Tag Archives: Belcher Islands Proterozoic

Sedimentary structures: Stromatolites


Exhumed stromatolite domes

A look at stromatolites and cryptalgal laminates in outcrop

This is part of the How To…series  on describing sedimentary rocks

Two billion years ago, life was in full swing. Rocks in the Belcher Islands (Hudson Bay, Canada) record some of these ancient life forms, the microorganisms, dominated by prokaryotic cyanobacteria (sometimes called blue-green algae). Careful teasing of the rock record reveals their story, where we see a wonderful array of delicately laminated mats (or cryptalgal laminates), and stromatolites, those architectural delights are preserved as simple domes, complexly branched columns, and even vast, reef-like build-ups. The environments in which they grew ranged from the most landward extent of ocean tides (supratidal) to deeper shelf and platform. Prokaryotic cyanobacteria are mostly photosynthetic organisms meaning that stromatolite growth took place within the photic zone; the water depth limit of modern marine photic zones is about 200m.

All the images here are from Belcher Islands. Al the examples occur in dolostones, where the original carbonate (aragonite, calcite, high magnesium calcite, protodolomite) was replaced by dolomite during early through late burial diagenesis.

The Atlas of Stromatolites and Cryptalgal Laminates contains many more excellent examples.


What is a stromatolite?

Most definitions of usually include the following attributes (Walter, 1972; Bosak et al. 2013, Suosaari et al. 2019):

  • They are organosedimentary structures, which means that biological and sedimentary processes are involved in their growth
  • Their biological foundations are microbes; prokaryotic cyanobacteria during the Precambrian, with increasingly important contributions from eukaryotes like green and red algae,  and phytoplankton such as diatoms during the Phanerozoic.
  • They tend to accrete from the sediment-water or substrate interface via trapping of fine sediment and precipitation of carbonate.
  • Accretion may be laminar (laminated stromatolites abound in Precambrian rocks), or as diffuse, non-structured or clotted forms known as thrombolites.

Some studies in the 1950s-60s, particularly by Russian geologists (or at that time Soviet geologists), advocated biological controls on stromatolite morphology, conferring biostratigraphic value to Precambrian genera like Inzeria, Conophyton, and Tungussia (an example is shown below). This would indeed have been a happy circumstance, given that most of the Precambrian lacks any other biostratigraphic markers. Unfortunately, with burgeoning interest in stromatolites from the 1970s and on, it became apparent that stromatolite morphology was largely a function of environmental conditions – this is particularly true for high energy environments (e.g. waves and currents in intertidal and shallow subtidal environments), although biological controls may gain in importance in low energy conditions (e.g. deeper subtidal).


Something to keep in mind as you work through these structures

Stromatolites in outcrop commonly appear as columns or domes, in some cases extending vertically several metres. But their sea-floor profiles, or synoptic relief during growth were low. We can visualize this when tracing individual laminae or sets of laminae (ie. the original mat surface) from one column to the next. Your average intertidal, shallow shelf or platform stromatolite extended no more than a few millimeters or centimeters above the sea floor. Some large mounds, or reef-like structures had a few metres relief; but nothing like more recent coral reefs. This also means that the environmental conditions for incremental growth must have been stable for long periods of time (decades to perhaps 1000s of years). This needs to be kept in mind when looking at cryptalgal structures in outcrop; their apparent size can be misleading.

Illustration of synoptic relief on the growing surfaces of domal and bulbous stromatolites. The dashed line traces a single set of laminae across several structures.

Illustration of synoptic relief on the growing surfaces of domal and bulbous stromatolites. The dashed line traces a single set of laminae across several structures.

Stromatolite morphology

The chart shown here is one of M.R. Walter’s (1972) early categorizations of stromatolite shapes, laminae structure, branching, and ornamentation. There have been a few iterations, but the basic descriptive attributes have not changed.

