentary basins, subsurface fluid flow governs sediment compaction, the transfer of dissolved mass that produces a swath of diagenetic and metamorphic changes, heat flow, and mineralization. At the shallowest crustal levels, fluid flow is responsible for supplying groundwater to a third of Earth’s population.

Beyond the confines of sedimentary basins, fluids transfer mass (fresh water, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrocarbons, dissolved mass) and heat throughout the crust and lithosphere mantle where they play a significant role in dynamic, magmatic, and chemical processes. Water and its dissolved constituents, particularly carbon as aqueous CO2 and carbonate, are recycled from oceanic crust to the mantle lithosphere via subduction zones. Some of this interstitial water will be recycled during compaction, and some will be incorporated into the crystal lattices of common minerals such as clays, amphiboles and various micas, that in turn may be released during high temperature dehydration reactions, and eventually expelled to the atmosphere and hydrosphere.

Fluid flow of volatiles in the lower crust – upper mantle is slow, mostly accomplished along grain and crystal interfaces. Despite this seeming lethargy, these deep fluids are capable of transferring huge volumes of dissolved mass during metamorphic reactions.

The role of fluids and fluid flow in crustal and lithosphere-scale processes is illustrated using two examples: thrust faulting, and subduction zone fluids and magmas.


The mechanical paradox of thrust faulting

Dynamic processes like faulting are enhanced by the presence of fluids at elevated pressures. This is an important concept, first recognized by Hubbert and Rubey (1959 – PDF available). The starting point for their sophisticated analysis was the dilemma presented by the mechanics of overthrusting along shallow-dipping fault planes. Thrust faults can transport thick panels of rock many 10s of kilometres horizontally. The basic mechanical requirement for thrusting to occur is sufficient horizontal force to overcome frictional forces along the fault plane. And herein lies the dilemma – for thrusting to occur, the magnitude of these horizontal forces is so high that the rock body would disintegrate rather than being transported as a coherent structural unit. Hubert and Rubey’s task was to identify a mechanism that reduces friction to the point where real-world forces could be expected to do the job.

Our starting point is to look at fluid pressures at depth, for example in oil wells, represented by the expression:

                                                               P =  ρw gz

where P is the pressure of interstitial fluids at some depth measured vertically in the borehole, ρw is the density of the fluid (water), g = the gravitation constant, and z the depth from the surface to the point of interest (this expression is derived from Bernoulli’s equation for hydraulic potential). The expression is commonly referenced to two standard conditions:

  1. Hydrostatic pressure: the pressure at depth that supports a column of water extending to the surface (or close to the surface); in this case the pressure at any particular depth is defined by the weight of that water column where the average density ρ is close to one, and
  2. Lithostatic pressure (or geostatic pressure) that at any depth represents the weight of the overlying column of rock + water. In this case, density ρ is the average bulk density.
The concept of hydrostatic and lithostatic pressure at a depth ‘z’ represented as columns of water and rock respectively. Assuming the columns have unit area (area = 1) means that their volumes can be expressed as units of depth in the expression P = ρw gz.

The concept of hydrostatic and lithostatic pressure at a depth ‘z’ represented as columns of water and rock respectively. Assuming the columns have unit area (area = 1) means that their volumes can be expressed as units of depth in the expression P = ρw gz.

Hydrostatic fluid pressures tend to persist to 3-4 km depth, but at greater depths the pressures deviate from the hydrostatic trend – usually increasing (but in some situations can decrease). This condition is overpressured. In some cases, fluid pressures can approach or exceed lithostatic pressures. Fluid pressures exceeding hydrostatic values have been observed in many deep wells.

A typical pressure-depth curve for the Gulf Coast Basin shows the transition to elevated pore pressures at about 3000 m depth. Compaction disequilibrium plus significant changes in the diagenetic environment (e.g. quartz precipitation, hydrocarbon maturation) are responsible for changes in permeability and fluid transmissibility.

A typical pressure-depth curve for the Gulf Coast Basin shows the transition to elevated pore pressures at about 3000 m depth. Compaction disequilibrium plus significant changes in the diagenetic environment (e.g. quartz precipitation, hydrocarbon maturation) are responsible for changes in permeability and fluid transmissibility.

The expression P = ρgz can be rewritten in terms of the component of total vertical lithostatic stress Sz:

Sz = ρgz for a water-fluid column of unit area (Pressure = force per unit area, such that P = Sz/1, or P = Sz).

However, because Sz is the sum of the interstitial fluid pressure P plus the weight of the overlying solid rock column (Hubbert and Rubey call this the residual solid stress σz), then:

                                                                      Sz = P + σz

Hubbert and Rubey demonstrated that for overthrusting to occur, the critical shear stress τ (i.e., the minimum shear stress required to initiate movement across a plane) is equivalent to the vertical residual solid stress σz times a measure of material strength referred to as the angle of internal friction Tanθ:

                                                                  τ = σz Tanθ

(Tanθ is a rock or material property that refers to its ability to resist deformation and is measured as the angle between the normal stress and a resultant stress at the point where shear begins. The analogous measure in loose sediment or soil is the angle of repose, where slopes greater than this angle become unstable).

Thus, the critical stress at which overthrusting begins can now be written as:

                                                           τ = (Sz – P) Tanθ

This all-important equation indicates that as fluid pressure P increases and approaches the value of Sz, the critical shear stress τ approaches zero. Herein lies the elegance of Hubbert and Rubey’s analysis. As fluid pore pressures along the fault plane increase above hydrostatic values, friction is reduced to the point where overthrusting can occur with relative ease. Tectonic compression, differential compaction, and mineral dehydration reactions are some of the more common mechanisms that lead to increased fluid pressures.

The mechanical dilemma presented by overthrusting is resolved!


Fluid flow and partial melting in subduction zones

The production of magmas in the mantle is strongly dependent on the availability of water. Flux melting occurs when free water is available at solidus temperatures deep in the crust – upper mantle (the solidus is the temperature at which melting begins – it also defines the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary). The water acts as a flux, lowering the melting point of different mineral components, thus promoting partial melting. For example, dry granite melts between 1100 – 1250oC, but in the presence of water melting can begin at temperatures as low as 650oC. This is illustrated in the graph below, where the solidus intersects the lithosphere geotherm at progressively lower temperatures, depending on the water content.

The mantle solidus curve (i.e., the temperature at which partial melting begins), moves towards the geotherm in concert with increasing water content. Partial melting begins when the two curves intersect.

The mantle solidus curve (i.e., the temperature at which partial melting begins), moves towards the geotherm in concert with increasing water content. Partial melting begins when the two curves intersect.

Flux melting is an important process in subduction zones. The water required to initiate melting is derived from the descending oceanic crust that contains wet sediment and wet basaltic volcanic and intrusive rock. As subduction proceeds, increasing compaction of the sediment matrix drives interstitial fluid flows to the upper plate, while increasing temperatures promote dehydration reactions in minerals that release water bonded to crystal lattices. Dehydration can begin at temperatures as low as 60oC in clays (Saffer and Tobin, 2011; PDF available); hydrocarbon maturation also begins at about this temperature and becomes increasingly rapid and pervasive at 80o-120oC (the oil generation window).  Fluid buoyancy plays a major role in its ascent. Thus, fluids in the subducting slab are partitioned between the upper plate or recycled in the underlying mantle.

The fate of these fluids is a topic of active research because they are implicated in the tectonics of subduction zones, particularly mega-earthquakes and slow-slip  along the subduction interface, the evolution of magmatism and volcanic arcs, and potential mineralization. Elevated pore fluid pressures resulting from tectonically induced compression also play a role in the generation of accretionary wedge thrust faults.

The origin and fate of fluids generated by subduction of oceanic lithosphere, the partial melting of asthenosphere mantle, and the formation of a magmatic arc. Some fluid in the oceanic crust is recycled to the deep mantle. Fluid flow in the accretionary prism is driven by compaction, tectonic compression, and clay dehydration. Note the deflection of geotherms by descending, cold, oceanic lithosphere. Modified from Farsang et al., 2021 and Miller 2013.

The origin and fate of fluids generated by subduction of oceanic lithosphere, the partial melting of asthenosphere mantle, and the formation of a magmatic arc. Some fluid in the oceanic crust is recycled to the deep mantle. Fluid flow in the accretionary prism is driven by compaction, tectonic compression, and clay dehydration. Note the deflection of geotherms by descending, cold, oceanic lithosphere. Modified from Farsang et al., 2021 open access; and Miller 2013.

Flux melting at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary creates partial melts that rise buoyantly through the upper plate; their ultimate fate is eruption at the surface and the construction of magmatic arcs. Huge volumes of fluid are also expelled to the atmosphere during eruptions – mostly water, plus lesser quantities of CO2, SO2, and inert gases such as helium. Distributed fluid expulsion at the sea floor also occurs via fracture networks and faults through the upper plate, and from compaction of the accretionary wedge. All these fluid expulsion processes contribute significant volumes of dissolved solids to the oceans.

A notable feature of volcanic arcs is their restriction to relatively narrow, linear regions of the upper plate. This implies some kind of mechanism that focuses both aqueous fluid flow and rising magmas; for example, fault and fracture networks, permeability channels, or the channelling of buoyant fluids via temperate gradients or changes in crustal rheology (e.g., Wilson at al. 2014; PDF available).


Other posts in this series

Sedimentary basins: Regions of prolonged subsidence

Defining the lithosphere

The rheology of the lithosphere

Isostasy: A lithospheric balancing act

The thermal structure of the lithosphere

Classification of sedimentary basins

Stretching the lithosphere: Rift basins

Nascent, conjugate passive margins 

Thrust faults: Some common terminology

Basins formed by lithospheric flexure

Basins formed by strike-slip tectonics

Allochthonous terranes: suspect and exotic

Source to sink: Sediment routing systems

Geofluids: Sedimentary basin-scale fluid flow

Geofluids: The permeability of faults


Glossary: Volcanology


Aa flows: Massive lava flows that grade upward to a chaotic jumble of blocky and clinker lava fragments. Aa flows tend to advance more slowly than pahoehoe flows, where broken lava blocks tumble down the flow front and are overridden by the oncoming mass. (cf. pahoehoe budding).

Accidental pyroclasts: Fragmental debris derived from basement rocks during an explosive eruption. May occur with Juvenile and Cognate pyroclasts.

Accretionary aggregates: The aggregation of fine ash into pellets, a few millimetres in diameter, within turbulent, wet ash columns and plumes derived by explosive phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions. Electrostatic charges in the turbulent plume play an important role. Experimental evidence also indicates that cementation by sulphates and other minerals can occur rapidly in the plume – this increases their preservation potential. Pellet cores may contain fine ash, or fine lapilli. Pellets may be completely unstructured, or consist of concentrically layered fine ash. Aggregates with multiple concentric layers constitute the well know accretionary lapilli. They may flatten in impact with the ground. They  range from about 5 – 25 mm diameter.  There is some evidence they have formed on Mars.

Accretionary lapilli Accretionary aggregates of fine ash surrounded by multiple, concentric layers (onion like) that form within turbulent, wet ash columns and plumes during explosive phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions.

Aerosol: Small droplets of liquid of solid particles suspended in air, mainly by air turbulence. Liquid aerosols commonly have dissolved compounds like sulphuric and hydrochloric acid derived from volcanic eruptions. They are important in Earth’s upper atmosphere because can they reflect incoming solar energy, resulting in cooling, or absorb heat that raises atmospheric temperatures.

Airfall ash/tephra: Volcanic ejecta (ash to block sizes) that falls to the surface from an eruption column. Deposits tend to mantle topography but may be reworking by precipitation runoff. Deposits may be size-sorted because of gravitational settling; individual beds become finer and thinner with distance from source.

Albite twins: Common twinning in plagioclases and potassium feldspars, presented as multiple, parallel lamellae that traverse the entire crystal section. The width of twin segments decreases and the number of lamellae increases in more calcic plagioclases.

Amygdaloids: Vesicles that are filled with mineral precipitates (commonly calcite, zeolite, chlorite). Precipitation occurs after the magma has cooled. cf.  Spherulites.

Andesite: An extrusive volcanic rock having composition intermediate between basalt and rhyolite, with 52 and 63 weight percent silica (SiO2). Commonly fine grained with feldspar micro-laths in the groundmass and plagioclase phenocrysts, plus pyroxenes and hornblende. Common constituents of volcanic arcs associated with subduction zones. Named from the Andes where volcanics of this composition are common. The intrusive equivalent is diorite.

Antidunes: Bedforms that develop in Upper Flow Regime, Froude supercritical flow. The corresponding stationary (surface) waves are in-phase with the bedforms. Unlike ripples, the accreting bedform face grows upstream – antidunes migrate upstream in concert with deposition on the stoss face. When flow conditions wane, they become unstable and wash out or surge downstream.  Their preservation potential is low.

BAF: The acronym for block and ash flows.

Ballistics (volcaniclastic): Blocks and bombs ejected by powerful explosive volcanic eruptions that follow a parabolic trajectory to be deposited as tephra.

Basalt: The most common rock type on Earth, an extrusive, dark brown to black rock with silica contact 45-53%. The upper part of oceanic crust is predominantly basalt, but also occurs in shield volcanoes and volcanic arcs. In lava flows it is more fluid than andesite and rhyolite. Is erupted as flows, fire fountains, and explosive magmatic and phreatomagmatic columns from which pyroclastic density currents are commonly generated. Typically, there is a glassy groundmass with plagioclase micro-laths, common plagioclase phenocrysts at the calcic end of the feldspar spectrum, plus common pyroxenes, amphiboles, and olivine. The intrusive equivalent is gabbro.

Base surge: Synonymous with pyroclastic surge. The term base surge was first used to describe turbulent, bottom hugging flows generated by nuclear test detonations in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Bedform:  Sedimentary structures produced by bedload transport of loose, non-cohesive sediment. Typically manifested as ripple and dune-like structures.

Bedload:  Loose or non-cohesive sediment particles (silt, sand, gravel – sizes) at the sediment-water or sediment-air interface, that will move along the bed if fluid flow velocities exceed the threshold velocity. The bedload consists of a traction carpet, and a suspension load.

Block and ash flow: Ground-hugging, concentrated PDCs characterised by a vast range of clast sizes, including blocks having dimensions measured in metres. They are usually derived from collapsing lava domes. They are commonly associated with pyroclastic surges. Deposits consist of a mix of ash and blocks; they are poorly sorted, usually matrix-supported, and poorly- or ungraded. Block angularity is highly variable.

Blocks/bombs (volcaniclastics): Both terms are used as textural descriptions for primary volcaniclastics (regardless of their origins). Clast sizes are 64 mm and coarser.

Boil over: PDCs can be generated by fire fountains that eject large volumes of fragmented lava over a crater rim. PDCs formed in this way are concentrated in lapilli, splatter, and flattened or aerodynamically shaped bombs.

Bombs – ballistics (volcaniclastic): Ejected lava fragments, or bombs (particularly in Hawaiian and Strombolian fire fountains), can be shaped aerodynamically into spindle-like ballistics while being flung through the air. If the lava is still molten when it lands it will spatter and cool in a variety of shapes (e.g. cow-pat, bombs, bread crust bombs).

Bomb sags (Volcaniclastic): Large, ballistic blocks and incandescent fragments of magma ejected during an eruption, may land on earlier deposited tephra causing the beds to sag. The bedding deformation may be accentuated during compaction.

Bowen reaction series:  A predictable order of mineral crystallization in a cooling magma, after the early 20th Century geologist Norman Bowen. One of the first minerals to crystallize from magma is olivine (from about 1300o to 1200oC). Feldspar, the most common rock-forming mineral, begins to form below temperatures of about 1000oC, and one of the last to appear, quartz at about 800oC. Bowen’s discovery revolutionised the way we think about the evolution of igneous rocks.

Breccia: Consists predominantly of angular clasts larger than 2mm. Like conglomerates they are poorly sorted, clast-supported frameworks. The degree of clast angularity indicates little or no reworking.

Bubble texture (volcaniclastic): A texture characteristic of volcanic ash presented as highly arcuate apophyses in shard walls, or as complete bubble outlines within shards. They commonly form during explosive eruptions, from the introduction of superheated steam when magma is in contact with water (as in phreatomagmatic eruptions), or from degassing of volatiles within the magma.

Buoyancy: Buoyancy is the result of fluid forces acting on a body immersed in a fluid. If the resultant force is greater than the gravitational force acting on the body (that itself is a function of its density), then the body will rise (positive buoyancy – negative buoyancy is the opposite). Buoyancy plays an important role in many processes – the rise of mantle plumes and magmas, diapirism, density and temperature stratification in the oceans, the support of clasts in sediment gravity flows and pyroclastic flows.

Buoyant plume: A turbulent mix of gas, air and fine particles that is less dense than air. It develops above the main body of a pyroclastic flow or sediment gravity flow by elutriation of particles from the main flow. The plume dissipates as the particles settle gravitationally.

Caldera: A large volcanic collapse basin resulting from withdrawal and eruption of large volumes of magma or explosive pyroclastics. Basin walls are initially steep but may become degraded over time. Many become lakes post-eruption. Calderas are the sites of some of the largest known eruptions (e.g. Yellowstone, Krakatoa, Taupo).

Carlsbad twins: Common twins in plagioclase and some potassium feldspars. It is an penetration twin with a plane that separates two crystal segments.

Chute and pool Chute and pool conditions usually develop at flow velocities higher than those responsible for unstable antidunes. Chute and pool morphology is centred on a hydraulic jump – upstream flow in the chute is supercritical, and immediately downstream flow is subcritical (the pool). Chutes and pools can also migrate upstream which means the hydraulic jump moves in tandem.

Cognate epiclasts: Also called Accessory Pyroclasts. Pyroclasts derived from earlier-formed and co-magmatic volcanic rocks at the same volcano. Cf. Accidental pyroclasts, Juvenile pyroclasts.

Colonnade jointing: Columnar ‘organ-pipe’ like cooling joints oriented at right angles to magma body margins. In lava flows, colonnades may be tiered, with a larger cross-section columns at the base and smaller columns that intersect the lava surface (and cooled more quickly). Cf. entablature.

Column collapse: Plinian and Vulcanian eruptions produce columns of hot, turbulent mixtures of juvenile fragmentals, gas and air. Gravity-induced collapse of the column produces hot pyroclastic flows and surges. This is the most common mechanism of PDC generation.

Columnar jointing: Regular arrays of joints formed during cooling and contraction of magma. They can occur in lava and hot ignimbrite flows, and intrusive dykes and sills. Cooling begins from the outer surfaces and progresses towards the centre of the magma body where joints are oriented normal to the outer surface. They form as straight to slightly curved columns with 4 to 8 sided polygonal cross-sections. Cf. colonnade, entablature, fracture porosity.

Crater lakes: Water that accumulates in volcanic craters, extinct or active. On active volcanoes, eruption through a crater lake may have a strong phreatic or phreatomagmatic  imprint (depending on whether there is new magma) until all the water has been vapourised.

Critical flow: Also called Tranquil flow. The flow conditions for a Froude number of 1 , at some critical flow velocity and flow depth, where any surface wave will remain stationary (it will not move upstream or downstream). Surface waves will usually be in-phase with their bedforms, for example antidunes. See also subcritical and supercritical flows.