Chart showing the morphological description of stromatolites


Associated sedimentary structures

The list includes some of the more common structures in sedimentary facies associated with stromatolitic buildups. Typical environmental indicators are also noted. Phanerozoic stromatolites may be accompanied by benthic, infaunal and epifaunal invertebrates.


Other useful links in this series

Mineralogy of carbonates: Stromatolite reefs

Sedimentary structures: coarse-grained fluvial

Sedimentary structures: fine-grained fluvial

Sedimentary structures: Mass Transport Deposits

Sedimentary structures: Turbidites

Sedimentary structures: Shallow marine

Describing sedimentary rocks; some basics

Measuring a stratigraphic section


The images

A nice polished surface showing anastomosing and coalescing domal stromatolites, and oncoids that became stabilized, forming the foundations for larger domes. Subtidal, washed by currents and subjected to occasional storms. McLeary Formation.

A nice polished surface showing anastomosing and coalescing domal stromatolites, and oncoids that became stabilized, forming the foundations for larger domes. Subtidal, washed by currents and subjected to occasional storms. McLeary Formation.


Large stromatolite domes with low synoptic relief and bridging laminae. Probably deeper subtidal. Mavor Formation.

Large stromatolite domes with low synoptic relief and bridging laminae. Probably deeper subtidal. Mavor Formation.


Exhumed, elongate stromatolite domes on bedding. Stromatolite elongation and orientation is useful for paleocurrent analysis. The intermound muds have been preferentially removed by erosion. Synoptic reliefs here commonly 5-10 cm. Shallow subtidal subjected to wave and current wash. McLeary Formation.

Exhumed, elongate stromatolite domes on bedding. Stromatolite elongation and orientation is useful for paleocurrent analysis. The intermound muds have been preferentially removed by erosion. Synoptic reliefs here commonly 5-10 cm. Shallow subtidal subjected to wave and current wash. McLeary Formation.


Closely spaced, parallel branched stromatolite columns. Good wall structure, and some ornamentation on the columns. Shallow subtidal, washed by waves. McLeary Formation

Closely spaced, parallel branched stromatolite columns. Good wall structure, and some ornamentation on the columns. Shallow subtidal, washed by waves. McLeary Formation


Bedding showing a plan view of densely packed stromatolite columns. This is the same bed as the image of parallel-sided columns shown above. Shallow subtidal, washed by waves. Hammer for scale (circled)

Bedding showing a plan view of densely packed stromatolite columns. This is the same bed as the image of parallel-sided columns shown above. Shallow subtidal, washed by waves. Hammer for scale (circled)


Highly divergent branching typical of the form Tungussia. I have made an attempt to trace the columns and laminae (inset). Mavor Formation. Dolomite recrystallization in this unit has been relatively intense; this tends to obscure the finer structural details

Highly divergent branching typical of the form Tungussia. I have made an attempt to trace the columns and laminae (inset). Mavor Formation. Dolomite recrystallization in this unit has been relatively intense; this tends to obscure the finer structural details


Some really nice microdigitate and wavy-undulating cryptalgal laminates. Scouring interrupted growth at several stages, and also produced mud-mat rip-ups. Mostly intertidal. McLeary Formation

Some really nice microdigitate and wavy-undulating cryptalgal laminates. Scouring interrupted growth at several stages, and also produced mud-mat rip-ups. Mostly intertidal. McLeary Formation


Changing mat morphology, from undulating to wavy, pustulose, and ultimately microdigitate structures, reflecting progressive deepening from supratidal, through intertidal. possibly shallowest subtidal. McLeary Formation. Scale is 3 cm long.

Changing mat morphology, from undulating to wavy, pustulose, and ultimately microdigitate structures, reflecting progressive deepening from supratidal, through intertidal. possibly shallowest subtidal. McLeary Formation. Scale is 3 cm long.

Right image shows traces of some of the growth and erosion surfaces. The sequence begins with simple domes that contain many internal discordances resulting from desiccation and erosion by storms. These morph into digitate columns that grew atop the domes and along their sloping margins. The brown coloured columns have been silicified (resistant); the remainder are dolomite (all in grey hues). Domes and columns are truncated by a major event that left a skinny deposit of cryptalgal mat rip-ups and oncoids in various stages of growth. The topmost layer consists of relatively simple cryptalgal-microbial laminates, but these too contain local erosional discordances. Coin is 19 mm diameter.

Right image shows traces of some of the growth and erosion surfaces. The sequence begins with simple domes that contain many internal discordances resulting from desiccation and erosion by storms. These morph into digitate columns that grew atop the domes and along their sloping margins. The brown coloured columns have been silicified (resistant); the remainder are dolomite (all in grey hues). Domes and columns are truncated by a major event that left a skinny deposit of cryptalgal mat rip-ups and oncoids in various stages of growth. The topmost layer consists of relatively simple cryptalgal-microbial laminates, but these too contain local erosional discordances. All these events contained within a sequence 38 cm thick. Coin is 19 mm diameter. Kasegalik Fm. Belcher Islands.


Lots going on in this 40 cm thick interval. In the lower section intertidal-supratidal microbial mats and carbonate mud layers have been disrupted by desiccation and moved around during storm surges. In the middle section, eroded carbonate hardground slabs are stacked edgewise (aka edgewise conglomerate) that in bedding views can be mapped as discontinuous pavements; modern analogues form on relatively high energy beaches. The pavements were later colonised by thin cryptalgal laminates (mats) that contain delicately preserved microdigitate structures - the laminate carbonate here has been partly replaced by silica (chert). Top section is a mix of mud rip-ups, oncolites (concentric layered cryptalgal structures) and carbonate sand that may also be the product of storm surges. 2Ga Belcher I.

Lots going on in this 40 cm thick interval. In the lower section intertidal-supratidal microbial mats and carbonate mud layers have been disrupted by desiccation and moved around during storm surges. In the middle section, eroded carbonate hardground slabs are stacked edgewise (aka edgewise conglomerate) that in bedding views can be mapped as discontinuous pavements; modern analogues form on relatively high energy beaches. The pavements were later colonised by thin cryptalgal laminates (mats) that contain delicately preserved microdigitate structures – the laminate carbonate here has been partly replaced by silica (chert). Top section is a mix of mud rip-ups, oncoids (concentric layered cryptalgal structures that rolled around the sea floor) and carbonate sand that may also be the product of storm surges. 2Ga Belcher I.



 T. Bosak, A.H. Knoll, and A.P. Petroff, 2013. The Meaning of Stromatolites. Annual Reviews of Earth & Planetary Science, v. 41, p. 21-44. Free Access. Lots of great references.

E.P. Suosaari, R.P. Reid, and M.S. Andres, 2019. Stromatolites, so what?! A tribute to Robert N Ginsberg. Depositional Record, v. 5, p. 486-497. Open Access. Evaluates some of the main controversies with stromatolites and microbialites. Lots of great references.

M.R. Walter, 1972. Stromatolites and the biostratigraphy of the Australian Precambrian and Cambrian. The Palaeontological Association London, Special Papers in Palaeontology 11. Free Access

M.R. Walter, 1976 (Editor). Stromatolites. Developments in Sedimentology 20, Elsevier. Contains papers on all aspects of cryptalgal laminate, including discussions on biostratigraphic utility (or lack of).


Atlas of submarine fans and channels


Early Miocene soft-sediment deformation as a recumbent anticline, Army Bay, NZ

Submarine fans and channels

The Atlas, as are all blogs, is a publication. If you use the images, please acknowledge their source (it is the polite, and professional thing to do).