Cyclic steps Cyclic steps are basically trains of chutes and pools, where supercritical to subcritical transitions occur repeatedly downstream. At each transition there is a hydraulic jump – this is the step in each flow transition. As the hydraulic jumps move upstream they erode sediment that is then deposited on the stoss face immediately downstream. The wavelength of cyclic steps is potentially 100-500 times the water depth, and is significantly greater than that for stationary waves and their associated antidunes.

Debris flow: A type of sediment gravity flow containing highly variable proportions of mud, sand, and gravel, in which the two primary mechanisms for maintaining clast support are (mud) matrix strength (a function of viscosity) and dispersive pressures caused by clast collisions. Rheologically they behave as (non-Newtonian) plastics or hydroplastics. Unlike turbidites, there is no turbulence, hence normal grading is absent or poorly developed. Some debris flows develop significant internal shear that imparts a crude stratification and/or an alignment of clasts. Terrestrial flows include highly mobile mud flows, and lahars in volcanic terrains. The more mobile types may grade to hyperconcentrated flows

Dense rock equivalent (DRE): A conversion from the volume of fragmental deposits (ash, lapilli, blocks) to an equivalent volume of non-fragmented lava. DRE values are used to compare the magnitude, or total volumes of eruptions.

Diatremes: Funnel-shaped pipes (funnel opening upward) containing a chaotic mix of brecciated basement rock formed by focused explosive eruptions, commonly phreatomagmatic; many are associated with maar eruption centres. The eruptions bring deep crustal rock to much shallower levels, including those containing very high pressure minerals like diamonds. Diatremes are exposed by deep erosion of the surface cover.

Dike/dyke (igneous): (Dike = North American; Dyke = English) Sheet-like magma feeders to volcanic eruption sites, that have been forced through and are oriented at a high angle to stratification or layering. Columnar jointing is common and normal to the dike walls. Dyke sheets commonly branch. Cf. igneous Sill.

Directed blast: Explosive blasts that are directed laterally transform rapidly to pyroclastic flows. They are commonly generated by flank landslides, larger sector collapse, or lava dome collapse – the last mechanism was responsible for the main PDC during the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens.

Dispersive pressure: An important mechanism of flow support in grain flows, some debris flows, concentrated pyroclastic density currents (e.g., ignimbrites) and block and ash flows, where grain-to-grain collisions transfer momentum that keeps particles dispersed. c.f. other mechanisms like turbulence, matrix strength, and fluidization.

Effusive eruption: A non-explosive eruption where magma issues from a vent as a lava flow. The VEI score is zero.

Elutriation: Removal of fine particles by the upward flow of fluid or gas, through the body of a pyroclastic density current or sediment gravity flow. Elutriation is responsible for the development of a buoyant plume above such flows.

Endogenic lava dome: Domes that expand as viscous magma is intruded into the dome interior (i.e., they inflate from within).

Entablature jointing: Lava cooling joints that form a range of patterns, from irregular accumulations to spectacular radial clusters. Thick lava flows may contain both a lower band of colonnade joints overlain by entablature joints.

Epiclastic: Sedimentary clasts formed from pre-existing rocks; this applies to most siliciclastic rocks and to many redeposited volcaniclastic sediments.

Eruption intensity: The rate at which pyroclastic mass is ejected.

Eruption magnitude: The total volume if rock erupted calculated as the dense-rock equivalent volume. C.f. eruption intensity.

Exogenic lava dome: Domes that grow externally by addition and stacking of lava extrusions.

Feldspar: The most abundant mineral in Earth’s crust. It is present in nearly every kind of igneous rock; it is also a common hydrothermal product. In sedimentary rocks it occurs as a common detrital component, and as an authigenic phase (usually albite). Feldspar is a sheet silicate comprising two main groups: the Alkali feldspar group – most common are potassium-bearing feldspars (K-spar) that forms a solid solution series with Albite; and the Plagioclase group that form a solid solution series from Albite (sodium end member) to Anorthite (Calcium end member). All feldspars have good cleavage. There are several types of twinning, for example the common perthite and Gridiron twinning of K-spars, and albite, carlsbad, pericline twins in plagioclases.

Feldspar laths: Microscopic, needle-like crystals of feldspar, usually plagioclase, in a glassy groundmass. Alignment of laths provides an indication of flow. These textures commonly develop in rapidly cooled basalt lavas.

Fiamme: Lenticular, lozenge-shaped to wispy fragments of glassy and pumiceous tephra that are common in hot pyroclastic flows, and are stretched while in a viscous state. Lengths range up to a few centimetres. The plane of flattening approximates bedding.

Flame structures: Wispy, flame-like mudstone structures that form during early, differential compaction of sandstone-mudstone interbeds. The flames appear to protrude from the mudstone into the overlying sand.

Flow banding (volcanic): Banding that is concentric, or intricately folded is common in rhyolite and dacite domes; each band represents a slightly different texture and/or mineral composition and develops during the slow movement of highly viscous magma. Intricate folding can also occur, particularly around magma fragment. This folding is NOT tectonic. Flow banding can also occur in hot pyroclastic ash flows, where temperatures are high enough to render ash fragments fully ductile.

Flow unit: A term that applies equally to sediment gravity flows (like turbidites, debris flows) and pyroclastic density currents. It refers to a stratigraphic unit, bed or layer deposited during a single flow event. Pyroclastic flows like ignimbrites and surges may contain many flow units.

Flux melting: A term derived from welding and glass making. A flux is a substance that lowers the melting point of solids. It applies to magma generation in the mantle where water, derived by dehydration of mica, glaucophane, and serpentinite minerals, lowers melting points by 200°C and more. Flux melting is a critical stage in the formation of partial melts.

Froude number: A dimensionless number that expresses the characteristics of flow, including surface waves and bedforms, as the ratio between gravitational forces and inertial forces:

                                                          Fr = V/√g.D

Where V is bulk flow velocity that reflects the dominant effect of gravity on surface flows, and the inertial component is √g.D where g is the gravitational constant, and D is water depth. The denominator represents the speed of a surface wave relative to the bulk flow velocity. Whether the surface wave is faster, slower or the same speed as the bulk flow will depend on its resistance to move, or its inertia.

Fumaroles: Also known as Solfataras. Geothermal gas and steam vents where temperatures are >/= 100°C. The proportion of liquid water is low. They tend to form when the watertable is deep. , Hot springs are more common where watertables. are shallow.

Geopetal: Textures and fabrics that allow the interpretation of stratigraphic top, or ‘way-up’. This definition would include normal grain size grading in a turbidite. However, there is a tendency these days to restrict the meaning to structures where cements or sediments partially fill a void, such that the top of the fill represents a depositional or precipitation surface. Examples include fossils that have preserved chambers, the interstices between pillow lavas, and cavernous porosity in reef frameworks or caves.

Glowing avalanche: A hot pyroclastic flow that reveals a glowing flow head as it careens down the volcano slope. Also called Nuées ardentes.

Gridiron twinning: A common diagnostic twin in potassium feldspars twins that belongs exclusively to microcline. It is presented as a cross-hatching of thin albite and perthite twin lamellae. Also called tartan twins.

Hawaiian eruption: Effusive eruptions of fluid basaltic lava in lava lakes and associated flank fissures. VEI = 0-1. Flows are mostly pahoehoe type.

Hyaloclastite: Fragmental volcaniclastics that form when lava is quenched rapidly under water, beneath ice, or in saturated sediment, such that is shatters into angular fragments. Hyaloclastitic debris is commonly glassy and highly angular, with straight, arcuate, or bubble texture margins.

Hyalotuff: Fragmental deposits formed by explosive, phreatomagmatic eruptions when magma comes into contact with seawater or groundwater. Ash particles are generally angular and commonly have bubble or vesicle textures. Cf. Hyaloclastites.

Hydroplaning A term applied to sediment gravity flows and dilute pyroclastic density currents – where the head of these flows lifts above the substrate. Flume experiments show that a layer of water/fluid beneath the flow can reduce drag, such that the flow head rises and in doing so increases its velocity. If the velocity increases is sufficient, the head can detach (at least temporarily) from the main body of the flow. This mechanism offers one explanation for surging at the head of many flows.

Ignimbrite: A recent definition states ” …the rock or deposit formed from pumice and ash- through to scoria and ash-rich pyroclastic density currents” regardless of thickness, areal extent, volume, composition, crystal content, relationship with topography, or temperature (usually >500°C) . They are usually regarded as concentrated PDCs where grain-to-grain dispersive pressures and/or fluidization maintain flow support. As such they are fundamentally different to pyroclastic surges and block and ash flows.

Inertia: Inertia is generally defined as a force that resists the change in motion of a body; here motion refers to a vector that describes velocity and direction, and ‘body’ refers to anything composed of matter, including a body of fluid. Inertia was codified by Newton in his Laws of Motion – in the 1st Law as the Law of Inertia, and in the 3rd, as the Action-Reaction  law. Inertial forces are central to the quantification of fluid mechanics expressed in Froude and Reynolds numbers.

Juvenile fragments: In volcaniclastic deposits, the granular material derived directly by fragmentation of new magma. Airfall deposits and pyroclastic density currents consist almost entirely of juvenile debris. C.f. accidental clasts plucked from existing rocks in a vent, or the substrate to ground-hugging flows. Also called Essential clasts. Cf. Accidental pyroclasts, Cognate pyroclasts.

Kelvin Helmholtz instabilities (or waves): At the top of a PDC near the flow head, intense shear at the contact between the rapidly moving flow and overlying air leads to instabilities manifested as billows, vortices and waves.

Lahar: A terrestrial gravelly mudflow, or debris flow consisting largely of volcanic debris. Most flows are initiated on the flanks of volcanoes. They develop during and after eruptions, initiated by seismic tremors, or periods of high rainfall that saturate soils and reduce their shear strength. Lahars are capable of carrying vehicle-sized blocks and can be very destructive. Flow run-out is commonly several kilometres. Cf. block and ash flow.

Lapilli: Primary volcaniclastic particles, derived directly from volcanic eruptions, and ranging in size from 2 mm to 64 mm. See Accretionary lapilli.

Lateral blast: An ground-hugging eruption that is triggered by the collapse of a volcanic flank or lava dome. These blasts produce hot, fast-moving block and ash flows, pyroclastic density currents and pyroclastic surges. Mt. St. Helens eruption in 1980 is an iconic recent example.

Lava dome: Hemispherical to spine-shaped extrusion of viscous magma in the craters or upper flanks of volcanoes. Lava domes are inherently unstable: debris derived from lava cooling and cracking may spall and accumulate at the dome base; or domes may collapse under the influence of gravity or from internal pressures. Dome collapse commonly generates block and ash flows, or hot pyroclastic flows and surges. Cf. endogenic and exogenic domes.

Lava dome collapse: Domes of viscous lava that grow on volcano summit craters or flanks are inherently unstable. Their collapse from gravitational instability or internal pressures can generate PDCs, commonly as block and ash flows, or pyroclastic surges.

Lava lake: The accumulation of lava in summit craters. Eruption may be quietly effusive, or as fire fountains from fissures around the crater walls. Crusts that form rapidly on the lake surface are usually broken by lava surges and reworked into the melt. When activity ceases the lava solidifies into a solid plug.

Lava tube: Long, tunnel-like openings through which lava flows; primarily in basaltic pahoehoe lavas. They usually begin life as open lava streams where crust mantles gradually coalesce into a more solid roof. Tubes commonly branch to form networks. When flow ceases, the lava may drain leaving the tube open, or solidify within the tube. The roof of a tube can collapse at any time during or after lava flow.

Lobe and cleft: Lobes, billows, and intervening pockets at the head of a PDC where turbulence is generated by frictional forces across the substrate and the contact with air.

Maar eruptions:  A phreatomagmatic, or hydromagmatic eruption caused by magma intruding shallow groundwater. These highly explosive events produce low-relief craters that extend beneath the local watertable and are capable of bringing deep basement rocks to the surface. They subsequently fill with water and form closed lakes or coastal embayments. Volcaniclastics usually include airfall and pyroclastic surge deposits. Accretionary lapilli are common.  They may be linked to diatremes.

Magmatic arc: Also called volcanic arcs. A chain of volcanoes and associated intrusions that form in the plate above a subduction zone. Arcs generally parallel the deep oceanic trenches. At mantle depths, dewatering of oceanic crust in the subducting slab lowers the melting point of mantle rock. The partial melts rise because of buoyancy.

Magmatic eruption: Explosive eruptions where magma fragmentation is controlled by decompression of magma volatiles such as CO2 and water. Cf. phreatomagmatic, phreatic, effusive eruptions.

Newtonian fluid: A rheological class wherein a fluid has no yield strength (cf. plastics), and deforms continuously (strain) with increasing stress, independent of viscosity. Water is the best known example. cf. Plastic, hydroplastic rheology

Pahoehoe flows: Relatively fluid lavas that develop smooth, ropy, billowing or tendril-like textures across the flow top. They occur mostly in basaltic lavas, and are commonly associated with tumuli and spatter cones. Pahoehoe flows also advance by budding and lava breakout. Highly mobile flows can move at speeds up to 40 km/hour.

Partial melting: Most rocks consist of several minerals, each of which has a different melting point. When rocks begin to melt, those minerals with the lowest melting points will be the first to contribute to magmas – the rock will be partially melted, producing a kind of crystal mush. Partial melting is a critical stage of magma formation in the mantle. See Flux melting.

PDC: The acronym for Pyroclastic density current

Peléan eruption: Explosive eruptions in moderately viscous rhyolite-andesite magma, that produces a relatively low eruption column, not unlike Vulcanian types. However, Peléan eruptions are noted for the large, glowing, pyroclastic flows that develop from the collapse or explosive disintegration of a viscous lava dome. Named after the eruption of Mt. Pelée in 1902.

Peperite: A mix of brecciated lava and sediment, formed by the explosive injection of magma into water-saturated sediments. Brecciation is partly due to rapid quenching, and to forcible injection of superheated steam. They occur where basaltic lavas flow across lake beds or swamps and partly intrude their sediments.

Pericline twins are similar to albite twins but are oriented at different angles, commonly at 90o to albite twins.

Perthites: One of the key identifiers of potassium feldspars under a polarizing microscope is perthitic texture, which is a mix of two different exsolution feldspar phases – albite and orthoclase. Exsolution occurs during crystallization from the melt.

Phaneritic: A general term to describe volcanic and intrusive rocks where individual crystals can be see without the aid of a microscope. Cf. Aphanitic.

Phreatic eruptions: Explosive eruptions where rock heated by magma comes into contact with groundwater or seawater, but does not involve new magma (i.e. the magma itself is not incorporated into the eruption). Hyaloclastites are a common product of this eruption type.

Phreatomagmatic eruption: Explosive eruptions where rising magma comes into contact with water (sea-lake water, groundwater); Surtsey (Iceland) is an iconic example. Hyalotuffs are a common depositional product of phreatomagmatic eruptions. They tend to be glassy, and finer grained than magmatic eruptions because of the intense reaction between hot magma and water.

Pillow lavas: Bulbous, spheroidal to tubular bodies of lava extruded, toothpaste-like, on to the sea or lake floor. They tend to accumulate in piles where newly formed pillows bud from, and grow around those formed earlier, creating a tight, albeit irregular packing arrangement. Pillows that become detached may roll to the base of the pile. Chilled margins may contain small pipe vesicles. The interstices between pillows usually fill with hyaloclastite fragments formed by shattering of rapidly quenched lava. Pillow lavas most commonly form in subaqueously extruded basaltic magmas but are known from other lava types. Mid-ocean spreading ridges contain humongous volumes of them.

Pipe vesicle: A narrow tube (a few mm across) that protrudes inwards or upwards from the base of a lava flow, resulting from injection of superheated steam derived from underlying soil water and vegetation.

Plinian eruption: A sustained, violent, explosive eruption of viscous siliceous magma that continues for hours or days, producing an eruption column that can reach heights of 20-30 km. Collapse of the column produces pyroclastic flows that reach speeds  of 400-700 km/hour. Volumes of ash and blocks produced range from 1-100 cubic km. fine ash and aerosols that enter the upper troposphere and stratosphere can encircle the globe. Magma withdrawal can result in caldera collapse. VEI = 5-7. Named after Pliny the Younger who witnessed Vesuvius’ eruption in 79AD.

Progressive laminae: Stoss face laminae that accrete up-flow (i.e. against the current) in bedforms produced during deposition from pyroclastic surges.

Pyroclastic density current: (PDC).Pyroclastic density current (PDC): The general name for ground-hugging, gravity-driven mixtures of gas and volcaniclastic debris, derived from explosive eruptions, including pyroclastic flows, welded and non-welded ignimbrites, block and ash flows, pyroclastic surges, and base-flows. They are fast moving (several 10s to 100s of km/hour), and hot (up to 700° C – 1300°F). Fragment debris is predominantly juvenile. Flow is strongly controlled by pre-existing topography. Mechanisms of clast support range from fluidization, turbulence, and dispersive pressures from grain-to-grain collisions; more than one mechanism may operate in a single flow. Clast concentrations are also variable (dilute versus concentrated flows). Flows can be generated by direct lateral blasts, collapse of felsic lava domes, eruption column collapse. Run out distances range from 1- 100 km.

Pyroclastic flow: As a general term it has largely been replaced by pyroclastic density current.

Pyroclastic surge: PDCs that are dilute, ground-hugging, turbulent flows of hot, juvenile volcanic particles and a fluid phase of superheated steam and air. Deposition from turbulent flows commonly leaves deposits (grain size) graded, and because of shear along the base of the flow, deposition associated with traction currents will produce stratification and bedforms. Deposition takes place at supercritical to critical flows.

Regressive laminae: Bedform laminae that accrete down-flow (i.e. in the direction of current flow), most commonly from pyroclastic surges. cf. progressive laminae.

Reynolds number: Derived by Osbourne Reynolds in the mid 19th century, to describe the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. Reynold’s number Re expresses the ratio of inertial (resistance) forces to viscous (resistance) forces:

                                                                  Re = ρVD/μ

with fluid density = ρ, fluid viscosity μ, mean velocity of flow V, that reflects shear rate and inertia forces, and Tube diameter D that influences the degree of turbulence. Re is dimensionless.

Run out: The distance traveled by a pyroclastic density current or sediment gravity flow, from start to finish.

Scoria: Mostly lapilli-sized fragments of vesicular, porous pyroclasts, generally of basaltic or andesitic composition – hence dark brown-red colours. Some scoria fragments may be strung out into lacy threads. Cf. Pumice.

Seamount: A basaltic volcanic edifice on an oceanic plate, that rises 1000s of metres above the sea floor, derived from mantle plume hotspots. The largest seamount on earth, Mauna Kea (Hawaii) rises 4205m above sea level but extends about 10,200m from the sea floor. Seamounts that broach the surface may provide habitats for coral reefs. Once volcanic activity ceases, the edifice will gradually sink under its own weight (an isostatic response).

Sector collapse: The collapse of a large portion of a volcanic edifice, usually on steep flanks can occur during an eruption, or long after. Collapse during an eruption may trigger lateral blasts that produce pyroclastic flows (as occurred on Mt St. Helens in 1980). The sector usually breaks up into blocks that produce avalanches and lahars, rather than failing as a coherent unit. Flank collapse into the sea can result in tsunamis.