Beyond the slope (continental slope or delta slope) is the deep ocean floor, at depths usually measured in 100s to 1000s of metres.  Sediment that has bypassed the shelf is transported through submarine canyons and gullies by turbulent flows of mud and sand (turbidites), or debris flows that are capable of moving a much greater range of clast sizes, from pebbles to chunks of rock or dislodged sediment having dimensions in the 10s to 100s of metres. A lower sea floor gradient at the base of the slope, plus frictional forces along the sea floor and overlying water, causes these flows to decelerate. The sediment accumulates in submarine fans, that have dimensions measured in 10s to 100s of kilometres.

The earliest models of submarine fan construction and architecture in the late 60s early 70s (e.g. Walker, Normark, Mutti and Ricci Luchi), and the plethora of model variations since, are based primarily on reconstructions from the rock record, with a smattering of new, actualistic observations.  All these models have certain commonalities – in terms of their stratigraphic and geomorphic architecture, they contain elements of proximal to distal components of fan lobes, submarine channels, channel levees and overbank, and dislocation of slope, fan or channel sediment packages by slumping and sliding. Sediment dispersal is generally attributed to turbulent flows (turbidity currents),  debris flows (ranging from highly fluid to plastic), and grain flows (less common), against a background of normal oceanic traction currents and pelagic-hemipelagic sedimentation.  I have tried to illustrate as many of these attributes as possible in the images that follow.

Ancient submarine fan deposits illustrated here include: the Lower Miocene Waitemata Basin near Auckland, New Zealand; the Paleocene of Point San Pedro,  Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, and Dana Point successions, all in California; and Proterozoic examples from Belcher Islands (about 1800-1900 Ma).

This link will take you to an explanation of the Atlas series, the ownership, use and acknowledgment of images.  There, you will also find links to the other categories.

Click on the image for an expanded view, then ‘back page’ arrow to return to the Atlas.


The images:

Typical exposure of Miocene submarine fan turbidites along Auckland's coasts                  Thick, Lower Miocene proximal turbidites overlain by a thinning-fining upward sequence of channel overbank or lobe fringe deposits, Leigh, north Auckland.

Typical exposure of Waitemata Basin strata around Auckland coastal cliffs: Left; mid-fan turbidites at Takapuna Beach. Right; thick, proximal submarine fan-channel capped by thinning-upward overbank facies, north end of Goat Island Marine Reserve.

Lower Miocene drape-folded turbidites over basement greywacke paleotopographic highs, Omana Beach, AucklandWaitemata Basin turbidites near the base of the succession, folded by compaction over paleotopographic highs on Jurassic-Permian metagreywacke basement. Omana Beach, south Auckland




Thick, proximal to mid-fan turbidites and possible channel overbank, Waitemata Basin, Goat Island Marine ReserveThick, proximal to mid-fan turbidites and possible channel overbank, Waitemata Basin, Goat Island Marine Reserve.





The thicker, upper unit is is a laminated Tb Bouma interval with mudstone rip-up clasts, and a partly eroded-disrupted Td interval at the top - traced laterally this unit becomes composite.  The thick mudstone beds are probably a combination of Td,e intervals.  Takapuna Beach, Auckland.The thicker, upper unit is is a laminated Tb Bouma interval with mudstone rip-up clasts, and a partly eroded-disrupted Td interval at the top – traced laterally this unit becomes composite.  The thick mudstone beds are probably a combination of Td,e intervals.  Takapuna Beach, Auckland.




Turbidite beds, well developed Bouma Tb-d intervals, with oversteepened and convoluted ripple drift (Tc interval), Lower Miocene Waitemata Basin, Cockle Bay, Auckland.                    Turbidite beds, well developed Bouma Tb-d intervals, with oversteepened and convoluted ripple drift (Tc interval), Lower Miocene Waitemata Basin, Cockle Bay, Auckland.

Turbidite beds, well developed Bouma Tb-d intervals, with oversteepened and convoluted ripple drift (Tc interval), Lower Miocene Waitemata Basin, Cockle Bay, Auckland.