Siliciclastic:  Sediments composed predominantly of detrital, silica-based minerals; the most common components are quartz, feldspar, and lithic fragments. Heavy minerals such as magnetite, zircon, and tourmaline are important constituents, usually in trace amounts. This broad category includes all grain sizes. It does not include clastic carbonates.

Solid solution series: Minerals that share the same basic chemical formula but have different proportions of key elements in their crystal lattice such that crystal form may vary. In sedimentary rocks the most important examples are the alkali (K-Na end-members) and plagioclase (Na-Ca end-members) feldspar groups. Olivine also forms a series with fayalite and forsterite end-members. A mineral’s position in a series reflects the composition and temperature of, for example, the original igneous melts (in the case of feldspar and olivine.

Spherulites: Spherical structures that grow from rapidly quenched fluids. In volcanology, they are commonly found in glassy rhyolites and dacites where they have crystallized directly from the original melt. Usually <10 mm diameter, and tend to occur in clusters or flow bended layers. Each spherulite contains quartz and plagioclase crystallites organized radially.

Stationary waves: Also called standing waves. Surface waves formed during the transition from subcritical to supercritical flow. They are the surface manifestation of, and are in-phase with antidune bedforms on the channel floor; the waves migrate upstream in concert with the deposition of backset laminae on the stoss slopes of antidunes. Stationary waves that break (upstream) have become unstable. Unstable wave eventually decay and surge downstream.

Stratosphere: The stratified atmospheric layer above the troposphere, that extends 30-50 km altitude. It contains most of the ozone. Temperatures in the stratosphere are maintained by ultraviolet radiation absorption in molecules like ozone (O3). Ultraplinian eruption columns may rise to stratospheric levels.

Strombolian eruption: Mild explosive eruptions of relatively fluid magma, that produce incandescent bombs, scoria and lapilli size fragments largely restricted to the cinder cone or volcano flanks. Fire fountains are small. VEI = 1-3.

Subcritical flow: Defined by Froude as the conditions in surface flows where inertial forces dominate and Fr<1.  It corresponds to lower flow regime bedforms such as ripples and larger dune structures, that usually are out of phase with surface waves. Also called tranquil flow.  cf. antidunes, supercritical flow.

Supercritical flow: Defined by Froude as the conditions in surface flows when  gravitational forces dominate (over inertial forces) and the Froude number Fr > 1. The corresponding stream flow surface conditions manifest as an acceleration of flow such that stationary waves (critical flow) break upstream forming chutes. This corresponds to upper flow regime conditions. cf. subcritical flow.

Surtseyan eruption: Violent explosive eruptions caused by the interaction of magma with  sea-lake water or groundwater. These are primarily phreatomagmatic eruptions. Eruption columns reach a few 100 metres. Eruptions are a continuous series of jets that can last for weeks, gradually building tephra cones and rings. Named after Surtsey (Iceland), 1963).

Tephra: As originally defined by Thorarinsson (1941), it includes all air-borne volcaniclastics ejected directly by volcanic eruptions. It does not include subaqueous ejecta. Thus, tephra can include the finest ash particles and the largest blocks. Cf. Tuff.

Tropopause: The boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere – it marks changes in the dynamics of air flow from mixed (troposphere) to stratified, abrupt temperature gradients, and some chemistry (e.g. ozone). It averages 16-18 km high over the tropics, and 6-8 km over the poles, but changes seasonally and with weather systems. It is an important boundary for high altitude volcanic eruption columns.

Troposphere: The lowest layer if air – the layer we live in. It contains most of the water vapour; it determines most of our weather. It is a layer of fluid mixing; Cf. the Stratosphere.

Tuff: This is a volcaniclastic rock name restricted to tephras that are finer-grained than 64 mm. The term can be qualified with prefixes such as fine ash tuff, or medium lapilli tuff. The lithified equivalent for block/bomb tephras is volcanic breccia.

Ultraplinian eruption: With a VEI of 7-8, these are the most powerful eruptions known. They occur in viscous siliceous magmas and produce eruption columns to 50 km altitude (into the stratosphere). The volume of material erupted ranges from 100-1000 cubic kilometres. Eruptions of this magnitude, including some larger Plinian eruptions, can have a significant effect on global climates because of the volume of fine ash and aerosols in the upper atmosphere. Geologically young examples include Yellowstone supervolcano (632 Ka) falls into the latter category, as did Toba (northern Sumatra, 74Ka), and the most recent event at Taupo a mere 1800 years ago.

Vesicularity: Vesicles are subspherical to elongate pores that form during the rise and eruption of magma, as volatile gasses and water vapour, that originally were dissolved in the magma, depressurise. Vesicles are the frozen remnants of these gas bubbles. An extreme example of vesicularity is pumice, that originates as magma ‘froth’. During burial, vesicles are filled with minerals like zeolites and calcite – filled vesicles are called amygdaloids.

Volcanic ash: Sedimentary particles derived directly from volcanic eruptions, ranging from clay-sized material to 2 mm. Subdivisions into fine, medium, coarse, very coarse ash are analogous to Wentworth sand size scale. Cf. lapilli, Wentworth grain size.

Volcanic explosivity index (VEI): A measure of the explosiveness of eruptions, or the amount of kinetic energy involved (Newhall & Self, 1982), based on the erupted volume (as lava or fragmental debris), eruption column height, and the degree of particle fragmentation. The scale is logarithmic. Each category is labelled according to its ‘appearance’, ranging from non-explosive, quietly effusive lava flows (zero explosivity), to colossal super-eruptions (Yellowstone, Toba, Taupo) at 8.

Volcaniclastic: Fragmental debris derived from volcanic eruptions. This includes air-fall ash (tephras), ballistics, and pyroclastic flow and surge deposits (e.g. hot and cold ignimbrites) that are derived directly from eruption events such as collapsing eruption plumes; also called primary volcaniclastics. Material that is redeposited by terrestrial lahars or subaqueous sediment gravity flows (turbidites, debris flows), or redistributed by rivers are secondary volcaniclastics.

Volcanic gas: All active volcanic centers emit gas, pre-, post- and during eruptions. On average, 96% of volcanic gases are water vapour, the remaining components being CO2, SO2 (most common), plus a little helium, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, and a few halides. Under normal circumstances, volcanic CO2, helps maintain the balance from the perspective of greenhouse forcing.

Volcanic quartz: A variety of monocrystalline quartz that typically shows well developed crystal faces and pointy, pyramid-like terminations. It is common in acid volcanic rocks like rhyolite and dacite. Crystal margins may show small bubble-like indentations. This variety of quartz is a good provenance indicator.

Vulcanian eruption: Magmas tend to be more viscous than Hawaiian and Strombolian eruption, and involve more violent phreatic and phreatomagmatic events that produce ash to bomb sized ejecta. Eruption plumes can reach 10 km altitude and more. Airfall tephra is more widespread; pyroclastic flows develop from collapse of eruption columns.  VEI = 2-4.

Yield strength Viscous fluids have finite strength, called the yield strength where the fluid will not deform or flow below a critical stress. Fluids (or solids) that behave in this manner are referred to as hydroplastic or plastic,

Zoning (in crystals)Zoning commonly displays as concentrically arranged crystal growths, where the composition changes outwards from the crystal interior. Zoned crystals may also be twinned.


Glossary: Structural geology


Angle of internal friction: A rock or material property that refers to its ability to resist deformation, and is measured as the angle between the normal stress and a resultant stress at the point where shear begins.  It is an essential parameter in the quantification of rock deformation. Cf. angle of repose.

Anticline: Convex upward or outward folds, where layers are stratigraphically younger  in the convex direction. Cf. antiform, syncline.

Antiform: Convex upward folds; the name is reserved for folds where stratigraphic younging, or facing directions are unknown. If younging direction is known, the name anticline is used. Cf. Synform.

Antithetic faults: Subsidiary or minor faults that have a sense of displacement opposite that of a master fault or principal deformation zone. They occur in extensional regimes (such as accommodation in the hanging wall of listric faults), compressional regimes as back-thrusts, and strike-slip faults. Opposing subsidiary structures are synthetic where the displacement has the same shear sense as the master fault. Antithetic and synthetic faults commonly occur in parallel arrays. Cf. Riedel shears.

Back thrust: A thrust that has vergence opposite the dominant trend of a thrust system. In many cases back thrust vergence will be towards the hinterland, i.e. thrust plane dip is towards the foreland.

Blind thrust: A thrust that does not breach the surface at the time of its formation. Blind thrust tip points (tip lines) typically contain fault propagation fold pairs.

Branch point: Locations along a thrust where branching or fault splays are generated.

Brittle behaviour (rheology): Most Earth materials behave elastically up to their elastic limit, beyond which deformation is irreversible. If the strain rate is high, this deformation will take place as sudden fracturing (e.g. broken glass). Brittle deformation is also enhanced by low confining pressures and low temperatures – these are the conditions that lead to faulting and fracturing during an earthquake. Cf. Ductile flow.

Cataclastite: Fine ground-up bedrock produced by grinding during faulting. The grain size range is >0.1 mm and <10 mm. Clasts are angular. There is no preferred orientation. The difference between a cataclastite and fault breccia is mainly in the degree of induration in the former.

Cleavage (structural): A regularly spaced planar to curviplanar foliation, that is a plane of weakness in metamorphic or strained rock, caused by the growth and alignment of platy minerals like muscovite. It is a penetrative fabric, pervasive at macro and micro-scales. In folded rock the intersection of cleavage with bedding is a lineation that parallels the fold axis.

Clints: Fracture networks in limestones formed by surface (meteoric) dissolution. They are common karst landscapes and occur sympathetically with grykes.

Compressibility: The ability of a fluid or rock to change its volume in concert with changing stress, for example changing lithostatic pressures during sediment burial. It is usually expressed as the ratio of relative volume change (V) with pressure (P):

β = 1/V. (δV/δP)

Water has very low compressibility – at 6000 psi (41.4 MPa) (equivalent to 3.2 km water depth) the change in volume is 1.8%. Mudstone is highly compressible; halite is not. Compression results in a loss of porosity and permeability., and an increase in density.

Compression: The application of stress that results in shortening of a rock body, or the reduction in volume of sediment, rock, or fluid. Shortening my occur through the entire body, or along faults.  It is the opposite of extension. Compression can be represented as an axis, or axes on a strain ellipse.

Confining pressure: For a body of rock at any depth, confining pressure is the combination of hydrostatic and lithostatic pressures. An increase in confining pressure results in an increase in rock strength – the stress required to deform the rock. For normal stress conditions, the confining pressure axes in the stress ellipsoid are σ2 and σ3 (σ2 = σ3).

Conjugate Riedel shears: See Riedel shears.

Conjugate faults: Fault pairs where the fault planes intersect at (commonly) 60o such that the direction of minimum extension bisects this angle, and the direction of maximum extension bisects the obtuse angle (~120o). Conjugate faults occur in dip-slip and strike-slip structural domains.

Critical taper theory: A mechanical theory used to explain the formation of wedge-shaped fold-thrust belts and accretionary prisms. During compression the slope, and therefore the angle of the wedge taper reaches a critical point depending on the strength of the materials, the frictional forces along the décollement, and the slope of that surface. As the critical slope or taper angle is approached, the materials within the wedge will deform – once the critical taper is reached, the entire mass slides along the décollement and there is little subsequent internal deformation of materials.

Cylindrical folds: Most folds can be described as cylindrical (imagine the cross-section of a soup can), or they contain segments that can be inscribed by (imaginary) cylindrical curves of different diameters. The concept is very useful for stereonet analysis because the dips and strikes on each limb (plotted as great circles) will intersect at a point corresponding to the fold axis bearing and plunge. All cylindrical folds have (straight) fold axes and (flat) axial planes.

Décollement: Also detachment, sole thrust. Names given to the thrust at the base of a thrust stack, that is the common surface of detachment for all thrusts. It overlies undeformed rocks (e.g. Cratonic platform, crystalline basement). An example is shown in the fold-thrust cross section below.

Delamination: The decoupling, or separation of upper crust from lower crust and/or mantle lithosphere. The main driving mechanism is negative buoyancy in the mantle lithosphere such that it detaches from the crust and sinks into the asthenosphere. Delamination commonly occurs above crustal-scale thrust faults.

Detachment: see décollement

Dextral: Something that moves or is located to the right. In fault terminology it is synonymous with right-lateral. Cf. Sinistral.

Dilation (kinematics): Non-rigid body deformation causing a change in size (e.g.  contraction). One mechanism to accomplished this is pressure solution like: common examples are stylolites in limestones, and cleavage in highly deformed rock.

Dip: Dip is the angle of inclination measured from a horizontal line at right angles to strike. It is the maximum inclination of a plane; at any other angle that lies in the plane, the dip is apparent.

Dip slip: The component of movement, or slip along a fault plane that parallels dip. It may be normal or reverse dip slip.

Dip slope: The flank of a ridge underlain by a steeply dipping resistant layer of rock, typically sedimentary. Dips are usually >30-40°. Hogbacks and Flatirons are usually identified by their dip slopes.

Distortion (kinematics): Non-rigid body deformation involving a change of shape; commonly by ductile flow. For example, boudinage of thinly bedded sandstone-shale will involve brittle failure and translation, and possibly rotation of sandstone boudins, and ductile flow of the mechanically less competent shale.

Drag fold: Folds produced during faulting as a result of shear strain distributed beyond the fault plane into the adjacent rock. They are useful (kinematic) indicators of fault displacement.

Drape fold: Strata deformed as folds over pre-existing structures or topography. Drape folding can occur in soft sediment or as ductile deformation in indurated rock.

Ductile deformation (flow): Deformation (strain) beyond a material’s elastic limit that is permanent (not reversible), but does not result in fracturing (brittle failure) – i.e. the material is behaving as a plastic. Materials that deform ductily appear to flow or bend. Ductile deformation of rock is enhanced under conditions of high confining pressures, high temperatures, and low strain rates.

Duplex: An imbricate stack of horses bound above and below by through-going thrusts; these are the roof and floor thrusts. Duplexes represent progressive, incremental formation of ramps and bending folds (anticline-syncline pairs). Duplexes can take several geometric forms.

Earthquake focus: The actual point beneath the surface where an earthquake is focused. Cf epicentre.

Earthquake magnitude: Magnitude (M) reflects the severity of ground roll and shaking, and on seismograms the amplitude of the signal (usually of surface waves).  M is expressed as a number (M1.8, M4.6, M7.8) up to a maximum of 10.  The scale is logarithmic, such that a magnitude of 4 (104) is 100 times smaller and less energetic than M6 (106).

Elastic behaviour: This rheological behaviour describes materials that respond to stress by deforming but can return to their original state when the stress is removed. The principle was developed by Robert Hooke– Hookes Law (1660); the classic physics experiment involves a spring. The principle can also be applied to most sediments and rocks. The level of stress at which deformation becomes irreversible is called the elastic limit. Beyond the elastic limit deformation will occur as brittle failure or ductile flow.

En echelon folds: Anticline-syncline pairs that in an ideal system will be about 45o to the PDZ. Fold axes parallel the long axis of the strain ellipse – the axis of maximum extension, and bisect the angle between Riedel and conjugate Riedel shears. Fold axes will also be at right angles to extensional normal faults.

Epicenter: The projection of an earthquake focus (at depth) to the surface.

Episodic tremor: Swarms of very low magnitude earthquakes at a subduction interface and its associated faults, barely felt, if at all. None of the displacements results in major earthquakes. Associated with slow slip displacements.

Extension: The application of stress that results in an increase in length or volume of rock, sediment, or fluid. It can occur at the scale of entire continents (rifts) or single crystals and grains. It is not the same as tension!

Fault-bend folds:  Folds that develop in the hanging wall where there is a change in the inclination of a fault plane. For thrust ramps, this includes a syncline above the flat-ramp transition, and anticline at the fault tip, thus producing a characteristic anticline-syncline pair. Compare this category of folds with those produced by fault propagation.

Fault breccia: Angular blocks of bedrock produced by crushing and grinding during faulting. A distinction is sometimes made between a breccia made up of clasts >1 mm and <0.5 m, and megabreccia with clasts >0.5 m. An important difference among fault breccia, gouge, and cataclastite is the high degree of induration in the latter. Cf. cataclastite, gouge.

Fault conduit: The open, dilational part of a fault between fracture planes. Conduit width, or aperture, is measured normal to fracture surfaces. The width can vary considerably along the length of a fault. Fault conduits provide access for fluid flow.

Fault core: In hydrogeology, this is the primary zone along the fault plane, and can be presented as an open conduit, a zone of fractured rock and gouge, or a zone of mud-shale lithologies that have been smeared along the fault plane during fault shear. The permeability of the core will depend on the relative proportions of these attributes.

Fault damage zone: The zone either side of the fault plane or fault core that where the host rock is damaged by fracturing and cataclasis. The degree of damage decreases with increasing distance from the core. The intensity of deformation depends primarily on the magnitude of fault displacement.

Fault gouge: Very fine ground-up rock along a fault plane of fault zone. Gouge materials are generally <0.1 mm. Cf. fault breccia, cataclastite.

Fault heave & throw: Heave is the horizontal displacement produced by a fault; throw is the vertical displacement. Both are components of actual slip. They are measured from hanging wall and foot wall cut-offs.

Fault permeability: The permeability along the plane of the fault, primarily through the fault conduit and damage zone, and normal to a fault plane. Faults in this context provide a focus or barrier to fluid flow.

Fault plane: A plane across which rocks are displaced. In map view fault planes are projected as traces that are straight or  arcuate; in 3D they are flat or curved, the latter usually concave upward (listric faults).

Fault propagation folds: Folding caused by the distribution of strain beyond a fault tip, as the thrust fault propagates. This mechanism also produces anticline-syncline pairs. A nice example from the tip of Lewis Thrust, Alberta Front Ranges, is shown below. The isoclinal fold pair in the header image (top of page) are also fault propagation folds.

Fault recurrence interval: The probability of earthquake activity along a fault, based on historical, archeological, and geological records. These assessments are dogged for known active faults by the relatively small number of recorded events.

Fault scarp: The topographic expression of a fault plane.  Most scarps become degraded relatively rapidly by collapse and erosion of the uplifted block, particularly in weakly consolidated rock, sediment, or soil. These processes tend to remove direct evidence of fault slip. Trenching profiles across the fault trace is a valuable method for recovering some of this data.

Fault separation: A term used to describe the apparent displacement of fault blocks, strata, or marker units when true slip cannot be determined, or when the fault plane is not exposed.

Fault slip: The actual displacement of blocks across a fault plane. There are three basic types: dip-slip (fault blocks move up or down), strike-slip (fault blocks move laterally), and oblique-slip (components of dip- and strike-slip). Slip is indicated by fault plane structures such as slickenlines, drag folds, and tension gashes. If true slip cannot be determined, then displacement is described as apparent.

Fault splay: A single fault strand divided into two or more faults such that displacement is distributed across the new structures.

Fault trace: The surface, or map projection of a fault plane. On a map, the relative displacement is indicated by arrows or up/down (U/D) symbols.

Fault zone: Faulting that is distributed across a zone of broken rock and/or several closely spaced faults. The width of fault zones ranges from a few centimetres to many 10s of metres. Fault zones are common in weak rock and unconsolidated sediment. Crushing and grinding of rock produces fault gouge, cataclastite, and fault breccia.

Flatiron: A geomorphic term for a relatively planar, steeply dipping bedrock slope (a dip slope) that tapers from its base to a narrow pointy top. Hogbacks may contain several flatiron slopes.

Flexural flow: Where layers in a fold deform internally by layer-parallel shear or flow. This can occur in beds having low mechanical strength. It is commonly manifested as layer thickening in fold hinges, and layer thinning along fold flanks. Cf. Flexural slip.

Flexural slip: A rigid body deformation where layers in a fold slip to accommodate strain during buckling, for example along bedding planes in sedimentary rocks, or foliations in metamorphic rocks. Displacement is sometimes called a bedding plane fault. There is no change in bed thickness – cf. flexural flow. Displacement may generate slickensides.

Flower structures: Characteristic fault splays that develop at restraining and releasing bends, and at stepovers of strike-slip faults. Strain is concentrated at these locations along the fault plane so that movement along the main fault is transferred to a secondary fault; this process can be repeated several times, producing fault splays that in 3-dimensions, merge with the master fault. These splays are also called strike-slip duplexes.  Flower structure refers to the cross-sectional view of duplexes. In positive flower structures (also called palm tree structures), the displacement is predominantly reverse (transpressional); in transtensional environments the displacement is normal dip slip in cross-section – these are negative flower structures or tulip structures. However, the sense of displacement can change up fault plane dip and along strike.

Fold axis: An imaginary straight hinge line in cylindrical folds. If the fold axis is moved parallel to itself it will recreate the fold; this condition does not hold for hinge lines. A fold axis must lie on the axial plane.

Fold-thrust belt: A major thrust system developed during lithosphere-scale plate convergence, with cumulative shortening of 100s of kilometres, that usually results in mountain building. The resulting topographic results in flexure and formation of a foreland basin. Thrust faults are generated in pre-existing strata, but usually evolve to include the proximal parts of the foreland basin and its sediments. An example is shown below.

Fracture networks: In hydrogeology this refers to the three-dimensional array of joints and faults for which there is interconnected permeability.

Fracture porosity: The pore space permitting fluid flow through rock fractures and joints. Fracture and joint networks are oriented according to ancient stress fields, hence the porosity will also be focused at these orientations. It tends to occur in hard rock. In crystalline or volcanic rock (the latter includes columnar joints) it is the only effective porosity.

Growth fault: Faults having a listric geometry, that are active during sedimentation.  Stratigraphically they are represented by preferential sediment thickening above the downward displaced hanging wall block, and angular stratigraphic discordances. They are common on shelf, platform, and delta margins.

Grykes:  Elevated blocks of limestone bound by fracture networks, or clints. They are common in karst landscapes.

Hackles: Straight to curved, low relief ridges and troughs that radiate from a point, forming plumose structure on fracture surfaces. Their point of origin is the location of fracture propagation.

Half graben: A depression or basin formed by extension, and (usually) rotation of a hanging wall block above a single, normal dip-slip fault (cf. paired faults in grabens). They commonly form above listric faults in continental rift zones, but analogous structures also form in rotational slumps.

Halokinesis: Halokinesis, or salt tectonics, studies the movement of (stratiform) salt during burial, the kinds of diapiric structures that form, the response of the surrounding bedrock (such as faulting), their impact on depositional processes, and their influence on stratigraphic architecture.

Hanging wall: Displaced fault blocks across a dipping fault plane are described as hanging wall and foot wall blocks, depending on whether they are located above or below the fault plane. Hanging wall blocks lie above – if you are standing on the fault plane, the hanging wall block will hang over your head. The term derives from old mining jargon.

Hanging wall cut-off: The intersection point of a marker layer or bed in the hanging wall block that is truncated by a fault. It is used in conjunction with the corresponding foot wall cut-off to determine fault slip.

Hinge line: A line defined by points of maximum curvature (hinge points) connected along a fold surface; the hinge line may be straight or curved. It is used with an axial surface to define the geometry of a fold. Cf. Fold axis. See also axial plane.

Hogback: A sharp-crested and symmetric ridge produced by differential erosion of resistant layers underlain by less resistant rocks. One side of the Hogback is a dip slope (dips > 25°-30°) underlain by resistant rock; The other side of the ridge is underlain by softer rock.

Hooke’s Law: First stated by Robert Hooke in 1660 then published in 1678, his experiments with springs showed that the amount of extension is proportional to the applied stress – so twice the extension requires twice the stress. This converse of this statement, that recovery of extension is also proportional to the reduced level of applied stress. Thus, Hooke’s experiments were the first to demonstrate quantitatively the elastic properties of materials. Elasticity is a fundamental property of many geological materials, particularly during deformation.

 Horse: A panel of rock bound on all sides by thrusts. Duplexes are a stack of horses.

Horsetail splay: A splay of curved faults at the end of a strike-slip fault, where each strand merges with the master fault.

Horst: See Graben.

Hydrostatic stress: The condition where the stresses acting on a body of rock or fluid are the same in all directions. Under hydrostatic conditions there are no shear stresses.

Imbricate fan: Fan-like splay of thrust panels and thrust faults generated from a single décollement. Unlike duplexes, there is no roof thrust,

In sequence thrusts: In a system of thrusts, the most recent fault is at base of the thrust pile and most proximal to the foreland – propagation is towards the foreland. Older thrusts are stacked progressively hinterland-ward. In sequence thrusts place older rocks on younger as the fault propagates up the ramp through progressively younger strata.

Isoclinal fold: A fold where the interlimb angle is <30o. The beds on opposite fold limbs can sometimes appear parallel. Good younging indicators are essential for deciphering these kinds of structural complexity.

Joints: Open fractures in hard rock formed by extension. Joints lack displacement – cf faults. Joints commonly occur in three dimensional networks. Joints can form during faulting, folding, or by extension during unloading of the crust, for example during erosion, or melting of ice sheets. Open fractures provide pathways for subsurface fluid flow.

Kinematics: The branch of classical mechanics that studies movement. In Earth sciences this centres on deformed rock, the kind that produces fault zones and landslides, thrust sheets and folds, or entire mountain belts and the evolving boundaries of tectonic plates. A kinematic analysis can probe single crystals or entire mountains.

Klippe: Plural = klippen. A remnant of a thrust panel or other allochthonous structure, isolated by erosion, that overlies and is surrounded by autochthonous rock. Cf. Window.

Lateral Ramps: Fault ramps at right angles or oblique to the strike of a thrust complex that transfer displacement from a lower to higher flat. Fault planes dip 10o to 30o. As shown in the diagram below, fault displacement across the ramp is basically strike-slip.

Listric fault: Listric faults are a product of extension. They have normal dip-slip(or oblique-slip displacements where fault surfaces are concave upward, dipping steeply near the surface and flattening at depth in a detachment that is common to other listric faults. They occur at crustal scales (e.g. continental rifts), and in smaller depositional systems such as deltas and slumps. Faulting is commonly incremental and can take place during sedimentation. Rotation or folding of strata in the hanging wall block results in multiple unconformities. Cf. Growth fault

Master fault: The primary fault or detachment in a system of faults such as splays, duplexes, imbricate fans, or synthetic and antithetic shears associated with strike-slip faults. Pretty much synonymous with principle deformation zone (PDZ).

Mélange: An extensive, mappable body of brecciated and sheared rock and sediment, chaotically mixed. They tend to form in compressive, accretionary tectonic settings and are more common in subduction-related accretionary prisms. However, they are also know from strike-slip and extensional regimes where more local compressive stresses are possible.

Nappe: see Thrust nappe

Newtonian fluid: A rheological class wherein a fluid has no yield strength (cf. plastics), and deforms continuously (strain) with increasing stress, independent of viscosity. Water is the best known example.

Non-rigid deformation: Deformation where there is  change in size or shape of a body. Common examples are dilation (change in size) and distortion (changes in shape). Common examples of dilation are shrinkage during dehydration or compaction; and of distortion, squished fossils, or ooids that have become ellipsoidal.

Normal fault: Steep faults (>45o where the foot wall (the wall under your feet) moves up relative to the hanging wall. It is the opposite of a reverse fault.

Normal faults/Tension gashes: Associated with strike-slip faults, normal faults are expected at releasing bends and stepovers. On the strain ellipse, fault plane strike is normal to the axes of en echelon folds and parallel to the compressional axis.

Oblique slip: Fault displacement that is a combination of dip-slip and strike-slip. Where strike-slip components dominate, the stress will be either transpressional or transtensional.

Oblique subduction: Where the trajectory of the subducting plate is not orthogonal to the trench or upper plate boundary.

Out of sequence thrusts: Basically, thrusts that don’t conform to the normal in-sequence style. They commonly form in and cut across or reactivate older thrusts. They may place younger strata over older.

P & S waves (seismology): Seismic body waves generated by an impulse (earthquake, TNT, meteor impact) that travel through Earth from the energy source. P waves push and pull materials in the same direction as the propagated waves (also called compressional waves). S waves, or shear waves produce sideways motion – motion at right angles to the propagation direction. Shear waves do not travel through liquid. P waves travel fastest (up to 7.97 km/sec in upper mantle rocks) and are the first to appear on a seismogram. See also Surface waves.

Palm tree structures: See flower structures.

Parasitic folds: Small-scale asymmetric folds that form on the limbs of larger folds. They are common in deformed rocks where flexural slip takes place along bedding planes or between layers with contrasting strength, such as mudstone and indurated sandstone. Parasitic folds are useful indicators of the geometry and orientation of their larger fold hosts – they have the same fold axis orientation. Their geometry and sense of displacement define S and Z folds on either limb of the main structure. S and Z fold vergence is towards to main fold hinge line; The short limb of a Z fold implies counterclockwise rotation, and on an S fold it is clockwise.

Passive roof thrust: A thrust that takes no part in displacement but develops passively during underthrusting or wedge insertion. Roof thrusts of triangle zones are commonly passive.

Penetrative deformation: Structures that are small compared with the size of a rock body, and repeated. The classic example is cleavage that involves alignment of minerals and some degree of pressure solution or dissolution. Adjacent cleavage planes have a degree of parallelism.

Piercing points: Identifiable marker beds, lineaments or other rock structures cut by a fault, that can be used to reconstruct the displacement or separation along that fault trace. Cf. Cut-off points that are used to determine fault slip in cross-section views.

Plastic (rheology): A material or fluid behaves plastically if it has the strength to resist deformation up to its yield strength, beyond which it deforms continuously as stress is applied, independent of viscosity. The mode of deformation is also called ductile flow.

Plunge (structural): The direction (azimuth) and angle measured from horizontal, made by a linear feature that lies in a plane; for example structural lineations, fold axes, flute casts.

Plumose structure: A collection of hackles that form a characteristic feather-like structure on fracture surfaces. The fracture planes may be flat or slightly curved. The hackles converge at a point that is the origin of fracture propagation.

Plunging fold: A fold that has been overturned such that its hinge line or axial plane plunges; the plunge is measured from horizontal.

Poles to planes: In stereographic (stereonet) analysis a great circle (representing the strike and dip of a plane) can be represented as a single point, a pole, that is 90o to the strike. A pole contains the same information as a great circle. Poles to horizontal planes will plot at the centre of the stereonet; poles to vertically dipping planes at the perimeter. Poles to planes dipping at any other angle will plot within these bounds. Poles are useful when there are many planes being analysed.

Pop-up structures: Uplifted blocks or topography formed by compression between thrusts and reverse faults that have opposing vergence, or at restraining bends and stepovers on strike-slip faults.

Pore pressure: The pressure of fluid in the pore spaces or fractures of sediment and rock; it is usually measured or calculated with reference to the expected hydrostatic pressure at the depth of interest. Pore pressures greater than hydrostatic (over-pressured) reduce the shear strength of sediment and rock. Over-pressuring cannot be maintained unless there is some fluid trapping mechanism.

Pressure solution: The dissolution of rock components (framework clasts and cements) as a result of differential compressive stress. Common products of pressure solution are stylolites. Conditions required for dissolution to take place are:

  • Differential compressive stresses develop at intergranular contacts,
  • Interstitial fluids must be undersaturated with respect to the mineral phase under stress,
  • Dissolved components are transported from the grain contacts to regions of lower compressive stress; this requires efficient fluid movement, and
  • The solute reprecipitates some distance from its point of origin.

Principal displacement zone – PDZ: The zone or plane of dip-slip or strike-slip that accounts for greatest proportion of accumulated strain. Subsidiary structures such as synthetic and antithetic faults and folds (e.g., fault splays, back-thrusts, fracture zones, en echelon folds) will be kinematically linked to the PDZ.

Principal stress directions: These are defined by the stress ellipse; the axis of greatest stress σ1 is the long axis; the least stress is the short axis σ3. The intermediate stress axis σ2 is orthogonal to σ1 and σ3 in the (3-dimensional) stress ellipsoid. Each axis represents a normal stress; i.e., there is no component of shear parallel to the axes.

Pure shear: Imagine simple compression of an object in a layered rock, such that maximum shortening is orthogonal to the layering and maximum extension is parallel to the layering. In this case, the principal axes of the strain ellipse do not rotate as deformation progresses, but they do change in length (unlike simple shear).

Recumbent fold: Any fold that has been rotated so that its axial surface is close to horizontal.

Releasing bend: Strike-slip motion at a bend in the PDZ that produces extensional structures. Pull-apart, or strike-slip basins are commonly developed at releasing bends. The left or right handedness of bends is determined by looking along the trend or strike of the fault – if the bend moves to the left, it is a left bend. Thus, a full description of the fault bend might be left-handed/releasing/sinistral or left-lateral strike-slip fault. Cf. Restraining bend, stepover.

Restraining bend: Strike-slip motion at a bend in the PDZ that produces compressional structures such as thrusts and pop-up ridges. The left or right handedness of bends is determined by looking along the trend or strike of the fault – if the bend moves to the left, it is a left bend. Cf. Releasing bend, stepover.

Reverse fault: Steep faults (>45o) where the hanging wall (the wall over your head) moves up relative to the footwall. It is the opposite of a normal fault. Thrust faults have reverse displacements but the fault plane is usually less than 45o.

Rheology:  Describes the mechanical response of materials to stress. It applies to solids and fluids in Earth systems and is usually expressed as a relationship between stress and strain, or in the case of viscosity the strain rate. The three end-member behaviours are elastic, plastic (including ductile flow), and viscous behaviour. The principles can be applied to materials at the scale of the lithosphere and asthenosphere,   to the behaviour of fluids in a single turbidity current.

Ridge transform:  Transform faults that segment oceanic spreading ridges; they accommodate oblique spreading. Associated ridge fracture zones represent inactive ridge transforms.

Riedel shears: Parallel arrays of faults that form during the early stages of strike-slip formation. They are oriented at low angles to the principal displacement zone, commonly about 15o, and are synthetic to the PDZ. As deformation continues the Riedel shears become linked and part of the PDZ. A second set of faults at about 75o to the PDZ are conjugate to the Riedel shears and antithetic to the PDZ. The line bisecting the conjugate set parallels the direction of principal stress (on a strain ellipse this is the long axis); it also parallels the axes of en echelon folds. A third set of shears, P shears, at 10o and less to the PDZ, may form after the Riedel shears, and link with them to form the PDZ.

Right-lateral displacement: Normally used for describing the sense of movement on strike-slip faults. For an observer, the far side of the fault (the fault block opposite) will appear to move to the right. Synonymous with dextral displacement or motion.

Rigid body deformation: Deformation involving rotation or translation (position), but no change in size or shape.

Roof-floor thrusts: Major thrusts providing the upper and lower boundary faults for duplexes. At the front of the duplex a roof thrust will step down and floor thrust step up to merge into a common zone of displacement.

Rotation (kinematics): Rigid body deformation where components of shear produce a change in orientation. It may take place in concert with rigid body translation, and or distortion by ductile flow.

Sedimentary boudinage: Sedimentary layers that are pulled apart, leaving isolated pods, or boudins, that may also be rotated. There may also be microfactures through the extended layer. It is a type of soft sediment deformation. This phenomenon is most common in cohesive mudrocks that are interbedded with sandy lithologies. The stretching may be initiated by down-slope mass movement or slumping, for example on continental slopes.

Shear: The in-plane displacement of one layer parallel to another layer.

Shear strain: The result of shear stresses acting such that there is in-plane displacement of one layer parallel to another layer. Imagine a square sandwiched between the two layers; two sides will be orthogonal to the planes of the layers, the other two will be parallel. During deformation the rectangle distorts, becoming a parallelogram- the top and base remain parallel to the layers, the other two now subtend an angle less than 90o.

Simple shear: Shear deformation where the principal stress axes rotate in a strain ellipse. The axis of maximum stretching occurs in the direction of shear. cf. Pure shear.

Sinistral: Describes the sense of movement on strike-slip faults. For an observer, the far side of the fault (the fault block opposite) will appear to move to the left. Synonymous with left-lateral displacement or motion.

Slickenlines: Fine, usually linear striae on slickensided surfaces that develop during fault block movement. They are good kinematic indicators for determining the direction of slip, or displacement.

Slickensides: The polished or smooth surface on fault planes, that are generally considered the result of grinding during movement of fault blocks. However, shiny surfaces may also be a product of mineral precipitation during deformation. Slickenside surfaces commonly contain slickenlines.

Slow slip events: Small displacements along a subduction zone and its associated faults as a result of continued build-up of strain. The events occur in conjunction with episodic tremor – swarms of very low magnitude earthquakes, barely felt, if at all. None of the displacements results in major earthquakes.

Soft sediment deformation: Deformation primarily in unconsolidated or semiconsolidated, non-indurated sediment. It is most common in layered strata that contain significant contrasts in fluid content and permeability (e.g., interbedded sand and mud, or graded beds) where transient, elevated fluid pressures can develop. Compression, extension and translation can take place within the same package of deformed sediment. Common structures include a variety of fold types, faults and detachment surfaces, slumps, load structures, pull-apart structures, and fluid escape structures. Rheological behaviour can vary greatly over relatively short distances, from brittle to ductile, liquefaction and sediment flow,

Stepovers: A stepover occurs where the strain at the end of one fault is transferred to the beginning of a parallel fault having the same sense of displacement. Stepovers can be restraining or releasing. They are also described as left or right in the same way that bends are described; at the end of one fault, you look right or left to find its parallel accomplice. Pull-apart basins and pop-up ridges can also form at stepovers depending on whether they are restraining or releasing.

Stereonet:  A circular grid with two sets of lines: Small circles, analogous to latitudes or parallels, and Great circles analogous to longitudes or meridians. The gird is used to graphically project a sphere onto a plane. The most common type is a Wulff net where small and great circles intersect at right angles. Stereographic projection is an important component of any geologist’s toolbox. It is used to analyse the angular relationships of planes and plane intersections (bedding, crossbedding, fault, fold axis), and linear structures that lie in those planes (lineations, rodding, cleavage-bedding intersections).

Strain (rheology): The deformation of a sediment, rock, or fluid body, that in rigid bodies is measured as changes in location (translation) or rotation, and in non-rigid bodies changes in size (dilation-contraction) and shape (distortion).