Event bed: A thin Bouma Tb layer (at the coin) is overlain by a thin, rippled Tc (just above the coin), that subsequently was eroded by a thin, but coarse-grained sandy flow that ripped up local mudstone slabs and wafers. The middle grey mudstone is mostly Te (hemipelagic) with small bottom-current ripples redistributing sand across a thin layer. Waitemata Basin, Cockle Bay, south Auckland.A thin Bouma Tb layer (at the coin) is overlain by a thin, rippled Tc (just above the coin), that subsequently was eroded by a thin, but coarse-grained sandy flow that ripped up local mudstone slabs and wafers. The middle grey mudstone is mostly Te (hemipelagic) with small bottom-current ripples redistributing sand across a thin layer. Waitemata Basin, Cockle Bay, south Auckland.



Convoluted siltstone-fine sandstone, truncated by the next flow unit, in which there is a thin, gritty Ta interval. Waitemata Basin, Cockle Bay, south Auckland.Convoluted siltstone-fine sandstone, truncated by the next flow unit, in which there is a thin, gritty Ta interval. Waitemata Basin, Cockle Bay, south Auckland.





A composite flow unit with well developed Tb laminations (lowest), and near the top a scour surface formed by the succeeding flow.  Waitemata Basin, north end of Goat Island Marine Reserve.A composite flow unit with well developed Tb laminations (lowest), and near the top a scour surface formed by the succeeding flow.  Waitemata Basin, north end of Goat Island Marine Reserve.





Thick, coarse-grained laminated Tb interval, Musick Point, Auckland.Thick, coarse-grained laminated Tb interval, Musick Point, Auckland.






Thick Bouma Ta-b composites; most of the intervening, skinny Td mudstone (center) has been eroded.  Waitemata Basin, Cockle Bay.Thick Bouma Ta-b composites; most of the intervening, skinny Td mudstone (center) has been eroded.  Waitemata Basin, Cockle Bay.





Dewatering of this turbidite (during very early burial) is indicated the concave-up dish structures, and small synsedimentary faults that terminate just above the dish structures. Waitemata Basin, Musick Point,Dewatering of this turbidite (during very early burial) is indicated the concave-up dish structures, and small synsedimentary faults that terminate just above the dish structures. Waitemata Basin, Musick Point,




Coalified wood fragment (outlined), intensely bored by Miocene Toredo-like marine worms, Waitemata Basin, Goat Island Marine Reserve.Coalified wood fragment (outlined), intensely bored by Miocene Toredo-like marine worms, Waitemata Basin, Goat Island Marine Reserve.





Very think, composite debris flows containing abundant pebbles, cobbles and boulders of basalt, and subordinate sedimentary and mafic igneous clasts. Interpreted provenance of the clasts varies between two extremes: an active, early Miocene volcanic arc on the western margin of Waitemata Basin; and more recently as debris from oceanic islands (see Shane et al, 2010, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, open access). Motuihe Island, Auckland.                    Very think, composite debris flows containing abundant pebbles, cobbles and boulders of basalt, and subordinate sedimentary and mafic igneous clasts. Interpreted provenance of the clasts varies between two extremes: an active, early Miocene volcanic arc on the western margin of Waitemata Basin; and more recently as debris from oceanic islands (see Shane et al, 2010, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, open access). Lower flow units have large rafts of locally derived, deformed mudstone. The debris flow is overlain by thick, proximal fan turbidites.  An iconic outcrop at Waiwera, north Auckland

Very think, composite debris flows containing abundant pebbles, cobbles and boulders of basalt, and subordinate sedimentary and mafic igneous clasts. Interpreted provenance of the clasts varies between two extremes: an active, early Miocene volcanic arc on the western margin of Waitemata Basin; and more recently as debris from oceanic islands (see Shane et al, 2010, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, open access). Left: Motuihe Island, Auckland. Right: an iconic outcrop at Waiwera, north Auckland. Lower flow units have large rafts of locally derived, deformed mudstone. The debris flow is overlain by thick, proximal fan turbidites.