Strain analysis: Quantitative evaluation of the change in size, shape, and position  of a rock body. We can analyse objects ranging in size from single crystals and grains, to large slices of the crust-lithosphere.

Strain ellipse: The diagrammatic representation of distortion in a geologic body. The degree of distortion can be quantified by measuring changes in length and angle of two, initially orthogonal ellipse axes (minor and major axes) – for example an initially spherical ooid is squished into an ellipse. In this case the two mutually perpendicular diameters will rotate; one will lengthen, the other shorten. In this way we can determine the direction and magnitude of maximum shortening or stretching. The major axis (longest) shows the direction of maximum stretching (designated S1); the minor axis at right angles is the direction of minimum stretching (S3), which in homogenous deformation corresponds to the direction of maximum shortening.

Strain rate: The rate at which deformation takes place. At high strain rates many materials will behave in a brittle manner (e.g. earthquakes). At low strain rates and high confining pressures the same materials will behave as plastics and deform by ductile flow. In fluids, shear stress is proportional to strain rate; the proportionality constant is the viscosity of  that fluid (viscosity is a measure of resistance to shear deformation.

Strained quartz: Used in petrographic descriptions for quartz grains that under crossed polars exhibits sweeping extinction. It results from crystal lattice dislocations during deformation.

Stress (geology): In geology we generally recognise two kinds of forces: surface forces, and body forces such as gravity that act on every part of a sediment, rock, or fluid body. Thus, stress or pressure can be expressed as force per unit area for surface forces, and force per unit mass for body forces. In Earth science we consider stress at the microscopic, single grain or crystal scale up to the scale of entire lithospheric blocks. The commonly used symbol is σ.

Strike: The compass bearing of an imagined horizontal line across a plane. It is at right angle to true dip.

Strike slip fault: A fault that displace rocks laterally, or along the strike of the fault plane. If you are looking at the fault from one of the displaced blocks, the sense of displacement is dextral if the opposite block moves to the right, and sinistral if it moves left. The term is synonymous with transcurrent fault and wrench fault. Cf. transform fault

Strike-slip/pull-apart/wrench basins: Elongate, rhomboid- or sinusoidal-shaped basins formed at releasing bends and stepovers of strike-slip faults. They are relatively small basins compared with passive margins and foreland basins, but they have high aspect ratios – depth to areal extent and can accommodate many kilometres of sediment fill. Sediment composition may change over the life of a strike-slip basin because of lateral shifts in source rock.

Structure contours: Lines of equal elevation across a structural surface, such as an unconformity, stratigraphic unit, basement,and  intrusive bodies.

Structure contour maps: Analogous to topography maps, they help define the extent and structural configuration of geological surfaces at depth. They are widely used in hydrocarbon and mineral exploration.

Syncline: A convex upward or inward fold in which layers are younger toward the centre of the fold. Cf. synform, anticline.

Synform: Concave upward folds where the stratigraphic younging or facing direction is unknown. Cf. Syncline, antiform.

Synthetic faults: See antithetic fault

Systematic joints: Joint sets that show parallelism and spacing in two or three dimensions.

Tear fault: Predominantly strike-slip faults oriented at a high angle to a thrust fault, that accommodate bending and other discontinuities along the thrust, breaking it into compartments.

Tension: The state of a rock, sediment or (non-newtonian) fluid where the principal stress vectors act in opposition; in this condition there is no strain (e.g. extension, or failure).

Tension gashes: En echelon fractures formed by brittle failure of hard rock under tension forces, that become filled with crystal precipitates; commonly quartz, calcite, dolomite. The gashes will assume a sigmoidal or sinusoidal shape if there is a component of shear and rotation. The structures are useful indicators of paleo-stress conditions.

Thrust fault: A low-angle reverse fault placing older rocks over younger. Thrust fault systems can carrying thick slabs of crust over large horizontal distances. They are the principal form of deformation in mountain belts formed along contractional plate margins.

Thrust flat: Initiation of thrust displacement begins along a mechanically weak layer, such as a shale; a bedding plane or foliation-parallel fault that has a hanging wall and a foot wall. Thrust flats are usually paired with ramps.

Thrust nappe: A large, regional-scale recumbent fold (commonly kilometre scale), frequently isoclinal, formed during regional compressional tectonism. Shearing along the lower limb is linked with tectonic transport relative to underlying strata. Derived from the French word for cover or sheet.

Thrust ramp: Thrust displacement is transferred from a flat to an inclined fault plane, or ramp that breaks through mechanically strong layers. Ramps commonly, dip at angles or 10° – 30° towards the hinterland; thus, vergence is toward the foreland. Ramps, like most faults, have hanging and foot walls. Cutoffs provide an opportunity to measure the amount of slip. Thrust ramps are usually paired with flats. Displacement is also accommodated by folds in the hanging wall.

Thrust tip – tip line: The point or fault plane edge where displacement ends. Note this does not mean that deformation also stops at these fault plane limits; strain is usually accommodated by folding, and in some cases cleavage.

Thrust vergence: The direction of hanging wall transport relative to the foot wall. In most fold-thrust belts and accretionary wedges vergence is towards the foreland.

Tip point – tip line: The point or fault plane edge where displacement ends. Note this does not mean that deformation also stops at these fault plane limits; strain is usually accommodated by folding, and in some cases cleavage.

Transcurrent faults: Major strike-slip faults that are generally confined to thin-skinned crustal deformation. Cf. Transform faults.

Transfer zone: The location along a fault where displacement is transferred to a neighbouring fault. Thus, displacement along the initial fault dies out, and its neighbour takes up the strain.

Transform fault: One of the major types of plate boundary where two plates slide past each other in a strike-slip motion. If relative plate motion is oblique, then components of transtension and transpression will occur. They are lithosphere-scale structures. Classic examples include San Andreas Fault in California that separates the North American plate from the Pacific Plate, and the Alpine Fault in New Zealand, separating the south Pacific and Australian plates. Dextral (right-lateral) strike-slip displacement along Alpine Fault is about 450 km.

Translation (kinematics): Strain, or deformation of a rigid body that involves fracturing and dislocation. In many situations there is also a component of rotation.

Transpression: A combination of strike-slip (dominant) and convergence developed at convergent plate boundaries.

Transtension:  A combination of strike-slip (dominant) and extension; also called oblique slip. Most major strike-slip faults have a component of transtension or transpression. Transtension is developed at divergent plate boundaries (continental or oceanic rifts) and extensional components of orogenic belts.

Triangle zone: In a foreland fold-thrust belt context, it defines a wedge-shaped, subsurface deformation front having a basal thrust (the main décollement) and a hinterland-dipping roof thrust. The roof thrust is commonly passive.

Tulip structure:  See flower structures.

Units of stress: Most common is the pascal – one Newton (force) per one metre area. Geological units of stress are usually expressed as kilopascals (kPa, 10³ Pa), megapascals (MPa, 106 Pa), or gigapascals (GPa, 109 Pa).

Viscosity: Viscosity is used to describe a material in which its strength depends on the rate of deformation, or strain rate. From a practical point of view, it is a measure of its resistance to deformation, or flow. It is normally applied to fluids, including rocks that may behave as fluids under high confining pressures and low strain rates. In the Earth sciences, viscosity is applied to phenomena like mud flows and ice sheets, and to rocks in the mantle.

Window: A location that allows one to look through an (allochthonous) thrust sheet into the underlying autochthon.

Younging direction: The direction in which beds become progressively younger. Also called ‘way up’ and ‘stratigraphic top’. It can be determined by examining a variety of sedimentary and volcanic structures, and fossil biozones. It is a critical piece of information for any stratigraphic or structural analysis.



Glossary: Geofluids – hydrogeology


Advective fluid flow:  The flow of fluids through a porous medium; in this case only the fluids move. Advective flow via aquifers is the most efficient mechanism for mass transfer of dissolved solids in the shallow crust. cf. convective flow, groundwater flow.

Air sparging: A method of groundwater remediation that uses air forced down a borehole into an aquifer, to volatilize hydrocarbon contaminants. The produced vapour phase is extracted and scrubbed to remove the offending compounds.

Angle of internal friction: A rock or material property that refers to its ability to resist deformation, and is measured as the angle between the normal stress and a resultant stress at the point where shear begins.  It is an essential parameter in the quantification of rock deformation. Cf. angle of repose.

Anisotropy: An aquifer or aquitard is considered anisotropic if its permeability or hydraulic conductivity is not the same in all directions; usually specified along three principal orthogonal axes. Most porous aquifer media are anisotropic because of sedimentary bedding, sedimentary structures like crossbedding, fracture and joint networks, or tectonically induced structures like cleavage, folds or faults. Cf. isotropy.

Aquifer: A porous and permeable medium beneath the surface that permits groundwater flow.  In hydrogeology, the definition has a very pragmatic value, where the amount of groundwater flow is usable (as in extraction); everything else is an aquitard.

Aquifer – confined:  This term applies to aquifers that are bound above, below, and laterally by aquitards. Confined aquifers are always saturated. Their hydraulic potential is defined by a potentiometric surface.


Aquifer mining: Excess removal of groundwater from a confined aquifer will cause irreversible changes to the structure of the porous medium (commonly sand grains), causing the grains to pack more densely. Not only does this reduce porosity, permeability and therefore water production, it also causes a reduction in the solid volume of the aquifer. Excessive mining can eventually cause land subsidence.

Aquifer – unconfined:  The upper boundary of unconfined aquifers is at Earth’s surface. They contain a watertable, above which is an unsaturated zone where pore spaces are air-filled at atmospheric pressures, and a saturated zone below. Drainage of an unconfined aquifer is by gravity alone. Common examples include fluvial and alluvial gravels and sands.

Aquiclude:   An aquiclude prevents any kind of groundwater flow. Examples include granite-like lithologies, and thick sequences of halite (although even these lithologies have permeability, albeit extremely low. Other aquicludes involve artificial barriers designed to prevent or deflect contaminated groundwater flow.

Aquitard:  Any rock or sediment unit that retards groundwater flow. Common examples include mudstones and other mud-prone lithologies such as glacial diamictites. An important property of aquitards is their ability to release water by vertical seepage to confined aquifers.

Baseflow: (Hydrogeology) Baseflow is the subsurface discharge to streams from the watertable. The amount of discharge depends on the hydraulic gradient of the watertable with respect to the stream surface. During dry periods, baseflow may be the only source of water to maintain stream flow.

Bernoulli equation: Named after Daniel Bernoulli who in 1738 expressed the conservation of energy in a flowing fluid as:

Total energy E = ½ ρv2 + ρgz + P

Where ρ = fluid density, v = velocity, g = gravity constant, z = elevation with respect to a datum, P = fluid pressure.

The first term ½ ρv2 is kinetic energy; the term ρgh is potential energy; P is fluid pressure, or force per unit area. Because groundwater generally moves very slowly, the kinetic energy term is ignored. The equation allows us to express the potential energy, or hydraulic potential for groundwater flow, commonly referred to as total hydraulic head, in terms of two components – a pressure head, and an elevation head, relative to a datum. Thus hydraulic head can be expressed in terms of some height, or elevation (e.g. metres, feet etc.).

Bioremediation: The use of living organisms to help clean up contaminated sites or aquifers, primarily using naturally available or introduced microbes. For example, certain bacteria will break oil down into manageable compounds like carbon dioxide or methane.

Brines: Generally used for natural waters more saline than seawater. The main dissolved salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), but calcium and magnesium sulphates are also important constituents, and there are several important trace elements, such as lithium. The primary mechanism for brine concentration in ocean basins and saline lakes is evaporation. The saturation level for NaCl is about 357 ppt (normal seawater is 32 ppt).

Capillary zone:  In hydrogeology, also called the capillary fringe.  It is a relatively narrow interval above the watertable where surface tension forces on aquifer materials cause water to rise and partly fill pore spaces. The capillary fringe is part of the unsaturated, or vadose zone.

Casing (borehole/well): PVC or metal tubes that are pushed into a newly-drilled borehole, in part to prevent collapse of sediment or bedrock into the well, but also to help secure borehole tools, pumps, and screens. In very deep wells, particularly oil and gas wells, the casing diameter is greatest at the top of the well, decreasing with depth.

Chemical facies: (hydrogeology) This is a useful concept to demonstrate the chemistry of groundwater in relation to aquifer rock-sediment composition, and the evolution of groundwater chemistry as it flows from one rock type to another. For example, flow from sandstone to limestone aquifers will be accompanied by a change in HCO3 and pH, plus the concentrations of cations like calcium and magnesium.

Compressibility: The ability of a fluid or rock to change its volume in concert with changing stress, for example changing lithostatic pressures during sediment burial. It is usually expressed as the ratio of relative volume change (V) with pressure (P):

β = 1/V. (δV/δP)

Water has very low compressibility – at 6000 psi (41.4 MPa) (equivalent to 3.2 km water depth) the change in volume is 1.8%. Mudstone is highly compressible; halite is not. Compression results in a loss of porosity and permeability.


Conduction:  This is a diffusive process where heat is transferred via molecular vibrations. Conduction does not involve the transfer of mass, cf. convection, advection. It is a less efficient mechanism of heat transfer than convection.

Confined aquifer: see Aquifer-confined.

Contaminant: A chemical or substance that we would rather not be present in our environment, food, air, etc., but is present because of either natural occurrences and processes, or human-induced processes. For example, heavy metals like lead, mercury and arsenic can occur naturally concentrated in ore bodies, and released by natural weathering, or by mining, into local surface and groundwaters. Cf. pollutant.

Convection:  The flow of fluids en masse resulting from temperature and buoyancy gradients. Convection is the primary mechanism for transferring heat from Earth’s mantle to the lithosphere. Cf. conduction, advection.

Darcy’s Law:  Henri Darcy is credited with discovering experimentally the two important relationships:

  • Groundwater flux Q is proportional to the difference in hydraulic head between two boreholes (h1 and h2) (he used manometers in his experiments). Thus, Q a h1 – h2, and
  • Q is inversely proportional to the distance between the boreholes (L), or Q a 1/L

Q is also proportional to the cross-section area of flow (A). Thus, we can rewrite the two proportionalities, adding a proportionality constant k:

Q = -kA (h1 – h2)/L This is Darcy’s law.


(h1 – h2)/L is the hydraulic gradient.  The proportionality constant k is the hydraulic conductivity. The negative sign indicates flow towards lower hydraulic heads.


Darcy velocity: In mathematical terms, hydraulic conductivity is expressed as a velocity, also known as the Darcy velocity. An approximation of true velocity that takes the tortuosity of the porous medium into account is expressed as k/Φ eff – i.e., the hydraulic conductivity divided by effective porosity.

Dewatering: This is the process where interstitial fluids are ‘squeezed’ from sediment during compaction, as sedimentary grains become more closely packed. The process of dewatering increases fluid pressures and promotes fluid flow in aquifer-like deposits. Fluid escape my be diffuse, or focused through narrow pipes and sheets. It is an important stage of mechanical diagenesis, but it also contributes to chemical diagenesis by transferring dissolved mass from one part of the sedimentary column to another. Cf. liquefaction, fluidization, fluid escape structures.

Dissequilibrium compaction:  Under normal conditions of compaction, fluid that is driven from pore spaces escapes without a significant increase in pore pressure – i.e. hydrostatic conditions prevail.  However, rapid deposition of low permeability deposits can impede fluid flow and under these conditions pore pressures increase; this process is called disequilibrium compaction. In many basins, this occurs at about 3km burial depths. Disequilibrium compaction is enhanced by cementation and tectonic compression.

Dispersion: In geofluids this is the process where dissolved and insoluble compounds move from their source or point of origin; observed in groundwater flow, diagenesis, and metamorphism. In these contexts there are two primary mechanisms – mechanical dispersion, and molecular diffusion.

Distributed conduit: Fault zones that contain more than one major fracture plane. Distributed conduits potentially have greater permeability than single fault planes, providing additional pathways for fluid flow.

Effective porosity: The component of porosity that permits significant flow. Microporosity (intergranular, intercrystalline) is commonly excluded from this porosity value.

Elevation head: see hydraulic head

Equipotential:  In hydrogeology, a line or plane of equal hydraulic head on a potentiometric surface, or on a hydrogeological cross-section. Equipotentials are determined primarily from well water level data. Equipotential contours allow interpolation of water levels at any point on the potentiometric surface.

Evaporative pumping:  In arid regions, intense evaporation at the surface creates a hydraulic gradient in shallow subsurface aquifers, inducing lateral groundwater and/or seawater flow to replace lost fluid. Vertical capillary flow through the unsaturated zone (above the watertable) transfers these saline fluids from the aquifer to the surface.

Fault breccia: Angular blocks of bedrock produced by crushing and grinding during faulting. A distinction is sometimes made between a breccia made up of clasts >1 mm and <0.5 m, and megabreccia with clasts >0.5 m. An important difference among fault breccia, gouge, and cataclastite is the high degree of induration in the latter. Cf. cataclastite, gouge.

Fault conduit: The open, dilational part of a fault between fracture planes. Conduit width, or aperture, is measured normal to fracture surfaces. The width can vary considerably along the length of a fault. Fault conduits provide access for fluid flow.

Fault core: In hydrogeology, this is the primary zone along the fault plane, and can be presented as an open conduit, a zone of fractured rock and gouge, or a zone of mud-shale lithologies that have been smeared along the fault plane during fault shear. The permeability of the core will depend on the relative proportions of these attributes.

Fault damage zone: The zone either side of the fault plane or fault core that where the host rock is damaged by fracturing and cataclasis. The degree of damage decreases with increasing distance from the core. The intensity of deformation depends primarily on the magnitude of fault displacement.

Fault gouge: Very fine-grained (silt-clay size) material formed by intense shear of rock and sediment during faulting., generally <0.1 mm.  Cf. fault breccia.

Fault permeability: The permeability along the plane of the fault, primarily through the fault conduit and damage zone, and normal to a fault plane. Faults in this context provide a focus or barrier to fluid flow.

Flow net: A 2D cross-section or 3D model of equipotential lines or planes that describe aquifers and their associated aquitards. It is basically a representation of hydraulic potential. Flow lines can be constructed based on assessed hydraulic gradients, to show the directions of groundwater flow.

Fluid pressure: The pressure within a fluid (liquid and gas phases), usually expressed as a compressive stress – in its simplest form: P =  ρgz

where P is the pressure of interstitial fluids at some depth measured vertically, ρ is the density of the fluid, g = the gravitation constant, and z the depth from the surface to the point of interest. Fluid pressures generally increase with depth in the crust. Cf. hydrostatic pressure, lithostatic pressure.


Fluidization: The process where sedimentary particles are suspended, or float in the interstitial fluid by the upward flow of fluid. In contrast, the fluid in a liquefied sediment is largely static. Fluidization in sediment may be caused by escaping, overpressured fluids (dewatering).

Flux melting: A term derived from welding and glass making. A flux is a substance that lowers the melting point of solids. It applies to magma generation in the mantle where water, derived by dehydration of mica, glaucophane, and serpentinite minerals, lowers melting points by 200°C and more. Flux melting is a critical stage in the formation of partial melts.

Fracture networks: In hydrogeology this refers to the three-dimensional array of joints and faults for which there is interconnected permeability.