Mixed matrix-supported and some clast-supported textures in Waitemata Basin debris flows. Waiwera                    Mixed matrix-supported and some clast-supported textures in Early Miocene Waitemata Basin debris flows. Karekare, west coast Auckland

Mixed matrix-supported and some clast-supported textures in Waitemata Basin debris flows. Left: Waiwera (same as the left image above); Right: Karekare, Auckland west coast.

A massive raft of columnar-jointed basalt, a remnant of either a lava flow of dyke from an oceanic island somewhere west of the basin. The weight of the block and compaction have pushed it into the underlying turbidite beds. Early Miocene Waitemata Basin, Army Bay, Auckland.A massive raft of columnar-jointed basalt, a remnant of either a lava flow of dyke from an oceanic island somewhere west of the basin. The weight of the block and compaction have pushed it into the underlying turbidite beds. Waitemata Basin, Army Bay, Auckland.




This Early Miocene soft-sediment recumbent fold is detached from strata below along a relatively undisturbed glide plane.  The lower limb is also cut by small faults. Army Bay, AucklandProbably the most photographed slump fold in Waitamata Basin, Army Bay. The recumbent structure is detached from strata below along a relatively undisturbed glide plane.  The lower limb is also cut by small faults.




Classic slump folded turbidites, confined to a specific interval; strata above and below are relatively undeformed.  Fold sandstone limbs are partly detached or pulled apart, and some mudrocks have been fluidized,  Waitemata Basin, Takapuna, Auckland.                   Broken soft-sediment fold, with partially fluidized mudrock below the central detached limb.  Waitemata Basin, Little Manly Beach. Deformation involved plastic, brittle and fluidal sediment behaviour

Left: Classic slump folded turbidites, confined to a specific interval; strata above and below are relatively undeformed.  Fold sandstone limbs are partly detached or pulled apart, and some mudrocks have been fluidized,  Waitemata Basin, Takapuna, Auckland. Right: Broken soft-sediment fold, with partially fluidized mudrock below the central detached limb.  Waitemata Basin, Little Manly Beach.

Isoclinal folding in thin-bedded mudstone-sandstone (left center), and a sandy turbidite bed deformed by rotated boudins (upper right). All these structures formed while the sediment was at a transition from relatively soft to weakly indurated. Early Miocene Waitemata Basin, Army Bay, north Auckland.Isoclinal folding in thin-bedded mudstone-sandstone (left center), and a sandy turbidite bed deformed by rotated boudins (upper right). All these structures formed while the sediment was at a transition from relatively soft to weakly indurated. Waitemata Basin, Army Bay, north Auckland.



Soft sediment deformation in Waitemata Basin, includes small thrusts (fault plane indicated by arrows), with folded strata in the hanging wall, and small drag folds in the footwall.  Waiwera, north Auckland.Soft sediment deformation in Waitemata Basin, includes small thrusts (fault plane indicated by arrows), with folded strata in the hanging wall, and small drag folds in the footwall.  Waiwera, north Auckland.




Intensely folded turbidites on a horizontal, undeformed glide plane, Waitemata Basin, Orewa Beach, Auckland. A synsedimentary fault cutting the sequence on the centre-right is also terminated at the glide plane.Intensely folded turbidites on a horizontal, undeformed glide plane, Waitemata Basin, Orewa Beach, Auckland.





A nice view of Paleocene turbidites, Point San Pedro, California.Paleocene turbidites, Point San Pedro, California.







Successive cycles of thinning upward and thin bedded, distal fan turbidites, Point San Pedro, California.                     Cyclic, thinning upward interchannel facies, Paleocene Point San Pedro, California.

Left: Successive cycles of thinning upward and thin bedded, distal fan turbidites, Point San Pedro, California.  Right: Cyclic, thinning upward interchannel facies, Paleocene Point San Pedro, California.