Fracture porosity: The pore space permitting fluid flow through rock fractures and joints. Fracture and joint networks are oriented according to ancient stress fields, hence the porosity will also be focused at these orientations. It tends to occur in hard rock. In crystalline or volcanic rock (the latter includes columnar joints) it is the only effective porosity.

Fumaroles: Also known as Solfataras. Geothermal gas and steam vents where temperatures are >/= 100°C. The proportion of liquid water is low. They tend to form when the watertable is deep. , Hot springs are more common where watertables. are shallow.

Geofluids: Below the watertable (local or regional) all sediment and rock is saturated with fluid – aqueous, or non-aqueous. Geofluids include:

  • Fresh and saline water (aqueous fluids in aquifers and aquitards) and hydrocarbons (oil and gas).
  • Depth of flow ranges from near surface to the deepest parts of the crust.
  • Rates of fluid flow rates range from cm/second near the surface, to cm/million years deep in the crust.
  • Aqueous fluids are involved in all chemical reactions and distribute dissolved mass through the crust, including those that form rocks, hydrocarbons, and ore deposits.
  • Fluids play an important role in how the earth deforms by reducing shear strength and elevating fluid pressures.
  • Hydrous igneous melts have lower melting points.

Geostatic pressure: An alternative term for lithostatic pressure.

Ghyben-Herzberg equation: (hydrogeology)

z = h.ρf / ρs – ρf

where z is the depth to the interface from sea level, h the watertable elevation, ρs (1.025 gm/cc) and ρf (1 gm/cc) the densities of seawater and freshwater respectively, such that:

z = 40h

This relationship is an important approximation of the interface between freshwater and seawater in coastal aquifers. The equation states that for every unit decrease or increase in watertable depth (h) there will be a corresponding 40 unit rise or fall respectively in the interface between seawater and freshwater. In practice, it provides a reasonable approximation of potential seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers that have been over-produced.

Groundwater: Water that resides in porous and permeable sediment and rock beneath the surface. The term applies equally to fresh and saline waters, in aquifers and aquitards at any depth in the crust. The term does not apply to chemically bound water, although such water may be released to groundwater during diagenesis and metamorphism. See also aquifer, hydraulic gradient.

Groundwater discharge: Natural discharge of groundwater as springs, seeps, or baseflow, at the surface or in streams, lakes, or the sea floor. Discharge occurs where the watertable (unconfined aquifers) or potentiometric surface (confined aquifers) intersect the land or water body surface, and the hydraulic gradient is sufficient to drive flow. Cf. Groundwater recharge.

Groundwater recharge: The infiltration of water from precipitation into an aquifer. For unconfined aquifers this recharge occurs at the watertable. For confined aquifers recharge occurs by slow seepage from the confining aquitards.

Groundwater residence time: The time from recharge (usually at the surface) to discharge. Residence times are briefest in unconfined aquifers, ranging from days to years. In regional groundwater flow systems these times are measured in 105 to 106 years. Groundwater dating utilises trace compounds such as fluorocarbons, isotopes like ³H (tritium from atmospheric atomic device testing), and cosmogenic isotopes such as Carbon-14, and Beryllium-10.

Grout: Grouting is used to seal sections of a well-borehole to prevent potentially contaminated water from entering.  Cement and bentonite pellets are commonly used (bentonite is a clay that swells as it absorbs water). The top of a borehole is commonly grouted to prevent surface contamination from entering. Grouting may also be used to isolate certain sections of a borehole that are being used to sample groundwater (i.e., above and below the sample interval).

Heat flow: The transfer of heat from Earth’s core and deep mantle to the surface, primarily by conduction and convection. It is expressed as milli-Watts per square metre (mWm-2).

Hydraulic conductivity (hydrogeology):  This is the proportionality constant in Darcy’s Law. It has dimensions of length/time. Hence it is also called the Darcian velocity. It is a measure of the ease with which a fluid will flow through a porous medium. Importantly, it is a function of the porous medium and the fluid, particularly the fluid viscosity. This means that oil flowing through an aquifer will have a lower hydraulic conductivity than water through the same medium. Hydraulic conductivity is used in all hydrogeological studies. In contrast, the oil and gas industry uses a different proportionality constant – the Darcy, that depends only on the porous medium.

Hydraulic gradient (hydrogeology):  The change in hydraulic head from one location to another can be stated as a gradient, which is the head difference divided by the distance between the two locations. Gradients can also be calculated from contoured potentiometric surface maps. Groundwater always flows towards locations at lower head.

Hydraulic head (hydrogeology):  Also called hydraulic potential, is a measure of the potential energy available to drive groundwater flow. From Bernoulli’s equation, the total head is:

HTotal = h (the elevation head) + P (pressure head)/ρg

For which the dimensions are in units of length, or height/depth measured to some datum. The total head is the same anywhere along a line of equal potential (equipotential); however, the elevation and pressure head components change.

Hydraulic head – elevation head (hydrogeology):  If the point of measurement is the bottom of a borehole, then the elevation head is the depth from this point to the datum. It is a component of the total head measured at that point; the other component is the pressure head. The point of measurement can be anywhere along the line of the borehole. In most cases, this line will represent an equipotential.  For example, if the point of measurement was the watertable, then total head would be made up entirely of the elevation head; the pressure head would be zero.

Hydraulic head – pressure head (hydrogeology): If the point of measurement is the bottom of a borehole, then the pressure head is the depth from this point to the watertable or other equipotential surface. It is a component of the total head measured at that point; the other component is the elevation head. The point of measurement can be anywhere along the line of the borehole. For example, if the point of measurement was the watertable, then total head would be made up entirely of the elevation head; the pressure head would be zero.

Hydraulic potential (hydrogeology): The statement of hydraulic potential derived from Bernoulli’s equation is a statement about the potential energy that drives groundwater flow. Mathematically this simplifies to potential energy E = ρgz + fluid pressure P (ignoring the kinetic energy component), where ρ = fluid density; g = gravity constant; z = depth relative to a datum. The more common expression for this is hydraulic head.

Hydraulics: A general term for the conditions promoting flow in water, air, and sediment-water mixtures, and the processes of sediment movement and deposition. Involves consideration of flow velocity, turbulence, laminar flow, frictional drag, and shear stress.

Hydrogeology: The study of subsurface fluids, particularly groundwater and its utilization,, aquifers and aquitards, fluid chemistry, its influence on rock strength and slope stability, its role in tectonics, hydrocarbon migration and trapping, and mineralization.

Hydroperiod: The duration of tidal flooding and inundation over a salt marsh – flooding only occurs during spring tides and storm surges.

Hydrostatic pressure:  At any depth, the pressure exerted by a (theoretical) overlying column of water having unit-area cross-section, is calculated from the expression P = ρgz where ρ = density of water, g = gravity constant, and z = depth from some datum, commonly sea level. Note that, assuming a cross-section of unit-area reduces volume to units of depth. It is analogous to lithostatic pressure.

Isotropy: An aquifer or aquitard is considered isotropic if its permeability or hydraulic conductivity is the same in all directions, usually specified by three principal orthogonal axes. Isotropy is often assumed in groundwater modelling as a reasonable simplification. In reality, most porous media are anisotropic.

Karst:  A landscape of gullies, canyons, and steep-sided pinnacles resulting from intense meteoric diagenesis (dissolution) of thick limestones. The relief on karst landforms ranges from 1-2 m to 100s of metres. The corresponding subterranean structures include sinkholes, caverns and underground streams.

Liquefaction:  If water-saturated sediment is disturbed, for example by earthquake ground shaking, the grains begin to separate until they are ‘floating’ in the interstitial water.  At this point, the fluid now consists not only of water but also the floating grains and a consequence of this is that fluid pressures increase.  The sand is now liquefied. It no longer has shear strength and cannot support surface loads. Eventually the grains will settle and at this point the excess water will escape to the surface. Cf. dewatering, fluidization, sand volcanoes.

Lithostatic pressure:  At any depth, the pressure exerted by the overlying column of rock and sediment having unit-area cross-section, is calculated from the expression P = ρgh where ρ = density of the rock column, g = gravity constant, and h = depth from some datum, commonly sea level. Note that, assuming a cross-section of unit-area reduces volume to units of depth. Also called overburden pressure. It is analogous to hydrostatic pressure.

Meteoric diagenesis (carbonates): Diagenesis of limestone under fresh-water conditions, both in the vadose (unsaturated) zone, and below the watertable. It is largely controlled by the degree of fresh- water seepage and groundwater flow. Vadose zone diagenesis is dominated by dissolution that, if prolonged, produces caverns, sinkholes (dolines), subterranean streams, and spectacular karst landforms. Dissolved calcium carbonate may reprecipitate as cement and fracture-fill in the saturated zone, and as stalactites-stalagmites in caves.

Meteoric flow: Subsurface flow of water or brine that originates at the surface. Most meteoric groundwater flow is driven by topographic gravitational potential. Cf. topography-driven flow, hydraulic potential.

Microporosity: Porosity that is 1-2 µm contributes to the total pore volume of a rock or sediment, but in terms of advective fluid flow it is inefficient. Transfer of dissolved mass probably takes place by diffusion.  Common examples are present in pore throats of granular rock, between clay particles in mudrocks, and between pore-filling cements.

Mud volcano: Small cone-shaped buildups associated with erupting mud, ranging from about a metre to 10s of metres high. Eruptions may be quiet where mud flows, slithers and slides down slope, or more violent, reminiscent of lava fire fountains, shooting mud 10s of metres into the air (or water). If methane is present in the mud, the eruptions can ignite. They form on land and on the sea floor.

Newtonian fluid: A rheological class wherein a fluid has no yield strength (cf. plastics), and deforms continuously (strain) with increasing stress, independent of viscosity. Water is the best known example.

Observation well: A well installed solely for the purpose of groundwater observation, particularly hydraulic head measurements. See Piezometer and Piezometer nest.

Oil migration: Hydrocarbon production in deeply buried sediments, begins in organic-rich sediment, such as oil shale. Once formed (by a series of complex chemical reactions), the oil (and gas) migrate from the shale or mudstone to more porous and permeable rocks such as sandstones and limestones. Migration is driven buoyancy forces and the flow of deep subsurface groundwater. Migration will continue until the oil is trapped (resulting in an oil field). Oil and gas that isn’t trapped will eventually find its way to the surface or sea floor and escape.

Oil seep: Oil, sometimes accompanied by gases like methane, that leak to the surface via fractures or faults, driven of buoyancy forces, or as a part of spring flow.  The hydrocarbons may be sourced from oil-prone porous rock, or from actual subsurface oil pools.

Panne: Shallow ponds on salt marsh platforms. They are usually recharged by saline water during spring tides, but the pond salinity can vary because of precipitation.

Particulate flow: Faulting of soft, non-indurated sediment results in grain rolling and sliding along the fault plane – fault core. This process changes the grain packing geometry and permeability compared with the host sediment.

Piezometer: A relatively simple borehole constructed solely for groundwater pressure observations, specifically hydraulic head. It can be used in confined and unconfined (watertable) aquifers. The borehole may be open at the base or screened – for the latter the screen mid-point depth is taken as the point of measurement for elevation and pressure head calculations. The observation wells are not pumped, but they are used to monitor head changes in nearby pumped boreholes.

Piezometer nest: Several piezometer tubes may be installed in a single borehole, each tube in the nest extending to different depths within an aquifer. Knowing the measurement point for each tube permits the calculation of vertical head gradients within an aquifer (usually confined aquifers).

Permeability: A measure of the ease with which fluids flow through porous sediment and rock. In groundwater studies it is expressed as hydraulic conductivity that has dimensions of distance/time. The hydrocarbon industry uses a dimensionless number for intrinsic permeability, the Darcy, that depends only on the porous medium. The unit reduces mathematically to units of area (ft2, m2). It is basically a measure of pore size.

Piper diagram: A matrix of three triangular plots that map the chemical compositions of water. It is based on normalized percentages of major cations (Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium), and carbonate-bicarbonate, sulphate, and chloride anions. It is useful for tracking the source of groundwater flows in aquifers derived from different rock types, and the evolution of chemical speciation.

Pollutant: A chemical or substance introduced into the natural environment by human activity. For example pesticide residues on fruit-vegetables, or excess CO2 in the atmosphere. Cf. contaminant.

Pore pressure: The pressure of fluid in the pore spaces or fractures of sediment and rock; it is usually measured or calculated with reference to the expected hydrostatic pressure at the depth of interest. Pore pressures greater than hydrostatic (over-pressured) reduce the shear strength of sediment and rock. Over-pressuring cannot be maintained unless there is some fluid trapping mechanism.

Pore throat: The narrow passages between grains in contact, that connect the larger intergranular pores. Pore throat sizes are variable, depending in part on the packing arrangement of grains and grain shapes, and range from submillimetre to a few microns. Their size and distribution are a primary control on the characteristics of fluid flow. Pore throats can be blocked and their efficacy reduced by cements, particularly clays.

Porosity – fracture:  The void space in hard rock created by joints, fractures, and faults. In rock types such as basalts and granites, this is usually the only kind of porosity that permits fluid flow. Fracture porosity commonly has directionality because of the orientation of the stresses that produce brittle failure.

Porosity – intergranular:  the void space between framework clasts within a rock or sediment. It is presented as the ratio of total void space versus total sample volume and is therefore dimensionless. Pore spaces below the watertable are always occupied by fluid – aqueous, or hydrocarbon. The porosity of a clean sand is commonly 30-35% but can be reduced to less than 1% by compaction and cementation. Mud porosity can be as high as 70% at deposition, but this too rapidly decreases during compaction.

Potentiometric surface: In hydrogeology, hydraulic heads, expressed as elevations of water levels in water wells can be mapped as a surface. Each aquifer has its own, unique, potentiometric surface. Each contour represents a line or plane of equal hydraulic head, or equipotential. The map allows prediction of water levels in new wells. It also allows calculation of hydraulic gradients and directions of groundwater flow. For confined aquifers, the potentiometric surface is an imaginary, theoretical surface. In unconfined aquifers it corresponds to the watertable (a real surface).

Pressure head: see hydraulic head.

Riparian zone: The area of land in immediate contact with a river, lake or tidal zone. It is commonly considered to be a buffer zone that is reflected in the type of vegetation, such as marsh or wetland, meadows or forests, as well as a zone of protection and management. or example a well developed riparian vegetation and soil will help trap and sequester land-derived nutrients and sediment.

Saturated zone (hydrogeology):  The part of an aquifer where pore spaces are permanently filled with water. In unconfined aquifers this occurs below the watertable.  Confined aquifers are always completely saturated. Also called the phreatic zone.

Seawater-fresh water interface: The boundary between fresh water and seawater in coastal aquifers, and aquifers that extend beneath a marine shelf. The boundary is diffuse. In coastal aquifers the depth to the interface depends on the watertable elevation above sea level – the depth is governed by the Ghyben-Herzberg principle.

Seawater intrusion: (saline intrusion) The replacement of fresh groundwater by an intruding wedge or lens of seawater. This commonly occurs in coastal aquifers where excessive fresh groundwater withdrawal results in a fall in the local watertable, and a corresponding rise in the fresh water/seawater interface by 40 times the amount the watertable has fallen. Sea water intrusion is, for practical purposes, irreversible. See Ghyben-Herzberg principle.

Screen (borehole):Part of the borehole casing that permits the transit of groundwater through narrow slots. Commonly placed at the base of a borehole, but can be placed at several depths in wells that penetrate multiple aquifers – this permits greater water production from a single borehole. In watertable aquifers the entire borehole depth may be screened. Screen slot size is less that the average or median aquifer grain size to prevent ingress of sediment.

Secondary porosity: Porosity that is created during burial diagenesis by the dissolution of chemically reactive grains such as carbonates and feldspars. Secondary porosity can enhance the overall porosity of a rock, particularly if primary intergranular pore volumes have been occluded by cements. Secondary pores may be larger than those formed during deposition, where entire grains are dissolved. Partial dissolution along twin or cleavage planes in minerals like feldspar, will result in irregular grain boundaries.

Sequestration: Storage of solid, liquid or gas so that it cannot disperse, or escape. Of recent concern is sequestration of carbon in various forms, particularly CO2 and methane. Natural sequestration occurs on rocks (coal, limestones), soils, and permafrost. Artificial sequestration of supercooled CO2 in certain rock formations (such as depleted oil fields) is considered as one means of controlling CO2 emissions.

Sinkhole: Also called Dolines, are collapse structures formed by removal of subsurface rock, either by erosion of dissolution within the vadose and saturated (phreatic) zones, are typical of limestone terrains; they can also occur in landscapes underlain by evaporites. They tend to be circular in cross-section. Collapse usually occurs rapidly into large, subsurface caverns. They are common in karst landscapes.

Supercritical liquid: A liquid that has properties somewhere between a gas and a liquid.  For example, for CO2 these properties include high solubility in oil and water; density similar to the liquid phase but much lower viscosity – the latter property enhances flow through pipes (transport)and through porous rock; low surface tension.

Topography driven flow: Groundwater flow that is driven by topographic gravitational potential. It is the dominant mechanism of groundwater flow at shallow levels of Earth’s crust, to depths of 2-3 km. It is usually expressed as hydraulic potential, or hydraulic head (H), where:

HTotal = h (the elevation head) + P (pressure head)/ρg, relative to a datum (commonly taken as sea level).


Unconfined aquifer: see Aquifer-unconfined

Unsaturated zone:  The portion of an unconfined aquifer above the watertable where pore spaces are air-filled (and approximately at atmospheric pressure). It is synonymous with  vadose zone.

Vadose zone:  The portion of an unconfined aquifer above the watertable where pore spaces are air-filled (and approximately at atmospheric pressure). It is synonymous with unsaturated zone.

Viscosity: Viscosity is used to describe a material in which its strength depends on the rate of deformation, or strain rate. From a practical point of view, it is a measure of its resistance to deformation, or flow. It is normally applied to fluids, including rocks that may behave as fluids under high confining pressures and low strain rates. In the Earth sciences, viscosity is applied to phenomena like mud flows and ice sheets, and to rocks in the mantle.

Watertable:  The level to which groundwater rises in an unconfined aquifer. It is a special kind of potentiometric surface – it is real in that it can be revealed by drilling or excavation. Watertables always have a gradient, sloping in the direction of groundwater flow. Watertables can be mapped from water level intersections in boreholes. A watertable is at atmospheric pressure for any location. Watertables tend to fluctuate seasonally as a function of recharge and natural discharge. They can also fluctuate as a result of pumping. See Equipotential


Glossary: Geochemistry and diagenesis


Abiotic: Physical and chemical conditions not directly associated with life forms, but interact with biotic conditions to form ecosystems. For example, salinity, pH, temperature, precipitation. The term includes organic compounds present in abiotic conditions such as comets. Cf. prebiotic.

Acid: A substance that releases or donates a proton when dissolved in water. The proton is a hydrogen ion that in solution associates with an H20  molecule to form H30+ , but is usually written as H+ . Acids react with bases (bases contain hydroxyl ions – OH ). Water may act as an acid or a base. Solutions with excess H+ are acidic, such that pH < 7.

Activity (geochemical): Sometimes referred to as effective concentration. The activity of an ion is the ratio of its concentration versus some standard concentration and is therefore dimensionless (unlike concentration). The ratio is calculated using an activity coefficient. It is used in equilibria because it expresses the amount of an anion or cation that is available for reaction; compare concentration that measures the total amount of an ion. In a solution like sea water there are many different cations and anions, all reacting to collisions of various kinds. For example, the CO32- anion may collide with cations other than Ca2+ (Na+, Mg2+, K+ and so on), such that the amount of CO32- available to react with Ca2+ is less than the measured concentration. In other words, the amount of CO32- available in real solutions depends not just on its overall concentration, but also on its environment. For this reason, it is preferable to use activities in thermodynamic calculations, such as equilibrium constants. The activity of solids is usually taken as 1.

Activity coefficient:  The activity coefficient (γ) for a specific ion species is related to the degree of ionic interaction with other species in solution. For dilute solutions γ approaches 1 because there are few ion interactions (γ is dimensionless). Thus, the γ value for HCO3 in fresh river water averages about 0.95, but in sea water is much lower (0.57) because of ionic interactions. Activity (a) is calculated for specific ions from the relationship:

a = γ m where m is concentration.


Aeolianite: Dune sands cemented by calcite are an example of shallow meteoric-vadose zone diagenesis. Dune sand mineralogy may be siliciclastic or bioclastic, or a mix of both. Most common in subtropical to tropical coastal dunes.

Aerobic conditions: Reactions that directly utilise available oxygen, the most obvious being respiration in life forms, where oxygen is used in metabolic reactions to generate energy (e.g., from food). In sediments this generally is associated with the metabolic activity of microbes – a distinction is made between these types of reaction and oxidation reactions that do not require intermediary metabolic activity in life forms. Cf. Anaerobic conditions.

Alizarin Red-S: This is a soluble organic acid that reacts with calcium. Distinguish between calcite (stains pink-red) and dolomite (no stain) can be easily done using this stain, on rock slabs or thin sections.

Alkalinity: Alkalinity is a measure of the amount of acid that can be added to an aqueous solution without causing significant changes to the pH; also referred to as the acid neutralizing capacity or buffering capacity. The total alkalinity of seawater is primarily determined by the major anions:

mHCO3 + 2mCO32- + minor constituents like borate, phosphate, and silicate anions.


Anaerobic conditions: conditions where metabolic reactions in life forms do not require molecular oxygen. In sediments, such reactions are commonly generated by microbes that reduce oxygen-bearing compounds like sulphate (to sulphide), nitrate (to nitrite or ammonia), and carbon dioxide to methane. Sediment where these conditions persist tend to be green-black, and may have mineral sulphides (e.g., iron, manganese). One example is the sediment beneath wetlands, including marginal marine mangrove wetlands. Cf. aerobic conditions.

Anoxic conditions: Usually applied to aqueous environments (water masses as well as connate water) where there is none, or insufficient dissolved oxygen for respiration; usually measured at less than 0.5 ml/L. Under these conditions, the sources of oxygen via bacterial reduction are from nitrates and sulphates. Once these sources are depleted carbon dioxide becomes an important source during reduction to methane. Deep waters in lakes where there is no turnover of the water mass, can become anoxic. Anoxia are also implicated in some of Earth’s major extinctions, such as the Late Permian – Triassic event. Early Precambrian oceans and lakes were probably anoxic. e.g., März and Brumsack, 2015.

Base: A base is a substance that gains a proton in aqueous solution. This can be written in a generalized way as  H+ + OH = H20.  Water can act as a base or an acid. Solutions with excess OH are basic with pH > 7.

Botryoidal cement: In limestones, this cement form is presented as radial clusters of fibrous or bladed calcite or aragonite that precipitate in more cavernous porosity. Common examples are found in reef frameworks, and fenestrae that form by mineral dissolution, gas bubbles, and crystal expansion (e.g. halite-gypsum crystal growth in sabkhas). Fenestrae are common in some cryptalgal laminates and mud mounds containing Stromatactis.

Brines: Generally used for natural waters more saline than seawater. The main dissolved salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), but calcium and magnesium sulphates are also important constituents, and there are several important trace elements, such as lithium. The primary mechanism for brine concentration in ocean basins and saline lakes is evaporation. The saturation level for NaCl is about 357 ppt (normal seawater is 32 ppt).

Calcite compensation depth (CCD): As ocean water depths increase, the partial pressure of CO2 increases and the temperature decreases – in both cases CaCO3 becomes increasingly soluble. An important consequence of this convergence is a decrease in CaCO3 saturation to the point where calcite and aragonite begin to dissolve. For calcite, the depths range from about 4.6 to 5.1 km. Aragonite is more soluble and the ACD depths are about 3 km. This means that the sea floor at or below these depth limits will tend to be devoid of calcareous sediment (particularly microfossils like foraminifera and coccoliths).

Calcite divide (geochemistry):  The stage during evaporation of brines where calcite precipitation determines the succession of minerals in waters subsequently depleted in Ca2+ and CO32-. It determines whether the brine subsequently evolves as HCO3 rich or  HCO3 poor.

Caliche: Also called calcrete. Soil horizons in which carbonate precipitation results in a hardened crust. They develop in regions in which evaporation exceed precipitation, where periods of wetting alternate with drying. Thus, carbonate textures commonly show evidence of dissolution and reprecipitation. A common product is vadose pisoids that also show evidence of multiple episodes of dissolution and precipitation. They can develop in alluvial-lacustrine and intertidal-supratidal settings.

Capillary zone:  In hydrogeology, also called the capillary fringe.  It is a relatively narrow interval above the watertable where surface tension forces on aquifer materials cause water to rise and partly fill pore spaces. The capillary fringe is part of the unsaturated, or vadose zone.

Carbonates: The most diverse group of sediments and sedimentary rocks, usually presented as limestones and dolostones. Carbonate precipitation (and dissolution) is based on the chemical equilibria involving CO2, HCO3, CO32-, and H2CO3. Their primary mineralogy includes calcite and aragonite polymorphs (CaCO3), and dolomite (Ca.Mg [CO3]2). Carbonate formation at Earth’s surface is intimately associated with biological production where precipitation is either induced directly by organisms, or indirectly promoted by the activity and metabolism of organisms. Organisms involved in carbonate production range from microbial to large invertebrates.

Carbonic acid: A weak acid that forms naturally from the reaction:

CO2 + H2O = H2CO3

It is the primary cause of slight acidity of rain (pH 5.5 to 5.8). It is an important component in the series of carbonate equilibria, particularly for pH buffering.

Chalcedony: A fibrous form of microcrystalline quartz, or chert. It commonly form radial clusters. Under crossed polars, extinction patterns are sweeping or radial.

Chemical equilibria: Chemical reactions normally written with the reactants on the left and products on the right. The two are separated by either:

  • An equal sign indicating equilibrium, where forward reactions (to the right) equal reverse reactions, or
  • By two opposing arrows that indicate forward and reverse reactions.

Equilibria should be charge and mass balanced. The quantities of reactants and products are written as concentrations or activities.

Chemical equilibrium: At equilibrium there is no net gain or loss of reactants (by convention, the left side of the equation) or products and no net change in energy. Note that this does not mean the system is static – even at equilibrium there are still collisions between ions (all reactions in solution involve collisions), but collisions on the left equal those on the right side of the equation.

Chemical facies: (hydrogeology) This is a useful concept to demonstrate the chemistry of groundwater in relation to aquifer rock-sediment composition, and the evolution of groundwater chemistry as it flows from one rock type to another. For example, flow from sandstone to limestone aquifers will be accompanied by a change in HCO3 and pH, plus the concentrations of cations like calcium and magnesium.

Chemical kinetics: Also called Reaction kinetics. This is the study of reaction rates and reaction pathways, and hence is distinct from thermodynamics that deals with energy transfer during reactions and is independent of rate. Kinetics is a measure of the rate of change (in concentration or activity) of both reactants and products, in reversible and irreversible reactions. It is particularly important in reactions that are slow relative to mass/solute transport. A good example if these conditions is the precipitation of dolomite under surface conditions – the reaction is thermodynamically favoured, but kinetically is very slow. Kinetics is related to thermodynamics in terms of equilibrium constants, the activation energy of reactions (i.e. Gibbs free energy), and temperature. As a general rule, the rate of 1st-order reactions doubles for every 10º increase in temperature.

Chemocline: A boundary within a water column at which there is a fairly abrupt change in chemical gradient. Examples include the boundary between fresh water and seawater, or changes in REDOX conditions, from oxidation to reducing.

Chemotroph: Organisms that obtain their metabolic energy and synthesize biomass (such as carbohydrates) from reduced elements like sulphur, sulphide, and ferrous iron, instead of sunlight.

Chlorite: has low birefringence, in varying shades of green (in PPL), and crystal habit that is also variable, from fibrous, spherulitic or vermiform (worm-like). May be pleochroic in shades of green and yellow. It is commonly associated with low grade metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration. In greywackes and other mud rocks it is a common replacement for clay matrix, micas, and  ferromagnesian minerals.

Clathrate: A general term for gas molecules that become trapped in an ice crystal cage. There are no chemical bonds between the gas and water ice and the gas can be released upon melting. Also called gas hydrates. Vast amounts of methane are trapped this way beneath the sea floor and in permafrost.

Cleavage: A plane of weakness within a crystal that will break with relative ease. It is caused by weak bonds between planes of atoms within a crystal lattice; the pattern of weakness repeats regularly through a crystal. Some minerals have poor or no cleavage (e.g., quartz, olivine); others have excellent cleavage along several lattice planes (e.g., calcite, feldspar). Cleavage is a defining characteristic of a mineral, particularly in thin section.

Compaction:  The process where sediment particles, once deposited, are pushed closer together to form a more tightly knit framework. Compaction begins almost immediately following deposition and continues during sediment burial. The normal compressive stress in this case is applied by the overlying sediment. Because porosity is also reduced, an additional requirement for compaction to take place is the release of interstitial water through aquifers. If fluid cannot escape (for example because of permeability barriers) then the rock body will not compact, and internal fluid pressures will rise – this is called overpressure. Mudrocks can compact to less than a tenth their depositional thickness. More rigid frameworks like sandstones compact far less. See also pressure solution, lithic fragments.

Crystallographic axes: Three or four axes about which a crystal can be rotated through 360o.  The axes intersect at a single point (the centre of symmetry). They are labelled according to their lengths. If axes are the same length, then they are referred to as a1, a2, a3 etc. If they have different lengths, they are labelled a, b, and c. Thus, in the cubic (isometric) crystal system they are labelled a1, a2, a3, and in the tetragonal system a1, a2, c. The hexagonal system is the only one with four axes. Angles between axes are labelled α, β, γ.

Crystal symmetry: Symmetry describes the shape of an object and can be represented both mathematically and visually. In crystallography, the two most useful forms of symmetry are (mainly because they are the easiest to visualize):

  1. Axes of rotation (crystallographic axes) where a particular crystal face will be repeated during rotation through 360o. The number of repetitions for a 360o rotation can be 2, 3, 4, or 6, that are referred to as two-fold, three-fold, four-fold, and six-fold (axial) symmetry respectively.
  2. Planes of symmetry where two parts of a crystal are mirror images. For an analogy, think of this concept in terms of the common bilateral symmetry in many living organisms, such as people, and many classes of mollusc. Note that planes of symmetry are NOT the same as twin planes.
  3. Additional elements of symmetry include: A centre of symmetry, where a crystal face is reflected from one side to another or is repeated by inversion, and an axis of rotary inversion.

Crystal systems: There are 6 crystal systems based on combination of the elements of symmetry; a seventh system – trigonal – is usually considered a subclass of the hexagonal system. There are 32 crystal classes based on combinations of the symmetry elements. The defining criteria are axial lengths, the angles between axes, and axial symmetry (the number of repetitions about an axis).

Cubic (or Isometric) crystal system: The most symmetric group. All three axes are the same length and are at right angles to each other.

a1 = a2 = a3                  α = β = γ = 90o

2, 3, and 4-fold symmetry depending on the class

Common crystal forms: cubes, octahedra, dodecahedra.e.g., Halite, pyrite, fluorite, garnet

Diagenesis:  The sum of physical and chemical processes in sediment, beginning soon after deposition at or immediately below the sediment-water interface, and continuing at depth in concert with increased burial temperatures, lithostatic and hydrostatic pressures, and changing fluid composition.

Dissequilibrium compaction:  Under normal conditions of compaction, fluid that is driven from pore spaces escapes without a significant increase in pore pressure – i.e. hydrostatic conditions prevail.  However, rapid deposition of low permeability deposits can impede fluid flow and under these conditions pore pressures increase; this process is called disequilibrium compaction. In many basins, this occurs at about 3km burial depths. Disequilibrium compaction is enhanced by cementation and tectonic compression.

Dispersion: In geofluids this is the process where dissolved and insoluble compounds move from their source or point of origin; observed in groundwater flow, diagenesis, and metamorphism. In these contexts there are two primary mechanisms – mechanical dispersion, and molecular diffusion.

Drusy cement: Cements consisting of calcite rhomb mosaics that line and fill pores, intraskeletal chambers, and more cavernous porosity. The size of calcite rhombs commonly increases towards the center of void spaces. Intercrystalline boundaries tend to be planar. They are common in meteoric and burial environments where they may overlie earlier fibrous or bladed cements.

Equilibrium constant: For a specific reaction, equilibrium constants are the ratio of product activities (or concentrations) divided by reactant activities; they can be determined experimentally (assuming a reaction is at equilibrium) or using thermodynamic considerations (where activities must be used). The general expression for a reaction involving ionic species in solution is:      aA + bB ↔ cC + dD, where a, b, c, and d are the stoichiometric values for each ion (e.g. 2H+).

K = cC + dD/ aA + bB at equilibrium.

In a real aqueous solution, we can determine whether a reaction will proceed to the left or right: if  cC + dD/ aA + bB is <K the reactants will convert to products (the reaction goes to the right. The opposite occurs if cC + dD/ aA + bB >K.

K is strongly dependent on temperature and pressure.


Euxinic conditions: Ocean waters that are depleted in dissolved oxygen (anoxic) and are sulphidic. The sulphide is primarily dissolved H2S. Euxinia can occur in highly stratified water bodies, such as lakes and enclosed seas where there may be an the anoxic layer occurs beneath shallower waters with varying amounts of dissolved oxygen. However, euxinia may also have occurred in larger oceanic water masses in the geological past.

Evaporative pumping:  In arid regions, intense evaporation at the surface creates a hydraulic gradient in shallow subsurface aquifers, inducing lateral groundwater and/or seawater flow to replace lost fluid. Vertical capillary flow through the unsaturated zone (above the watertable) transfers these saline fluids from the aquifer to the surface.

Ferric (iron): Fe3+, or Iron III. is the common oxidized state of iron. It is the primary form of iron in limonite (FeO(OH)·nH2O) and hematite (Fe2O3). Magnetite (Fe2+ Fe3+2 O3 contains both iron II and iron 111. The oxidised state produces the red colouration in red beds and red shales.

Ferrous (iron): Fe2+, or Iron II. This is the common reduced state of iron in aqueous solution and common minerals like siderite (FeCO3), iron sulphate (FeSO42-), iron sulphide (FeS), and pyrite (FeS2). It combines with iron III in magnetite, and substitutes for calcium (Ca2+) in ferroan calcite, and for magnesium in ferroan dolomite. Iron II is largely responsible for the greenish hues of reduced shales.

Geothermal gradient: Temperature generally increases with depth in the crust; the gradient for a particular location is stated as the temperature increase per unit depth. The global average is 3o C/ 100 m although there can be large departures from these values in regions of geothermal and volcanic activity, or regions that have cooled significantly over geological time, such as old oceanic crust.

Goldschmidt classification: The grouping of elements according to their place in the periodic table and their preferred mineral-forming phases. The four main groups are:

  • Lithophile elements – those that bond readily with oxygen; tend to concentrate in the crust: Al, At, B, Ba, Be, Br, Ca, Cl, Cr, Cs, F, I, Hf, K, Li, Mg, Na, Nb, O, P, Rb, Sc, Si, Sr, Ta, Th, Ti, U, V, Y, Zr, W, plus the Lanthanides.
  • Siderophile elements – iron-loving, mostly avoid oxygen, concentrated in the core and mantle: Au, Co, Fe, Ir, Mn, Mo, Ni, Os, Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru.
  • Chalcophile elements – bond with sulphur to form insoluble sulphides – low affinity for oxygen. The elements: Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Ga, Ge, Hg, In, Pb, Po, S, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, Tl, Zn
  • Atmophile elements – H, C, N, noble gases: mostly form gases.

Greenhouse effect: The heating of an atmosphere when gas molecules absorb certain frequencies of solar infrared energy. On Earth this involves water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, and to a lesser extent nitrous oxide. Molecular oxygen and nitrogen do not absorb infrared energy. Carbon dioxide and water vapour absorb energy at different frequencies. Note that the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere depends on temperature, unlike carbon dioxide.

Groundwater residence time: The time from recharge (usually at the surface) to discharge. Residence times are briefest in unconfined aquifers, ranging from days to years. In regional groundwater flow systems these times are measured in 105 to 106 years. Groundwater dating utilises trace compounds such as fluorocarbons, isotopes like ³H (tritium from atmospheric atomic device testing), and cosmogenic isotopes such as Carbon-14, and Beryllium-10.

Gypsum divide: The stage during evaporation of brines where gypsum precipitation determines the succession of minerals in waters subsequently depleted in Ca2+ and SO42-.  It determines whether the brines evolve as SO4 rich – Ca poor, or SO4 poor.

Halides: Anions of the Chemical Periodic Table halogen group: Fluoride F‾, chloride Cl‾, bromide Br‾, Iodide I‾, and astatide At‾. Many inorganic halides are water-soluble; most organic halides are not.

Hexagonal crystal system: This system has 4 axes, 3 of which are perpendicular to c axis.

a1 = a2 = a3 ≠ c             Angles between a1 = a2 = a3 = 120o

6-fold symmetry. Common crystal forms: Prisms, bipyramids. e.g., apatite, beryl. The Trigonal subsystem has one 3-fold axis or rotation. Three important examples are quartz, calcite and dolomite, commonly formed as bipyramids, rhombohedra, and scalenohedra.

Holomict: Lakes or seas in which there is mixing of surface and deeper waters. Bottom waters tend to be oxygenated Cf. Meromict.

Hydrolysis: Also called dissociation. The reversible reaction where H20 splits into a hydrogen ion and a hydroxyl ion, as in H20 = H+ + OH. The equilibrium constant is written as:

Kw = (H+).(OH)/( H20). The activity of H20 is usually taken as 1.0, so that Kw = (H+).(OH). At 25ºC K= 10-14.0 . Where the concentration, or activity of (H+) > (OH) is acidic, and (H+) < (OH) is basic. This is the basis for the pH scale, calculated as the -log10  of the activities.

Hypersaline: Having salinity greater than seawater (>35 parts/1000). Modern hypersaline environments are most common between the tropics but are found in such diverse places as the Antarctic dry valleys. Plant and animal life require specialized adaptations to survive these conditions. Prolonged hypersalinity may result in evaporite deposits in lakes and seas.

Karst:  A landscape of gullies, canyons, and steep-sided pinnacles resulting from intense meteoric diagenesis (dissolution) of thick limestones. The relief on karst landforms ranges from 1-2 m to 100s of metres. The corresponding subterranean structures include sinkholes, caverns and underground streams.