Small slump package in thinly bedded distal fan facies, Point San Pedro, California.Small slump package in thinly bedded distal fan facies, Point San Pedro, California.






Submarine channel sandstone overlain by thin sandy turbdites and overbank mudstone. Point San Pedro, California.Submarine channel sandstone overlain by thin sandy turbdites and overbank mudstone. Point San Pedro, California.






Thick submarine fan channel and overbank, Point San Pedro, California.Thick submarine fan channel and overbank, Point San Pedro, California.






Classic outcrops of pebbly mudstone - matrix-supported debris flows, that probably accumulated in proximal fan channels. Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, California.                       2. Classic outcrops of pebbly mudstone - matrix-supported debris flows, that probably accumulated in proximal fan channels. Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, California.

Classic outcrops of pebbly mudstone – matrix-supported debris flows, that probably accumulated in proximal fan channels. Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, California.


A variation on the debris flow theme, with well stratified conglomerate and commonly clast-supported frameworks, that are inferred to have formed from more fluid flows than their pebbly mudstone counterparts. Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, California.A variation on the debris flow theme, with well stratified conglomerate and commonly clast-supported frameworks, that are inferred to have formed from more fluid flows than their pebbly mudstone counterparts. Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, California.




A broader view of stratified, possibly surging debris flows in proximal fan channels. Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, California.A broader view of stratified, possibly surging debris flows in proximal fan channels. Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, California.





Slump folded, and partly fluidized turbidites in Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, California.Slump folded, and partly fluidized turbidites in Upper Cretaceous Pigeon Point, California.





Thin Bouma Tb-c flow units, Pebble Beach, California. the middle unit has developed some excellent flame structures. the lower unit contains sand-filled burrows, and detached load casts.Thin Bouma Tb-c flow units, Pebble Beach, California. the middle unit has developed some excellent flame structures. the lower unit contains sand-filled burrows, and detached load casts.





Dish structures and pillars indicating dewatering (fluid expulsion) during early burial by the overlying sandy turbidites. Rosario Group, San Diego.Dish structures and pillars indicating dewatering (fluid expulsion) during early burial by the overlying sandy turbidites. Rosario Group, San Diego.





Stacking of sandstone and conglomerate-filled submarine channels in the Miocene Capistrano Formation, Dana Point, California.Stacking of sandstone and conglomerate-filled submarine channels in the Miocene Capistrano Formation, Dana Point, California.






Submarine channel sandstones and overbank facies exposed at Wheeler Gorge, California.

Submarine channel sandstones and overbank facies exposed at Wheeler Gorge, California.


Bedding style in the Omarolluk Fm. turbidite succession, Proterozoic, Belcher Islands (about 1800-1900 Ma). Mid fan channel sandstone and overbank                     Bedding style in the Omarolluk Fm. turbidite succession, Proterozoic, Belcher Islands (about 1800-1900 Ma).  More proximal sandstone facies.

Bedding style in the Omarolluk Fm. turbidite succession, Proterozoic, Belcher Islands (about 1800-1900 Ma). On the left, mid fan channel sandstone and overbank; on the right more proximal sandstone facies.

A paper on the Omarolluk Formation: Ricketts, B.D.  1981: A submarine fan – distal molasse sequence of Middle Precambrian age, Belcher Islands, Hudson Bay; Bulletin Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 29, p. 561-582.

Channel overbank facies containing thin graded sandstone, thin sandstone beds with ripples and starved ripples, and Bouma Td-e mudstones. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher IslandsChannel overbank facies containing thin graded sandstone, thin sandstone beds with ripples and starved ripples, and Bouma Td-e mudstones. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands





Four incomplete Bouma cycles, each Tb with thin Tc.  The whitish patches are very early diagenetic concretions.  Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.Four incomplete Bouma cycles, each Tb with thin Tc.  The whitish patches are very early diagenetic concretions.  Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.