Kerogen: Kerogens are complex organic polymers that form during the breakdown of organic matter during the early stages of sediment burial. Three main types are identified depending on the O/C and H/C ratios of the polymer molecules: Type 1 is derived from algal organic matter, Type II from mainly marine micro-organisms, and Type III from plant material. Kerogen itself begins to break down at temperatures around 60o-80oC, as part of the organic diagenetic-maturation process. Identification of the kerogen types preserved in hydrocarbon deposits provides a good indication of the original organic matter.

Lithification: The combination of compaction and cementation that produces hard, hammer-ringing rock from loose, uncompacted sediment. Lithification depends on a complex association of physical and chemical processes. Cementation can occur at very shallow depths in the case of carbonates, or at different stages of burial depending on temperature, and rock – fluid chemistry. Compaction begins soon after deposition and continues at depth.

Lithophile elements: One of the Goldschmidt classification groups of elements that readily bond with oxygen. This means they tend to be concentrated in Earth’s crust and probably the crusts of other rocky planets – common examples are Na, Ca, Mg, Si, Al, K. as well as some of the transition metal elements like Fe, Mn. cf. siderophiles.

Lysocline: The ocean water depth where the dissolution of calcite is first observed in sediment. Its identification requires detailed observation of dissolution textures and is somewhat subjective. It lies above the calcite and aragonite compensation depths; the lysocline should, theoretically, be close to the saturation levels for both minerals.

Magnesium calcite: Also called magnesian calcite. In the calcite crystal lattice, magnesium can occupy the position of calcium, up to about 20 mole percent. Two varieties predominate in carbonate sediments and limestones: Low magnesium calcites (LMC) with <4 mole % Mg), and high magnesium calcites (HMC) with 11-19 mole % Mg). HMC commonly recrystallize to LMC during burial diagenesis.

Mechanical dispersion: In geofluids, this occurs when solute molecules are carried from the source by local eddies around grains or through fractures; this kind of tortuosity takes place at a scale much smaller than the en masse advective flow.  Cf. Molecular diffusion.

Meromict: A stratified lake or enclosed sea where the layers do not mix. Bottom water layers may become anoxic as dissolved oxygen is used up by organisms. In saline waters it applies to salt crystals that precipitate within saturated layers and then sink to the bottom.

Meteoric diagenesis (carbonates): Diagenesis of limestone under fresh-water conditions, both in the vadose (unsaturated) zone, and below the watertable. It is largely controlled by the degree of fresh- water seepage and groundwater flow. Vadose zone diagenesis is dominated by dissolution that, if prolonged, produces caverns, sinkholes (dolines), subterranean streams, and spectacular karst landforms. Dissolved calcium carbonate may reprecipitate as cement and fracture-fill in the saturated zone, and as stalactites-stalagmites in caves.

Molecular diffusion: When a solute gradually mixes with solvent molecules; in geofluids this is primarily water. The process does not involve the physical flow of water, but depends on solvent-solute properties such as polarity and charge, and vibration energies. Cf. Mechanical dispersion.

Monoclinic crystal system:  a ≠ b ≠ c                      α = γ = 90o, β ≠ 90o

2-fold symmetry.Common crystal forms: Prisms, pinacoids (flattened prisms).e.g., orthoclase, diopside, sphene, staurolite, most amphiboles.

Neomorphism: Defined by R. Folk in 1965 as the transformation between one mineral and itself or a polymorph. In other words, neomorphism is a product of recrystallisation where the bulk composition does not change, only the size and/or shape of crystals. It is common in carbonate lithologies and involves recrystallisation of both framework clasts and cements. As such it tends to cross-cut pre-existing textures and fabrics; relict textures may be preserved. Aggrading neomorphism is common in micrites where crystals increase in size in a more-or-less radial fashion.

Nitrogen cycle: The natural transfer of nitrogen and nitrogen compounds from air to soils, vegetation, water and back to the atmosphere. The natural cycle is complicated by human interventions via fertilizers (nitrates) and industrial nitrogen oxides that saturate soils and leach into shallow groundwater and surface waters. Most of the natural nitrogen fixing is done by microbes.

Nitrogen fixing: This is an important process for plant uptake of nitrogen. Plants do not get their fill of nitrogen from the air, but from soil and plant microbes (fungi, bacteria) that convert molecular nitrogen in air (N2) to water soluble compounds, principally nitrates (NO3 ). Plants utilize this soluble form, taking it up via their roots.

Oil generation window: The temperature range 80° – 120°C where hydrocarbon maturation to liquid oil from  sedimentary organic carbon, is most rapid and most productive. At an average geothermal gradient of 30°C/km, the top of the window occurs at depths of about 3 km. Organic matter subjected to temperatures >120°C is prone to gas formation.

Oil migration: Hydrocarbon production in deeply buried sediments, begins in organic-rich sediment, such as oil shale. Once formed (by a series of complex chemical reactions), the oil (and gas) migrate from the shale or mudstone to more porous and permeable rocks such as sandstones and limestones. Migration is driven buoyancy forces and the flow of deep subsurface groundwater. Migration will continue until the oil is trapped (resulting in an oil field). Oil and gas that isn’t trapped will eventually find its way to the surface or sea floor and escape.

Oil seep: Oil, sometimes accompanied by gases like methane, that leak to the surface via fractures or faults, driven of buoyancy forces, or as a part of spring flow.  The hydrocarbons may be sourced from oil-prone porous rock, or from actual subsurface oil pools.

Orthorhombic crystal system:  a ≠ b ≠ c                      α = β = γ = 90o

2-fold symmetry. Common crystal forms: Prisms, bipyramids.e.g., olivine, cordierite, hypersthene

Oxidation: The process where an atom provides electrons to another atom of a different element; and oxidized element has lost electrons. Oxidation always occurs with reduction (REDOX reactions). An oxidized element (atom) is capable of gaining electrons, in which case it becomes reduced; the initial oxidized element is referred to as a reducing agent. Thus Fe2+  is more reduced than Fe3+ ; in the mineral pyrite FeS2  iron is in the 2+ state and sulphur -1 state.

Ozone: When oxygen molecules (O2) in the stratosphere are bombarded with high energy ultraviolet light (UV) the molecule splits into two oxygen atoms. Each of these atoms in turn reacts with O2  to produce ozone, or O3.  Ozone is responsible for absorbing some of the harmful UV radiation that would otherwise reach the surface of the Earth.

Paleothermometer: Geological, paleontological and chemical tools used to determine the temperature conditions and thermal history of ancient environments, and more deep-seated processes associated with sedimentary basins, igneous and metamorphic events. They are components of rocks such as minerals, isotopes, fossils, and fluids that provide us with either a direct measure or proxies of paleotemperatures. Common examples include vitrinite reflectance of coals, fossil colour, radiogenic blocking temperatures, stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon, fission tracks, and fluid inclusions.

Paragenetic sequence: In sedimentary petrology, the sequence of mineral components precipitated (and dissolved) during diagenesis. Sequential changes in mineral composition and/or crystallographic form reflect evolving fluid compositions, fluid flow, burial temperatures, and compaction. It is analogous to cement stratigraphy.

Pendant cement: Stalactite-like cements that accumulate on the low point of grains during gravity drainage of interstitial fluid. They are common in carbonates subjected to vadose zone diagenesis.

pH: Literally the ‘potential of hydrogen’, is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. It is expressed as:

pH = -Log10 (aH+) where aH+ is the activity of H+ in solution.

This means that high concentrations of H+ have low pH values. The pH range is 0 to 14; a neutral solution has pH = 7. An acidic solution has a pH <7.0; an alkaline solution >7.0. Pure water at 25oC has a pH of 7; rain a pH of 5.0 to 5.5 (i.e. slightly acidic because of dissolved CO2), and seawater 7.5 to 8.1. The variations are partly dependent on temperature and its influence on the carbonate equilibria.

pH buffering: Carbonate equilibria do not operate in isolation. If the amount of dissolved CO2(aq) is increased this does not mean that the amount of H+(aq) will increase by the same amount because some of the CO2 forms H2CO3 (aq), some HCO3(aq), and some CO32- (aq), such that the amount of H+ added is small. In other words, the cascade of equilibria acts to buffer the system against large changes in pH.

Phase diagram: The graphical representation of different states for a compound, as solid, liquid, or gas. The phase diagram for water is plotted as pressure against temperature; the triple point where all three phases coexist is at 0.01oC and 608 pascals (0.006 atmospheres). For carbon dioxide the diagram also shows gas, solid and liquid phases, plus a supercritical liquid phase.

Photosynthesis: A process that converts sunlight energy to chemical energy in plants, cyanobacteria, and algae. One of the chemical products is molecular oxygen(O2), that in plants is formed from carbon dioxide reacting with water in plant cells to produce sugars and oxygen. It is generally understood that most of Earth’s free oxygen was produced during the Precambrian by cyanobacterial stromatolites.

Photic zone: The uppermost layer of the oceans and lakes where light penetrates; the base of the zone is at about 1% of incident sunlight. On average it is about 200 m deep. It is the layer where more than 95% of photosynthesis by marine organisms takes place.

Ppb: Parts per billion

Ppm: The abbreviation for parts per million. For water this equates to 1mg/Litre.

Ppt: The abbreviation for parts per thousand. Also written as ‰.


Piper diagram: A matrix of three triangular plots that map the chemical compositions of water. It is based on normalized percentages of major cations (Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium), and carbonate-bicarbonate, sulphate, and chloride anions. It is useful for tracking the source of groundwater flows in aquifers derived from different rock types, and the evolution of chemical speciation.

Pressure solution: The dissolution of rock components (framework clasts and cements) as a result of differential compressive stress. Common products of pressure solution are stylolites. Conditions required for dissolution to take place are:

  • Differential compressive stresses develop at intergranular contacts,
  • Interstitial fluids must be undersaturated with respect to the mineral phase under stress,
  • Dissolved components are transported from the grain contacts to regions of lower compressive stress; this requires efficient fluid movement, and
  • The solute reprecipitates some distance from its point of origin.

Reaction kinetics: See Chemical kinetics.


Recrystallisation:  In sedimentary rocks this involves the transformation or replacement of a mineral with itself, and usually entails changes in crystal size and shape (but not bulk composition): as in micritic calcite to sparry calcite, or aragonite to its polymorph calcite. The term was originally coined for the process of annealing in metals, which is a dry process. Recrystallisation in sedimentary rocks is always a wet process that involves dissolution of a mineral at grain boundaries, followed by precipitation. It tends to cross-cut original textures, destroying them in the process.

REDOXReactions in which oxidizing and reducing agents combine; thus one atom is oxidized and the other reduced simultaneously. For example, in the sour, toxic gas hydrogen sulphide (H2S), 2 H atoms lose an electron each to the sulphur atom; 2H+ S2-.

Reduction: When an atom gains electrons it becomes reduced. It has electrons to spare and can donate them to the atom of another element that has a deficit of electrons (i.e. it is oxidized). A reduced element that donates electrons is a reducing agent.  Cf. Oxidation, REDOX.

Saline lake brines:  Unlike seawater, terrestrial brines have widely variable compositions, depending on local soil and bedrock compositions, groundwater chemistry, and the degree of evaporitic drawdown. Typical brines contain Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, SO42-, HCO3, CO32-, and SiO2, but concentrations are highly variable. pH ranges from highly alkaline to highly acidic. Evaporation pathways produce a succession of different minerals. See also calcite-gypsum divides.

Saturation: Saturation (Ω) is the ratio of the measured ion activity (or concentration) product and the standard solubility product (Ksp) for a mineral. If Ω >1 then the solution is supersaturated with respect to the mineral; if Ω <1 then it is undersaturated and the mineral will dissolve. If Ω = 1 then the mineral is at equilibrium with the solution.

Saturation depth: In ocean chemistry this boundary identifies when seawater becomes unsaturated with respect to calcite (or aragonite). The saturation depth is determined by comparing the measured solubility product of either the activity or concentrations of Ca2+ and CO32- in seawater samples, with the equilibrium solubility product at the same temperature and water pressure.

Secondary porosity: Porosity that is created during burial diagenesis by the dissolution of chemically reactive grains such as carbonates and feldspars. Secondary porosity can enhance the overall porosity of a rock, particularly if primary intergranular pore volumes have been occluded by cements. Secondary pores may be larger than those formed during deposition, where entire grains are dissolved. Partial dissolution along twin or cleavage planes in minerals like feldspar, will result in irregular grain boundaries.

Sequestration: Storage of solid, liquid or gas so that it cannot disperse, or escape. Of recent concern is sequestration of carbon in various forms, particularly CO2 and methane. Natural sequestration occurs on rocks (coal, limestones), soils, and permafrost. Artificial sequestration of supercooled CO2 in certain rock formations (such as depleted oil fields) is considered as one means of controlling CO2 emissions.

Sericite: A flaky white mica and common alteration product of feldspar. In thin section it usually presents as fine ragged crystals (rather than the more uniform muscovite flakes), concentrated along feldspar cleavage planes, or distributed across the entire crystal. It has high birefringence and appears to sparkle against the dull background of altered grains and matrix.

Siderophile elements: Literally iron-loving elements, they include the high density transition metals that bond with iron in solid and molten states. They can also bond with sulphur and carbon. As such they tend to concentrate in Earth’s core and to a lesser extent the mantle. They re rare in the crust. Most, except for Fe and Mn have a low affinity for oxygen. The list includes Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Ga, Ge, Hg, In, Pb, Po, S, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, Tl, Zn – Sulphur is also a volatile element and at Earth’s surface combines with oxygen to form sulphate anions.

Solubility product: Solubility product expresses whether a mineral will dissolve or precipitate in aqueous solutions, at specified temperatures and pressures. For example, aragonite in seawater, the reaction is CaCO3(solid) ↔ Ca2+(aq) + CO32-(aq). At equilibrium the solubility product is

Ksp = (aCa2+).(a CO32-) / (a CaCO3 solid)

The activity of the solid calcite is 1, such that the constant at equilibrium becomes:

Ksp = (aCa2+).(a CO32-)

(aCa2+).(a CO32-) is also called the activity product. In real solutions, if (aCa2+).(a CO32-) is >Ksp, then aragonite will precipitate; if <Ksp it will dissolve. See also saturation.

Solute: A chemical compound that has dissolved in a solvent. In geofluids, the solvent is primarily water; common solutes are various chlorides, sulphates, hydroxides, nitrates and phosphates. In all these compounds, the solute will consist of cations and an anions surrounded by water molecules.

Solute transport: The movement or flow of dissolved mass in a fluid, usually water. The primary mechanisms of transport are advective flow and diffusion. Transport is usually accompanied by chemical reactions.

Solvent: A liquid (usually) capable of dissolving and maintaining solutions of solid compounds. Water is the most prominent geofluid solvent. Organic solvents are important for industrial processes.

Stalactite:  Tubes, straws. and threads of calcite that hang from the ceiling in the drip zone of caves. Groundwater, initially undersaturated with respect to calcite can, with sufficient transfer of atmospheric CO2, become supersaturated, promoting precipitation. Pillars or columns form when stalactites meet stalagmites, their cave-floor counterpart. They are a type of speleothem, a group of cave precipitation structures that includes cave wall linings (drapery), flowstone, and cave pearls. Stalactites and stalagmites can also form from dripping lava.

Stalagmite: Commonly conical shaped mounds of calcite that grow from cave floors as a result of the steady drip of seepage groundwater. They are the cousin of stalactites.

Strong acid: See weak acid.


Structure grumeleuse: A term introduced by Lucien Cayeux in 1935, refers to clotted limestone textures where isolated, diffuse patches of micrite are surrounded by coarser neomorphic spar; the overall texture appears clotted. At times it can be difficult to distinguish between this recrystallisation texture and primary peloidal limestones.

Stylolite:  Saw-tooth like, discordant seams that signify pressure solution of rock components (framework clasts and cements). They are most common in carbonates but can form in siliciclastic rocks. They represent differential compressive stresses at grain-to-grain contacts, the dissolution and mass transfer of carbonate by diffusion and fluid flow. Stylolites commonly parallel bedding (from normal compressive stress) but also form oblique to bedding.

Tetragonal crystal system: Liken this group to isometric crystals stretched along the c axis.

a1 = a2 ≠ c                    α = β = γ = 90o            Mostly 2- and 4-fold symmetry. Common crystal forms: Prisms, bipyramids with or without prisms. e.g., zircon, chalcopyrite, rutile

Thermocline: The ocean layer extending from about 200m to 1000m depth where the temperature decreases rapidly. Below the thermocline the water temperature varies little from about 4o

Triclinic crystal system:  The least symmetric group. a ≠ b ≠ c                      α ≠ β ≠ γ ≠ 90o

No axes of symmetry!  Common crystal forms: Prisms, bipyramids. e.g., microcline, plagioclase, kyanite

Triple point: On a phase diagram, it is the point in pressure-temperature space where solid, liquid and gas phases of a compound coexist.

Tufa: A natural, surface precipitate of calcium carbonate in alkaline lakes, rivers, springs and geothermal hot pools, promoted by degassing of CO2 as the waters exit to the surface. Degassing of CO2 results in an increase in pH, and concomitant increase in the stability of CO32- and HCO3 aqueous species and the degree of calcite saturation. It is also possible that microbial activity also promotes precipitation. Tufas tend to be highly porous; they can encase dead critters and vegetation. Travertines are a denser form of surface calcite precipitation. Extensive deposits are typically terraced.

Twinning: A symmetrical intergrowth of two separate crystals of the same mineral, that share the same mineral lattice. In thin section under crossed nicols, each twin segment will go into extinction at different rotations of the microscope stage. There are many kinds of twinning. For example, plagioclase may show albite, carlsbad, or pericline twins individually or as combinations in the same crystal. Important optical properties of twins that help mineral identification include extinction angle (whether straight or inclined), and 2V angles. Note that twin planes are NOT the same as planes of crystal symmetry.

Unit cell: At the atomic scale, the arrangement of atoms that represents the fundamental structure of a mineral in crystal form. The crystals we see consist of a three-dimensional array of stacked unit cells. This means that the overall shape of the crystal mimics its unit cell. The simplest unit cell is a cube; cubes of the same size will stack perfectly. Not all polygonal geometries allow such stacking, for example cells with triangular sides will stack neatly together, but those with 5-sided faces (pentagons) will not. Consideration of the unit cells and their symmetry forms the basis for definition of the 6 (or 7) crystal systems.

Vadose zone:  The portion of an unconfined aquifer above the watertable where pore spaces are air-filled (and approximately at atmospheric pressure). It is synonymous with unsaturated zone.

Vitrinite reflectance: Vitrinite is a component of coal that forms by thermal alteration of plant tissues.  The intensity of reflection from a polished surface of vitrinite samples increases with coal rank. The reflectance is measured and compared with standard values d to determine coal rank.

Weak acid – strong acid: A general classification that depends on how easily an acid donates a proton (H+ ) to a water molecule to form H3O+ . A weak acid will partially dissociate (i.e. split into its constituent H+ and anion, leaving some of the acid in solution. All the reactions involving carbonate and carbonic acid are weak acid reactions. Strong acids dissociate completely – they donate all their H+ . Common examples include hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4).