Thin Bouma Tc-d mid-fan cycles, with ripple drift, flame structures, and a small scour. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.Thin Bouma Tc-d mid-fan cycles, with ripple drift, flame structures, and a small scour. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.





A Bouma Tb-c cycle with  well developed and oversteepened ripple drift, overlain by a thicker Tb cycle with only a thin Td cap. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher IslandsA Bouma Tb-c cycle with  well developed and oversteepened ripple drift, overlain by a thicker Tb cycle with only a thin Td cap. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands





Bouma Tc-d intervals and convoluted laminae. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands A view of Bouma Tc-d intervals and convoluted laminae. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands






Sole structures beneath sandy turbidites - here, flute casts are superposed on grooves. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.                    Sole structures beneath sandy turbidites. - large flute casts are slightly deformed (block is about a metre across). Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.

Sole structures beneath sandy turbidites. On the left, flute casts are superposed on grooves. On the right, large flute casts are slightly deformed (block is about a metre across). Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.

Large flute cast, paleoflow to top right. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands. Large flute cast, paleoflow to top right. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands






Dewatering of turbidites, soon after deposition, produced thin fluid-escape pillars:, a cross-section view. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands                    Dewatering of turbidites, soon after deposition, produced thin fluid-escape pillars: a bedding plane view of small sand-mud volcanoes. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands

Dewatering of turbidites, soon after deposition, produced thin fluid-escape pillars (left, cross-section view), and on bedding planes, small sand-mud volcanoes. Right image is a bedding view. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands


Oblique view of thick Bouma Tb units, and sheets of dewatering pillars formed during very early burial and compaction. Segregation of sheets through the sandstones is a function of different permeabilities between successive flow layers.                   2. Oblique view of thick Bouma Tb units, and sheets of dewatering pillars formed during very early burial and compaction. Segregation of sheets through the sandstones is a function of different permeabilities between successive flow layers.                  3. Cross-sction view of thick Bouma Tb units, and sheets of dewatering pillars formed during very early burial and compaction. Segregation of sheets through the sandstones is a function of different permeabilities between successive flow layers. 

Oblique views of thick Bouma Tb units, and sheets of dewatering pillars formed during very early burial and compaction. Segregation of sheets through the sandstones is a function of different permeabilities between successive flow layers.  Dark globular shapes on left image, and white patches in the middle image, are early diagenetic calcite concretions (see images below). Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands

Proximal submarine channel conglomerate consisting almost entirely of reworked calcite concretions. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.                    Detail of channel conglomerate consisting almost entirely of reworked calcite concretions. Elongate clasts are concretions that formed in laminated and rippled Tc intervals; the ovoid and spherical concretions are coarser grained and formed in Ta or Tb Bouma intervals. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.

Left: Proximal submarine channel conglomerate consisting almost entirely of reworked calcite concretions. Right: Detail of the channel conglomerate clasts. Elongate clasts are concretions that formed in laminated and rippled Tc intervals; the ovoid and spherical concretions are coarser grained and formed in Ta or Tb Bouma intervals. Omarolluk Fm. Proterozoic, Belcher Islands.

Stacked event beds, mostly in Td intervals in this view, with significant detachment of convoluted-folded very thin sandstone beds. Subvertical, wrinkled conduits, 2-3 mm wide, are dewatering pillars formed by escaping fluids during early compaction.  These units are associated with inter- lava flow turbidites in the volcanic Flaherty Fm, Proterozoic Belcher Islands (Flaherty volcanics overlie the Omarolluk Fm.),Stacked event beds, mostly in Td intervals in this view, with significant detachment of convoluted-folded very thin sandstone beds. Subvertical, wrinkled conduits, 2-3 mm wide, are dewatering pillars formed by escaping fluids during early compaction.  These units are associated with inter- lava flow turbidites in the volcanic Flaherty Fm, Proterozoic Belcher Islands (Flaherty volcanics overlie the Omarolluk Fm.),

